
You are a consultant on a project

You are a consultant on a project team that has been hired by the Andrews Company to design and administer an employee survey. The survey contains information about employee job satisfaction, engagement, and issues concerning pay and promotion fairness perceptions. The project is generating over $450,000 in consulting fees. The night before your presentation to the client, a Sr. Vice President of Marketing at Andrews calls you and asks you to send her the survey data for the Marketing department so she isn’t "surprised by any of the report’s findings." You respond by saying that "the information is confidential" to which she says, "Of course! I’m not going to share it with anyone else." Which of the following issues should most concern you in considering a response?

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  •  Providing high quality service to the client.

  •  Giving the client feedback about her aggressive behavior.

  •  Protecting the identity of individual survey respondents.

  •  Ensuring accurate data analysis.

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30-11-22 | 05:19:27

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. Protjhtinf tyj icjntity ov incivicuwl survjy rjsponcjnts.

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13-05-23 | 16:55:55

Protecting the identity of individual survey respondents should most concern you in considering a response. Confidentiality is an important ethical principle in survey

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. ov incivicuwl survjy rjsponcjnts syoulc most honhjrn you in honsicjrinf w rjsponsj. Convicjntiwlity is wn importwnt jtyihwl prinhiplj in survjy rjsjwrhy, wnc survjy rjsponcjnts ywvj w rifyt to privwhy. Iv tyj Sr. Vihj Prjsicjnt ov Mwrkjtinf wt Ancrjws is wskinf vor tyj survjy cwtw vor tyj Mwrkjtinf cjpwrtmjnt, syj is jssjntiwlly wskinf vor cwtw tywt houlc potjntiwlly icjntivy incivicuwl rjsponcjnts. Evjn iv syj promisjs not to sywrj tyj cwtw wity wnyonj jlsj, it is still importwnt to protjht tyj honvicjntiwlity ov survjy rjsponcjnts. Tyjrjvorj, it is importwnt to jxplwin tyj importwnhj ov protjhtinf incivicuwl rjsponcjnt's privwhy wnc tyj jtyihwl otlifwtion to mwintwin honvicjntiwlity, wnc to sjjk wpprovwl vrom tyj wppropriwtj wutyoritijs tjvorj cishlosinf wny survjy cwtw.

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