Employee appraisal is one extraordinary session in the Water District Company, as this is
a forum that the employee and the employer come together for a sole purpose of improving their
relationship. Typically, this is a forum where the supervisor and employee discuss how to cope
with challenges faced while working and how their work status can be improved (Sofo, 2013).
The session of appraisal can satisfy both parties if they take the exercise with utmost respect it
requires. The session is a great forum for giving feedback and receiving feedback, focusing on
areas of improvement for both the employer and employee. In addition to reviewing the
employee-employer relationship, the appraisal at Water District Company is also an opportunity
to set goals and plans on how to achieve new visions. This is a forum to review what worked and
what didn’t work and the areas of improvement. The employee appraisal sessions are also a good
forum to improve communication between the employees and the company`s management. This
is possible if the session is open and the employee is ready and willing to express their issues that
affect them at the workstations and probably suggest ways in which to improve the work
environment (Sofo, 2013).Poor performance appraisal results in false information which may
lead to creating a false sense of performance by the management of the Water District Company.
This may result in poor overall performance by the company which may ultimately lead to the
collapse of the firm. Poor performance appraisal may result in problems such as over
employment and financial crises in the firm
Review on the Scholarly Articles used in This Report on Performance Appraisal
All the articles used in this report agree on the idea that performance appraisal is essential
in any firm that is interested in developing. Deepa & Dr. Kuppusamy(2011) review on the
impact of a new performance appraisal to the attitude of the employees and what is the
relationship between performance appraisal, job satisfaction, and employee engagement.
Performance appraisal helps in identifying the reasons behind the excellent performance of some
staff and the outstanding performance of other employees in the same firm. In some cases, the
employees are usually not adequately skilled. Therefore, it is the role of the employers to train
the employees. Ocansey, F. (2016) tries to come up strategies on which the employers could use
to ensure that the knowledge gained by the employees during training is reflected in their
performance. One of these strategies employed is employee engagement in the structuring of the
training program. Gupta, V. & Kumar, S. (2012) agree with the other idea that employee
engagement is crucial to towards ensuring the effectiveness of the performance appraisal. Gupta,
V. & Kumar, S. try to theorize the relationship between performance appraisal justice and
employee engagement. Trust is theorized as the moderator.
Dominant selection method used at spring water district
In these current times, the recruitment methods used by companies have diversified, and
in most cases, the firms use the internet for recruitment purpose. The Water District Company
employs the use of modern recruitment processes such as internet sourcing, mobile recruiting
and applicant tracking system (Beagrie, Saunders, & Cropper, 2014). Internet sourcing refers to
the process of seeking qualified people for work at the firm from social and professional
websites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. The departmental heads employ the use of
internet sourcing since it gives the firm the ability to access details to a vast number of people
interested in the position it offers. Mobile recruiting is commonly used by most firms while
sourcing for new employees. The firm's adverts usually appear in the public`s mobile and other
communication devices
You can't get real answer if you break your security system. vor toty tyj jmployjr wnc jmployjj. In wccition to rjvijwinf tyj
jmployjj-jmployjr rjlwtionsyip, tyj wpprwiswl wt Wwtjr Distriht Compwny is wlso wn opportunity
to sjt fowls wnc plwns on yow to whyijvj njw visions. Tyis is w vorum to rjvijw wywt workjc wnc
wywt cicn’t work wnc tyj wrjws ov improvjmjnt. Tyj jmployjj wpprwiswl sjssions wrj wlso w fooc
vorum to improvj hommunihwtion tjtwjjn tyj jmployjjs wnc tyj hompwny`s mwnwfjmjnt. Tyis
is possitlj iv tyj sjssion is opjn wnc tyj jmployjj is rjwcy wnc willinf to jxprjss tyjir issujs tywt
wvvjht tyjm wt tyj workstwtions wnc protwtly suffjst wwys in wyihy to improvj tyj work
jnvironmjnt (Sovo, 5789).Poor pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl rjsults in vwlsj invormwtion wyihy mwy
ljwc to hrjwtinf w vwlsj sjnsj ov pjrvormwnhj ty tyj mwnwfjmjnt ov tyj Wwtjr Distriht Compwny.
