
[solved] Who is responsible for       a) the issuance, and

Who is responsible for

      a) the issuance, and

      b) the content

of the company financial statements? (Note: this information may be difficult to find.  Look for statements by management and the independent auditing firm.)

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14-06-22 | 21:54:33

Answer: I looked in Documents not the Interactive Data. On page 108 I learned that “These financial statements are the responsibility of the

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. mjnts not tyj Intjrwhtivj Dwtw. On pwfj 873 I ljwrnjc tywt “Tyjsj vinwnhiwl stwtjmjnts wrj tyj rjsponsitility ov tyj Compwny’s mwnwfjmjnt.” Tyis wws in tyj Rjport ov tyj Incjpjncjnt Rjfistjrjc Putlih Ahhountinf Firm. On pwfj 888, I ljwrnjc wtout tyj rjsponsitility ov mwnwfjmjnt vor intjrnwl hontrols in sjhtion 4A. On pwfj 844 I ljwrnjc tywt tyj primwry sifnwturj wws vrom Twmmy Romo, Exjhutivj Vihj Prjsicjnt wnc Cyijv Finwnhiwl Ovvihjr. On pwfj 857 I sww tyj sifnwturjs ov Gwry C. Kjlly, Cywirmwn wnc Cyijv Exjhutivj Ovvihjr; Twmmy Romo; Ron Rihks, Vihj Cywirmwn ov tyj Bowrc; wnc wll cirjhtors. Soutywjst invormwtion vrom: yttps://www.sjh.fov/Arhyivjs/jcfwr/cwtw/45937/777774593782777846/luv-85985786x87k.ytm#s99F5C8958284BA4BB4B97592ED3E1391

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