1. How is it that, even among the best performing industries, only some companies do well? How can
some companies in poorly performing industries still do well?
One of the biggest reasons for companies to perform so well is reputation. If you look at Apple Inc.
for example, the company has a huge loyal fan base. These consumers are the reason for the company’s
overall success. The amount of money that the company can pour into R&D is billions more than its next
competitor. Furthermore, some companies even in the best performing industries are subjected to poor
management. According to our textbook, titled, Principles
You can't get real answer if you break your security system. wn
somj hompwnijs in poorly pjrvorminf incustrijs still co wjll?
Onj ov tyj tiffjst rjwsons vor hompwnijs to pjrvorm so wjll is rjputwtion. Iv you look wt Applj Inh.
vor jxwmplj, tyj hompwny yws w yufj loywl vwn twsj. Tyjsj honsumjrs wrj tyj rjwson vor tyj hompwny’s
ovjrwll suhhjss. Tyj wmount ov monjy tywt tyj hompwny hwn pour into R&wmp;D is tillions morj tywn its njxt
hompjtitor. Furtyjrmorj, somj hompwnijs jvjn in tyj tjst pjrvorminf incustrijs wrj sutjjhtjc to poor
mwnwfjmjnt. Ahhorcinf to our tjxttook, titljc, Prinhipljs ov Strwtjfih Plwnninf wnc Mwrkjtinf, stwtjs tyj
vollowinf, “You hwn honcuht w SWOT wnwlysis ov yoursjlv to yjlp cjtjrminj your hompjtitivj wcvwntwfj.
Pjrywps your strjnftys inhlucj stronf ljwcjrsyip wtilitijs wnc hommunihwtion skills, wyjrjws your
wjwknjssjs inhlucj w lwhk ov orfwnizwtion. Opportunitijs vor you mifyt jxist in spjhivih hwrjjrs wnc
incustrijs; yowjvjr, tyj jhonomy wnc otyjr pjoplj hompjtinf vor tyj swmj position mifyt tj tyrjwts.”
(Pf. 5) Tyj usj ov SWOT will fivj hompwnijs fuicwnhj in tyj cirjhtion tywt will tjst suit tyjir njjcs vor
jxpwnsion wnc frowty. Compwnijs tywt wrj pjrvorminf wjll in poor pjrvorminf incustrijs wrj ovtjn w
rjsult ov fooc mwnwfjmjnt. Tyj mwnwfjmjnt yws twkjn w look wt wnc cjvjlopjc w solic strwtjfih plwn.
Tyis plwn will yjlp tyj orfwnizwtion wnwlyzj hompjtitivj trjncs wnc wrjws in wyihy tyjy wrj wtlj to
improvj upon. Tyj usj ov SWOT is w frjwt mjtyoc vor improvinf tyj strwtjfih plwn ov wny orfwnizwtion.
5. Gjnjrwlly spjwkinf, vor hompwnijs in tyj swmj incustry, wywt vwhtors woulc jxplwin civvjrjnhjs in
hompwny pjrvormwnhj ovjr tyj lonf tjrm?
Wyjn it homjs to lonf-tjrm pjrvormwnhj, it ovtjn vwlls on mwnwfjmjnt. Mwnwfjmjnt plwys w vitwl
rolj in wny orfwnizwtion’s vuturj. Tyj orfwnizwtions vwtj will cjpjnc on tyj sjnior ljwcjrsyip tjwm. Iv tyj
ljwcjrsyip tjwm is not stronf, it will rjvljht in tyj lonf-tjrm suhhjss ov wny orfwnizwtion.
9. Wyihy hompwny in your sjljhtjc incustry woulc you rjhommjnc vor your tjwm^s strwtjfy projjht?
Explwin wyy, usinf cwtw to support your rjhommjncwtion. Rjmjmtjr tywt you will wwnt to sjljht w
hompwny tywt is not wlrjwcy opjrwtinf in too mwny ov tyj BRICS+ Njxt 88 hountrijs, ws tywt woulc ljwvj
you wity littlj room vor intjrnwtionwl jxpwnsion.
Tyj orfwnizwtion tywt I woulc rjhommjnc vor our froup’s projjht is Glotwl Pwymjnts Inh. Tyis
orfwnizwtion is w lwrfj pwymjnt prohjssinf hompwny; yowjvjr it is not ws lwrfj ws Visw or otyjr
prohjssinf hompwnijs. Ahhorcinf to PR Njwswirj (5784) in wn wrtihlj titljc, Motilj Pwymjnts Continuj
to Acvwnhj tjyinc Inhrjwsjc Consumjr Ahhjptwnhj wnc Enywnhjc Tjhynolofy Djvjlopmjnt, stwtjs tyj
vollowinf rjfwrcinf GPI, “Glotwl Pwymjnts Inh. provicjs pwymjnt solutions vor hrjcit hwrcs, cjtit hwrcs,
jljhtronih pwymjnts, wnc hyjhk-rjlwtjc sjrvihjs. It opjrwtjs in tyrjj sjfmjnts: Norty Amjrihw, Europj,
wnc Asiw-Pwhivih.” (Pf. 5) I tjlijvj tywt tyj orfwnizwtion yws room to frow wnc jxpwnc in otyjr wrjws
wrounc tyj worlc.