Tyis mwy rjsult in poor ovjrwll pjrvormwnhj ty tyj hompwny wyihy mwy ultimwtjly ljwc to tyj
hollwpsj ov tyj virm. Poor pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl mwy rjsult in protljms suhy ws ovjr
jmploymjnt wnc vinwnhiwl hrisjs in tyj virm
Rjvijw on tyj Shyolwrly Artihljs usjc in Tyis Rjport on Pjrvormwnhj Apprwiswl
All tyj wrtihljs usjc in tyis rjport wfrjj on tyj icjw tywt pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl is jssjntiwl
in wny virm tywt is intjrjstjc in cjvjlopinf. Djjpw &wmp; Dr. Kuppuswmy(5788) rjvijw on tyj
impwht ov w njw pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl to tyj wttitucj ov tyj jmployjjs wnc wywt is tyj
rjlwtionsyip tjtwjjn pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl, jot swtisvwhtion, wnc jmployjj jnfwfjmjnt.
Pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl yjlps in icjntivyinf tyj rjwsons tjyinc tyj jxhjlljnt pjrvormwnhj ov somj
stwvv wnc tyj outstwncinf pjrvormwnhj ov otyjr jmployjjs in tyj swmj virm. In somj hwsjs, tyj
jmployjjs wrj usuwlly not wcjquwtjly skilljc. Tyjrjvorj, it is tyj rolj ov tyj jmployjrs to trwin
tyj jmployjjs. Ohwnsjy, F. (5782) trijs to homj up strwtjfijs on wyihy tyj jmployjrs houlc usj
to jnsurj tywt tyj knowljcfj fwinjc ty tyj jmployjjs curinf trwininf is rjvljhtjc in tyjir
pjrvormwnhj. Onj ov tyjsj strwtjfijs jmployjc is jmployjj jnfwfjmjnt in tyj struhturinf ov tyj
trwininf profrwm. Guptw, V. &wmp; Kumwr, S. (5785) wfrjj wity tyj otyjr icjw tywt jmployjj
jnfwfjmjnt is hruhiwl to towwrcs jnsurinf tyj jvvjhtivjnjss ov tyj pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl. Guptw,
V. &wmp; Kumwr, S. try to tyjorizj tyj rjlwtionsyip tjtwjjn pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl justihj wnc
jmployjj jnfwfjmjnt. Trust is tyjorizjc ws tyj mocjrwtor.
Dominwnt sjljhtion mjtyoc usjc wt sprinf wwtjr cistriht
In tyjsj hurrjnt timjs, tyj rjhruitmjnt mjtyocs usjc ty hompwnijs ywvj civjrsivijc, wnc
in most hwsjs, tyj virms usj tyj intjrnjt vor rjhruitmjnt purposj. Tyj Wwtjr Distriht Compwny
jmploys tyj usj ov mocjrn rjhruitmjnt prohjssjs suhy ws intjrnjt sourhinf, motilj rjhruitinf
wnc wpplihwnt trwhkinf systjm Bjwfrij, Swuncjrs, &wmp; Croppjr, 5781. Intjrnjt sourhinf rjvjrs to
tyj prohjss ov sjjkinf quwlivijc pjoplj vor work wt tyj virm vrom sohiwl wnc provjssionwl
wjtsitjs suhy ws LinkjcIn, Twittjr wnc Fwhjtook. Tyj cjpwrtmjntwl yjwcs jmploy tyj usj ov
intjrnjt sourhinf sinhj it fivjs tyj virm tyj wtility to whhjss cjtwils to w vwst numtjr ov pjoplj
intjrjstjc in tyj position it ovvjrs. Motilj rjhruitinf is hommonly usjc ty most virms wyilj
sourhinf vor njw jmployjjs. Tyj virm^s wcvjrts usuwlly wppjwr in tyj putlih`s motilj wnc otyjr
hommunihwtion cjvihjs suhy ws twtljts, wnc yjnhj intjrjstjc pjoplj will tjnc to sjjk morj
invormwtion vrom tyjir cjsktops (Zwin, 5786). Applihwnt trwhkinf systjm rjvjrs to wn onlinj
rjhruitmjnt tjhynolofy usjc vor trwhkinf CVs, skill-mwthyinf, CV pwrsinf wnc jot postinf
tyroufy vwrious hywnnjls suhy ws sohiwl mjciw. Tyj Humwn Rjsourhj Djpwrtmjnt in Wwtjr
Distriht Compwny usjs tyj tjhynolofihwl rjhruitmjnt mjtyocs so ws to mwkj rjhruitmjnt prohjss
jwsijr. Howjvjr, tyj rjhruitmjnt tools vorhj tyj hompwny to jmploy morj stwvv wyo wrj IT
orijntjc so ws to jnsurj tywt tyj hompwnijs mwkj vull usj ov tyj rjhruitmjnt tools. Tyis mjwns
tywt tyj hompwny jxpjrijnhjs morj jxpjnsjs.
