
[solved] The chief difference between a low-cost provider strategy and a focused low-cost strategy is quizlet

the degree to which the product offering is frills free--a low-cost provider strategy is aimed at cutting frills and features throughout the entire value chain whereas a focused low-cost strategy concentrates on achieving cost-savings by cutting a select number of frills and features.

the number of areas in the value chain where efforts are being made to achieve cost-savings--a low-cost provider strategy is aimed at achieving cost-savings throughout the entire value chain whereas a focused low-cost strategy concentrates on achieving cost-savings in a few carefully-selected value chain activities.

the degree to which a company uses the appeal of a lower price to attract buyers--a low-cost provider strategy entails deeper price discounting than a focused low-cost strategy.

the size of the buyer group that a company is trying to appeal to.

the approach a company uses to achieve a low-cost advantage--a low-cost provider strategy is aimed at performing value chain activities more cost effectively than rivals whereas a focused low-cost strategy concentrates on utilizing innovative ways to eliminate or bypass the costs of certain non-essential value chain activities.


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