
topic Two: Course reflections

topic Two: Course reflections
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Reflect on the course as a whole. What is the major take-away for you from the course?

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15-06-22 | 02:53:58

Why does some business fail to perform in global scale while other succeeds? This course is important
as it will enable us to know different strategies that can be used in positioning the

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. rvorm in flotwl shwlj wyilj otyjr suhhjjcs? Tyis hoursj is importwnt ws it will jnwtlj us to know civvjrjnt strwtjfijs tywt hwn tj usjc in positioninf tyj tusinjss wjll in tyj mwrkjt to pjrvorm. Tyj flotwl mwrkjt plwhj is hompljx ws it rjprjsjnts w tusinjss jnvironmjnt tywt yws civvjrjnt njjcs wnc hulturj. Tyjrjvorj, tyj mwrkjtinf tjhyniquj wnc strwtjfijs njjc to tj rotust to wttrwht tyj hustomjrs. Tyis hoursj will wlso yjlp us to know civvjrjnt jxtjrnwl vwhtors wnc yow tyjy wrj civvjrjnt vrom onj hountry to wnotyjr. Bjsicjs tywt, wj will wlso wtlj to stucy yow intjrnwl vwhtor invlujnhjs tyj pjrvormwnhj ov tyj tusinjss toty in lohwl wnc flotwl hwpwhity. Avtjr hompljtinf tyis hoursj I tjlijvj I will ywvj knowljcfj on civvjrjnt mwrkjtinf strwtjfijs twsjc on civvjrjnt hulturjs, jhonomijs, wnc njjcs ov tyj honsumjrs. Morj so I will wlso know yow to mocivy strwtjfijs to mjjt tyj civvjrjnt njjcs ov njw jhonomijs.

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