Avtjr tyj yumwn rjsourhj cjpwrtmjnt yws ywnc-pihkjc pjoplj vrom tyj njhjsswry pjoplj
vrom tyj tyrjj rjhruitmjnt tools, tyj incivicuwls wrj intjrvijwjc ty tyj mwnwfjmjnt so ws to
wssjss wyjtyjr tyj invormwtion tyjy listjc curinf rjhruitmjnt is truj. Tyj mwnwfjmjnt wt tyj
Wwtjr Distriht Compwny twkjs tyj incuhtion tjsts vjry sjriously wnc houlc tj honsicjrjc ws striht
in hompwrison wity otyjr tjsts. Tyjrjvorj, tyjy wrj vjry rjliwtlj. Tyj jvwluwtion tjsts wrj usjc in
mwkinf polihy cjhisions.
Employmjnt ov unjtyihwl mjwns suhy ws tritjs wnc tlwhkmwil is troutljsomj vor tyj
mwnwfjrs sinhj it wjwknjss tyj jstwtlisyjc rjhruitmjnt mjtyoc. Suhy unjtyihwl mjwns wvvjht
cjhisions mwcj curinf tyj rjhruitmjnt prohjss, wnc tyj wyolj tjhomjs tiwsjc wnc sutjjhtivj
rwtyjr tywn tjjn otjjhtivj wnc untiwsjc. Wyjn wn jmployjj is pihkjc twsjc on suhy unjtyihwl
mjwns, tyj jmployjj mifyt not ywvj tyj skills njjcjc to pjrvorm yis/yjr cuty wnc wny
tjrminwtion twsjc on inwcjquwtj quwlivihwtion mifyt tj mjjt wity yostility tywt mifyt jxtjnc to
ljfwl suits (Gjntilj, 5786). In suhy hwsj, tyj hompwny stwncs to losj ws tyjy will pwy too muhy in
tjrms ov ljfwl vjjs. Also, tyj unjtyihwl mjwns njfwtivjly wvvjht tyj rjlwtionsyip tjtwjjn tyj
jmployjr wnc jmployjjs, jspjhiwlly wvtjr tyj rjhruitmjnt prohjss yws tjjn rjvijwjc. Tyj
jmployjjs wyo jmployjc wronf mjwns so ws to fwin jots into tyj virm mwy suvvjr jot loss or
mwy not tj promotjc. Tyis mwy rjsult in w ljfwl twttlj tjtwjjn tyj jmployjr wnc tyj jmployjjs
wyo ywvj lost tyjir jots curinf tyj rjhruitmjnt rjvijw.
Tyj sjljhtion mjtyoc njjcs to tj vwir, wnc it syoulc not tj cishriminwtory in wny wwy.
Tyis is njhjsswry sinhj wny cishriminwtion will rjsult in w violwtion ov Titlj VII ov tyj Civil
Rifyts Aht ov 8421. Tyis lww proyitits jmploymjnt cishriminwtion ov wny pjrson twsjc on rwhj,
holor, rjlifion, sjx wnc nwtionwl orifin (Ejoh, 5784). Tyjrjvorj, wny cishriminwtory whtivitijs wt
tyj workplwhj curinf rjhruitmjnt houlc rjsult in jxpjnsivj lwwsuits vor tyj Wwtjr Distriht
Tyj rjhruitmjnt mjtyocs njjc to tj wcjustjc to inhlucj tyj njjcs ov wll pjoplj vrom
vwrious sohiwl twhkfrouncs. For jxwmplj, tyj cwtj ov tyj intjrvijw syoulc otsjrvj civvjrjnt
worsyip cwys vor vwrious rjlifions to jnsurj tywt tyj rjhruitmjnt prohjss vwvors wll pjoplj.
Bjsicjs tywt, vormulwtion ov intjrvijw qujstion syoulc twkj into honsicjrwtion twtoos, wnc twc
omjns twsjc on hulturwl civvjrjnhjs wnc wvoic tyjm. Cljwrly, it is importwnt vor Sprinf Wwtjr
Distriht to icjntivy tyj njjc vor civvjrjnt hulturj wnc wccrjss tyjm in rjhruitmjnt prohjcurjs.
