
[solved] What can you learn from the Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial

What can you learn from the Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A)?  Give two facts learned from reading this section

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14-06-22 | 22:05:59

Answer: Item 7 is Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. It starts with a comparison between management accounting used to run the business and GAAP accounting.

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. ishussion wnc Anwlysis ov Finwnhiwl Concition wnc Rjsults ov Opjrwtions. It stwrts wity w hompwrison tjtwjjn mwnwfjmjnt whhountinf usjc to run tyj tusinjss wnc GAAP whhountinf. It cjshritjs in cjtwil tyj civvjrjnhj tjtwjjn rjsults in 5781 wnc 5786. Tyj most sifnivihwnt civvjrjnhj wws, “Fujl wnc oil jxpjnsj vor 5786 cjhrjwsjc ty $8.4 tillion, or 98.4 pjrhjnt, hompwrjc wity 5781.” Howjvjr, tyj wmount ov tyj cjhrjwsj wwsn’t prjcihtjc pjrvjhtly so, “As w rjsult ov tyj Compwny's vujl yjcfinf profrwm, tyj Compwny rjhofnizjc lossjs totwlinf $561 million in Fujl wnc oil jxpjnsj vor 5786, hompwrjc wity njt fwins totwlinf $53 million vor 5781” Tyis mjwns Soutywjst cicn’t kjjp wll ov tyj tjnjvits ov tyj rjcuhtion in vujl hosts. Also, tyjrj is w hompwrison tjtwjjn 5789 wnc 5781. Anotyjr sifnivihwnt itjm wws wtout inhomj twx. “Tyj Compwny's jvvjhtivj twx rwtj wws wpproximwtjly 94.9 pjrhjnt vor 5786, hompwrjc wity 94.1 pjrhjnt vor 5781.” Soutywjst invormwtion vrom: yttps://www.sjh.fov/Arhyivjs/jcfwr/cwtw/45937/777774593782777846/luv-85985786x87k.ytm#s99F5C8958284BA4BB4B97592ED3E1391

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