
[solved] The difference between a company's strategy and a company's business model is that

the strategy concerns how to compete successfully and the business model concerns how to operate cost-efficiently.

a company's strategy concerns how to differentiate its product offering from the offerings of rival companies while its business model concerns how to operate cost-efficiently and profitably.

a company's strategy concerns how it intends to deliver value to customers whereas a company's business model concerns how to deliver value to the owners of the business.

a company's strategy is its game plan for achieving operating efficiency while its business model is management's game plan for satisfying shareholder expectations for attractive revenue growth and excellent long-term profitability.

its strategy is defined by the specific market positioning, competitive moves, and business approaches management employs to try to produce good business results while its business model relates to management's blueprint for delivering a valuable product or service to customers in a manner that will generate revenues sufficient to cover costs and yield an attractive profit.


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04-09-22 | 18:12:41

correct answers:
its strategy is defined by the specific market positioning,

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