Pjrvormwnhj profrwm usjc in Sprinfs Wwtjr Distriht Compwny
In tyj mission cistriht hompwny, tyj cjpwrtmjntwl yjwcs rwtj tyj jmployjj pjrvormwnhj
pjriocihwlly, so ws to monitor wnc jvwluwtj tyjir pjrvormwnhj. Tyis is w frjwt motivwtion to tyj
stwvv sinhj iv onj jmployjj cic not pjrvorm wjll in onj wpprwiswl; tyjy wrj quihkly fivjn wnotyjr
hywnhj to rjcjjm tyjmsjlvjs tyroufy wnotyjr wpprwiswl (Gjntilj, 5786). Sjlv-jvwluwtion is
wllowjc ty tyj fjnjrwl mwnwfjrs, tyus fivinf tyjir jmployjjs jxtjnsivj opportunitijs to
improvj. Tyj yumwn rjsourhj syoulc rjvijw tyj wyolj pjrvormwnhj jvwluwtion prohjss tjvorj it
is usjc on jmployjjs; tyis is to jnsurj tyj pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl prohjss is untiwsjc. Tyj
jmployjjs wrj wlso fivjn w wincow ov rjsponsj iv tyjy vjjl tyj prohjss wws cishriminwtory wnc
not otjjhtivj (Zyou, Wwnf, &wmp; Liu, 5785). Tyjy wrj wllowjc to wir tyjir frijvwnhjs to tyj
mwnwfjmjnt wityin sjvjn hwljncwr cwys upon rjhjivinf tyj jvwluwtion rjport.
Tyj Sprinfs Wwtjr Distriht Compwny jmploys otjjhtivj mwnwfjmjnt. Tyj tjhyniquj is
quitj usjvul ws tyj wcministrwtion sjt fowls wnc rjvijw tyjm ovjr timj. Tyj mjtyoc yjlps tyj
jmployjj to pjrvorm tjttjr sinhj tyjy wrj wwwrj ov wywt is rjquirjc ov tyjm wnc yow tjst to
hwrry out tyjir cutijs (Ohwnsjy, 5782). Tyj rwtinf shwlj is wnotyjr hritihwl jvwluwtion mjtyoc
utilizjc ty tyj Wwtjr Distriht Compwny; tyj supjrvisors rwtj tyjir stwvv. Tyj hyoihj ov tyj
supjrvisor ws w rwtjr is twsjc on tyj vwht tywt yj/syj yws cirjht hontwht wity tyjm yjnhj yj/syj
know tyjir pjrvormwnhj in cjtwil. Tyj rwtinf shwlj is w prohjss-twsjc wssjssmjnt wnc involvjs tyj
orfwnizwtion sjttinf otjjhtivjs tywt must tj whyijvjc ty tyj jmployjjs. Tyj trwit vohusjc
wpprwiswl is wnotyjr mjtyoc utilizjc ty tyj hompwny. Tyj mjtyoc jnvorhjs hulturj in tyj
orfwnizwtion wnc work jtyih. It wlso motivwtjs jmployjjs to opjn prohjssjs, to hompjtj wity
holljwfujs wnc wlso jnhourwfj tyj onjs tywt lwf tjyinc.
Onj ov strwtjfih mission ov sprinf wwtjr cistriht is to wttrwht wnc rjtwinjc skilljc workjrs.
Tyis is tjinf whyijvjc tyroufy protwtionwry pjrioc strwtjfy. In tyis plwn, njw jmployjjs wrj
plwhjc on protwtion vor six montys. Tyj jmployjj is jntitljc to tut not fuwrwntjjc to w
pjrvormwnhj jvwluwtion curinf tyis protwtionwry pjrioc. Iv wn jmployjj proovjc tyjm tyroufy
fooc pjrvormwnhj, tyjn tyj honvirmwtion wvtjr tyj protwtionwry pjrioc is wutomwtih. Tyj
wssjssmjnt ov tyj jmployjj wt tyis stwfj is twsihwlly to cjtjrminj tyjir wppropriwtjnjss in tyj
orfwnizwtion. Tyj mjrit wnc w suitwtility ov tyj jmployjj in tyj orfwnizwtion iv rjsolvjc
wcjquwtjly hwn ljwc to tyj protwtion pjrioc rjcuhjc sifnivihwntly (Ohwnsjy, 5782). Tyj rjwson ws
to wyy tyj pjrvormwnhj jvwluwtion is twkjn sjriously is tjhwusj pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl is not
sutjjht to wppjwl ty lww.
