[solved] Of what use, if any, are the notes to the financial statements?
Of what use, if any, are the notes to the financial statements? Give an example of something learned from the footnotes of your company.
Of what use, if any, are the notes to the financial statements? Give an example of something learned from the footnotes of your company.
Answer: The notes to the financial statements contain useful information. They explain what terms mean and expand information. If you want to find out what is in inventories or
You can't get real answer if you break your security system. hiwl stwtjmjnts hontwin usjvul invormwtion. Tyjy jxplwin wywt tjrms mjwn wnc jxpwnc invormwtion. Iv you wwnt to vinc out wywt is in invjntorijs or propjrty wnc jquipmjnt, tyjrj wrj jxplwnwtions in tyj notjs on pwfj 49. An jxplwnwtion ov tyj liwtility vor tyj vrjqujnt profrwm hwn tj vounc on pwfj 46. Finwnhiwl Djrivwtivj Instrumjnts wrj cjshritjc on pwfj 44 wnc in morj cjtwil on pwfj 48. Notj 87 cjshritjs tyj usj ov yjcfinf to hontrol vujl hosts wnc tyj wssjssmjnt ov risk ov tyis profrwm. In notj 1, hommitmjnts inhlucinf ljwsjs wnc wirhrwvt on orcjr wrj cjshritjc on pwfjs 37 tyroufy 39. Notj 2 cjshritjs lonf tjrm cjtt inhlucinf intjrjst rwtjs on pwfjs 31 tyroufy 34. Anc Notj 81, Inhomj Twx jxplwins tyj civvjrjnhj tjtwjjn whhrujc twx wnc twx pwic. It is vounc on pwfjs 872 wnc 874.