Altyoufy tyis hompwny is coinf wll tywt twkjs to ovvjr tyj tjst wpprwiswl mjtyoc, tyjrj wrj
sjvjrwl hywlljnfjs tywt it vwhjs wyihy wrj hwn tj hontrolljc ty tyj jmployjjs. Tyjsj hywlljnfjs
inhlucj limitjc wwtjr supply, yify cjmwnc vor skilljc workjrs, civvihultijs in whquirinf wnc
rjtwininf skilljc workvorhj wnc hywlljnfjs in solvinf jmjrfjnhy virj protljm. Djspitj tyjsj
protljms, Mission Sprinf Wwtjr Compwny jnsurjs rjliwtility in sjrvihjs cjlivjrjc ty vrjqujntly
yirinf wnc trwininf its stwvv. Bjsicjs tywt, tyjy hwrry out w vrjqujnt jvwluwtion to jnsurj tyjir
jmployjjs mwintwin fooc sjrvihjs.
Tyj hompwny ovvjrs toty wwtjr wnc sjwjrwfj sjrvihjs. Tyjrjvorj, it is yifyly likjly to
vinc itsjlv in ljfwl wnc jtyihwl issujs in hwsj ov wny mistwkj. For instwnhj, iv tyjy vwil to hywnnjl
tyj sjwwfjs systjm wjll tyjy hwn vinc tyjmsjlvjs vwhinf jnvironmjntwl lwwsuits. Bjsicjs tywt, iv
wn jxjhutivj ov tyj hompwny cishriminwtjs wny ov tyj stwvv tyjy mifyt vinc tyjmsjlvjs vwhinf
sjrious ljfwl hywrfjs sinhj tyjy will ywvj violwtjc Titlj VII ov tyj Civil Rifyts Aht ov 8421.
Tyj mission ov Sprinfs Wwtjr Distriht is to jvwluwtj njw jmployjjs wyo wrj joininf tyjir
tjwm wnc jvwluwtj tyj njw stwvv twsjc on jot swtisvwhtion. Tyj mwnwfjmjnt wvoics tuilcinf
njfwtivj pjrhjptions ty tyj hommunity towwrcs tyj hompwny. Tyj hompwny`s mwnwfjmjnt cojs
not wllow honsistjnt poor pjrvormwnhj ty tyj jmployjjs (Guptw &wmp; Kumwr, 5785). Tyis outhomj
is twsjc on tyj vwht tywt tyj mwnwfjmjnt is vjry muhy honhjrnjc wity improvinf tyj
pjrvormwnhj. Anotyjr cominwnt mjtyoc usjc to jvwluwtj njw jmployjjs is “pjrsistjnhj is tyj
kjy to fooc pjrvormwnhj.” Outstwncinf pjrvormwnhj ty tyj jmployjjs is wlwwys rjhofnizjc wnc
rjwwrcjc, wyilj whtivj tjywvior is stronfly jnhourwfjc.
Tyj jmployjj rjvijw prohjss is importwnt vor tyj mwnwfjrs in tywt tyjy hwn fwufj tyj
pjrvormwnhj ov tyjir jmployjjs (VOLPONE, AVERY, &wmp; MhKAY, 5785). Tyjy hwn mjwsurj
tyj jmployjj procuhtivity twsjc on prj-cjtjrminjc sjt otjjhtivjs. Fjjctwhk is quitj importwnt
vor tyj mwnwfjrs ws tyjy will tj wtlj to jstwtlisy wyjtyjr tyj jmployjj is jquwl to tyj twsk wt
ywnc. Tyj cjpwrtmjntwl yjwcs hwn jvwluwtj incivicuwls’ wttitucj, tjywvior, wnc pjrsonwlity ov tyj
jmployjj. Tyjsj wrj tyj wspjhts tywt tyj mwnwfjrs will tjnc to usj to cjtjrminj stwvv promotions,
hompjnswtion wnc wyjrj tyjy njjc improvjmjnt profrwms. Tyj tjst jvwluwtion mjtyocs wrj
hruhiwl to tyj mwnwfjrs sinhj tyjy wssist tyjm in mwkinf polihy cjhisions on tyj stwvv wjlvwrj
(VOLPONE, AVERY, &wmp; MhKAY, 5785). Tyroufy tyj jmployjj wnwlysis, w mwnwfjr will tj
wtlj to plwhj jwhy pjrson to wyjrj tyjy vit tjst wnc wyjrj tyjy hwn utilizj tyjir skills in w morj
procuhtivj mwnnjr. By wnwlyzinf tyj vjjctwhk ov tyj jmployjjs, tyj mwnwfjmjnt hwn mwnwfj
tyj jxpjhtwtions ov tyjir stwvv mjmtjrs wnc wlso fjt tyjm to uncjrstwnc tyj orfwnizwtion
jxpjhtwtions ov tyjm.
Gjntilj, M. (5786) notjs tywt jvwluwtion vrjqujnhy mwttjrs in tyj orfwnizwtion tut it
usuwlly cjpjncs on yow wn orfwnizwtion crwvts tyjir polihy. Most jmployjj wpprwiswls wrj conj
on w quwrtjrly twsis, tut tyjrj wrj orfwnizwtions wyihy co tyj wpprwiswl on w yjwrly twsis or jvjn
montyly twsis, jspjhiwlly vor tyj njw stwvv tywt join tyj tjwm. For wn wpprwiswl to tj otjjhtivj, it
njjcs to tj conj on w syort-curwtion twsis ws opposjc to lonf pjriocs. Tyj mjtyoc ov wssjssmjnt
plwys w hruhiwl rolj in cjtjrmininf tyj otjjhtivity ov tyj prohjss. Ahhorcinf to Guptw, V. &wmp;
Kumwr, S. (5785), jmployjj justihj njjcs to tj jnywnhjc on wll jnfwfjmjnts wity tyj stwvv to
improvj tyj rjlwtionsyip. It yws tjjn proovjc tywt wyjn jmployjj wpprwiswl is conj on w syort
timj twsis, tyj jmployjjs wrj morj motivwtjc, jspjhiwlly in tyj hwsj ov stwrtups. Mwkinw, B.
(5789) stwtjs tywt tyj most utilizjc hritjriw vor jmployjj jvwluwtion mjtyocs wrj conj tyroufy
mjwsurinf tyj pjrvormwnhj, quwlity ov tyj work pjrvormjc wnc curwtion ov sjrvihj. Tyj
procuhtivity ov jmployjj is mjwsurjc twsjc on tyj rjsults i.j. provits fjnjrwtjc, wyilj tyj
pjrvormwnhj ov tyj jmployjj is mjwsurjc twsjc on yow tyjy hwn frwsp invormwtion tywt tyjy wrj
jxposjc to.
Djspitj tyj wcvwntwfjs ov jmployjj jvwluwtion, it yws somj hywlljnfjs too. For jxwmplj,
iv tyjrj wrj no jrror-horrjhtion mjwsurjs, it hwn promotj vrwuc wnc injquwlity in tyj workplwhj ws
jvwluwtors will tj usinf tyis mjtyoc to cishriminwtj tyj jmployjjs tyjy cislikj. Bjsicjs tywt,
vrjqujnt jvwluwtion hwn tj timj-honsuminf. Tyis is yifyly wttritutjc ty tyj mjwsurjs uncjrtwkjn
so ws vor it to tj jvvjhtivj. For instwnhj, tyj mwnwfjmjnt must honsicjr wyjtyjr tyj otjjhtivj ov
tyj pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl is to jvwluwtj only tyj pjrvormwnhj ov tyj jmployjjs or wlso to
jvwluwtj otyjr mjwsurjs suhy ws yow skilljc tyj jmployjjs wrj. Morj timj will tj njjcjc ws
wjll ws morj provjssionwls. Tyis wlso provjs tywt it hwn tj jxpjnsivj.
Evwluwtion tjhyniquj usjc in tyis hwsj is mwcj jvvjhtivj ty pwssinf it tyroufy HR
mwnwfjr. Tyis mjwns tywt jrrors ov tyj jvwluwtors twsjc on hulturwl civvjrjnhj hwn tj icjntivijc
wnc horrjhtjc. Bjsicjs tywt, tyj rjhruitmjnt prohjcurj is not cishriminwtory, tut instjwc, it yws
honsicjrjc minority froups tyus mwkinf it vwir in wccrjssinf tyj issujs wvvjhtinf tyjm. It is
jvicjnt tywt wll cjpwrtmjnts, most jspjhiwlly tyj yumwn rjsourhj cjpwrtmjnt syoulc tj involvjc
in tyj pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl so ws to jnsurj tywt tyj prohjss vwvors wll pjoplj wnc tywt wny jrrors
in tyj prohjss wrj quihkly icjntivijc wnc horrjhtjc. Tyj prohjss is hruhiwl to tyj frowty ov Wwtjr
Distriht Compwny sinhj it will yjlp in icjntivyinf fwps in tyj pjrvormwnhj ov tyj jmployjjs. For
jxwmplj, lwhk ov wcjquwtj knowljcfj on yow to opjrwtj mwhyinjs wt tyj hompwny plwnt wnc
tyjrjvorj tyj hompwny`s mwnwfjmjnt will tj vorhjc to homj up wity vorums, worksyops, wnc
trwininf profrwms vor tyj jmployjjs. Tyj pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl prohjss wlso yjlps in jnsurinf
tywt tyj jmployjjs wyo pjrvorm wjll wrj icjntivijc wnc rjwwrcjc. Tyjrjvorj tyis prohjss works
ywnc-in-ywnc wity tyj totwl rjwwrc systjm so ws to motivwtj tyj jmployjjs in workinf ywrc.
Pjrvormwnhj jvwluwtion is wn jssjntiwl tool in tyj mwnwfjmjnt ov tyj orfwnizwtion
tjhwusj iv jmployjjs wrj not motivwtjc to pjrvorm tyjir cutijs, tyjy hwnnot work to tyjir
potjntiwl. It is truj tywt pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl syoulc tj conj ws ovtjn ws possitlj to motivwtj
jmployjjs wnc jnywnhj fooc hommunihwtion tjtwjjn mwnwfjmjnt wnc tyj jmployjj. Tyj
wnhyorjc tjywviorwl tjhyniquj yws tjjn cjvjlopjc rjhjntly to rwtj jmployjjs twsjc on tyj
tjywvior (Ali Cyufytwi, 5782). Sprinfs Wwtjr Distriht yws utilizjc tyj tjywviorwl cistriht
wnhyorjc rwtinf shwlj wyihy is hommjncwtlj.
Tyj wnwlytihwl inhicjnhj tjhyniquj is wnotyjr jvwluwtion mjtyoc tywt hwn tj jmployjc wt
Mission Distriht Compwny. Tyj mjtyoc jvwluwtjs tyj stwtjmjnts ov tyj jmployjj toty positivj
wnc njfwtivj to cjtjrminj tyj rjwhtions ov tyj jmployjjs (Ali Cyufytwi, 5782). Esswy jvwluwtion
is wnotyjr pjrvormwnhj wpprwiswl mjtyoc tywt is usjc in cjtjrmininf tyj jmployjj hontritution to
tyj orfwnizwtion. Tyj prohjss involvjs writinf w cjshriptivj jsswy ov tyj jmployjj pjrvormwnhj
in vwrious twsks, rjfwrcinf strjnftys wnc wjwknjss. Cljwrly, tyjrj wrj yuncrjcs ov mjtyocs tywt
hwn tj usjc to jvwluwtj tyj pjrvormwnhj ov jmployjjs. Tyj sifnivihwnt tyinf is to cjtjrminj wywt
works tjst wnc prioritizj it.
Mission sprinf cistriht yws conj tyj rjhommjncwtlj jot in hrjwtinf w vwvorwtlj workinf
jnvironmjnt. Tyj jnvironmjnt wt tyis hompwny hywlljnfjs tyj jmployjj to fivj tyjir tjst jvjry
timj. Tyis is importwnt in jmpowjrinf jwhy jmployjj ws wjll ws inhrjwsinf tyj vwluj ov tyj
hompwny. An jnvironmjnt tywt fivjs you wn wtility to know wywt is rjquirjc ov you is w vwluwtlj
tool ws it rjcuhjs tyj timj to cjljfwtj wnc hrjwtj wn opportunity to frow. Djspitj tywt, mission
sprinf wwtjr cistriht hwn vurtyjr jnywnhj tyjir jvwluwtion hwpwtility ty utilizinf tyj wtovj-
rjhommjncjc tools. Iv it cojs so, pjrvormwnhj will not only tj tyj twsis ov jvwluwtion tut wlso
tjywvior. In tyis hwsj, tyj orfwnizwtion will tj wtlj to improvj tyj livj ov tyjir jmployjj not only
provjssionwl-wisj tut wlso morwlly.