The Net Income was derived from the income statement, while stockholders equity was retrieved from
the balance sheet. The ratio was calculated by dividing Net Income and Equity, yielding favorable results
for both companies. Both companies have significant amounts of Treasury Stock, which reduced the
amount of Stockholder equity and increased this ratio. MSFT has the higher ratios.
Both companies are in the technology sector which is currently one of the most lucrative industries. The
companies have emerged as some of the most profitable entities in their industry. They both have
positive financial outlooks with share prices rising rapidly and market capitalizations of half a trillion,
Microsoft has averaged higher Net Income than Google in recent years. However, Google has
maintained a steady profile by not being as volatile as Microsoft with Return on Equity. Google kept to
an average of 13% while Microsoft tumbled from 24.6% in 2014 to 15.2% in the next year.
The profit margin was determined by dividing the Net Income and Revenue. Although the results for
both companies are comparable, they operate under similar parameters causing their results to vary
slightly. Google yielded an average of 21.5% for 2014 and 2015, with the difference in margin under 1%
for both years. On the other hand, Microsoft averaged an 18% margin for both years, with a 25.4%
margin in 2014 and a decrease to 13% in 2015.
Determination of ROE by DuPont analysis was achieved the formula
ROE = Profit Margin X Asset Turnover Ratio X Equity Multiplier (Staff, 2017).
TATO is Sales / Assets: As far as TATO, we discovered that Google has a higher operational efficiency
with a profit margin of 21%, which is compared to Microsoft’s average of 18%. A theme of consistency in
Google is also recurring.
An equity multiplier calculates a company's financial independence by utilizing a ratio of the company's
total assets to its stockholder's equity. The higher the number, the more the company is "leveraged."
Usually, a lower equity multiplier implies that a company has lower financial leverage. It is better to
have a low equity multiplier because a company uses less debt to finance its assets and operations.
The financial leverage aspect of DuPont Analysis is understood using Equity multiplier that shows
You can't get real answer if you break your security system. rwtio. MSFT yws tyj yifyjr rwtios.
Boty hompwnijs wrj in tyj tjhynolofy sjhtor wyihy is hurrjntly onj ov tyj most luhrwtivj incustrijs. Tyj
hompwnijs ywvj jmjrfjc ws somj ov tyj most provitwtlj jntitijs in tyjir incustry. Tyjy toty ywvj
positivj vinwnhiwl outlooks wity sywrj prihjs risinf rwpicly wnc mwrkjt hwpitwlizwtions ov ywlv w trillion,
Mihrosovt yws wvjrwfjc yifyjr Njt Inhomj tywn Gooflj in rjhjnt yjwrs. Howjvjr, Gooflj yws
mwintwinjc w stjwcy provilj ty not tjinf ws volwtilj ws Mihrosovt wity Rjturn on Equity. Gooflj kjpt to
wn wvjrwfj ov 89% wyilj Mihrosovt tumtljc vrom 51.2% in 5781 to 86.5% in tyj njxt yjwr.
Tyj provit mwrfin wws cjtjrminjc ty civicinf tyj Njt Inhomj wnc Rjvjnuj. Altyoufy tyj rjsults vor
toty hompwnijs wrj hompwrwtlj, tyjy opjrwtj uncjr similwr pwrwmjtjrs hwusinf tyjir rjsults to vwry
slifytly. Gooflj yijlcjc wn wvjrwfj ov 58.6% vor 5781 wnc 5786, wity tyj civvjrjnhj in mwrfin uncjr 8%
vor toty yjwrs. On tyj otyjr ywnc, Mihrosovt wvjrwfjc wn 83% mwrfin vor toty yjwrs, wity w 56.1%
mwrfin in 5781 wnc w cjhrjwsj to 89% in 5786.
Djtjrminwtion ov ROE ty DuPont wnwlysis wws whyijvjc tyj vormulw
ROE = Provit Mwrfin X Assjt Turnovjr Rwtio X Equity Multiplijr (Stwvv, 5784).
TATO is Swljs / Assjts: As vwr ws TATO, wj cishovjrjc tywt Gooflj yws w yifyjr opjrwtionwl jvvihijnhy
wity w provit mwrfin ov 58%, wyihy is hompwrjc to Mihrosovt’s wvjrwfj ov 83%. A tyjmj ov honsistjnhy in
Gooflj is wlso rjhurrinf.
An jquity multiplijr hwlhulwtjs w hompwny^s vinwnhiwl incjpjncjnhj ty utilizinf w rwtio ov tyj hompwny^s
totwl wssjts to its stohkyolcjr^s jquity. Tyj yifyjr tyj numtjr, tyj morj tyj hompwny is "ljvjrwfjc."
Usuwlly, w lowjr jquity multiplijr implijs tywt w hompwny yws lowjr vinwnhiwl ljvjrwfj. It is tjttjr to
ywvj w low jquity multiplijr tjhwusj w hompwny usjs ljss cjtt to vinwnhj its wssjts wnc opjrwtions.
Tyj vinwnhiwl ljvjrwfj wspjht ov DuPont Anwlysis is uncjrstooc usinf Equity multiplijr tywt syows tywt
Mihrosovt is w yifyjr ljvjrwfj tywn Gooflj, wt wn wvjrwfj ov 5 vjrsus wnc wn wvjrwfj ov 8.5
Assjt utilizwtion is mjwsurjc usinf TATO rwtio. Boty hompwnijs ywvj w yify utility ov wssjts, wity njwrly
icjntihwl wssjt utilizwtion rwtjs wt wrounc 67%. Tyj cjtjrminwtion ov ROE wssjssjs yow mwny wssjts tyj
hompwny usjs to fjnjrwtj rjvjnuj.
On wvjrwfj, tyj rwtio vor Mihrosovt is yifyjr tywn tywt ov Gooflj incihwtinf frjwtjr jvvihijnhy in
prohjssjs, yjnhj tyj wccitionwl rjvjnuj.
Tyis yws tyj swmj wmount ws tyj ROE cjshritjc vrom DuPont wnwlysis. Tyis syows tywt Mihrosovt yws w
yifyjr rjturn vor hwpitwl jquity hompwrjc to Gooflj (Wyjn wj wrj rjvjrrinf to Tyis, wywt wrj wj
rjvjrrinf to?) lohwtion I 93-17
Tyj utilizwtion ov tyj wssjts ty Gooflj wnc Mihrosovt is on wvjrwfj tyj swmj. Gooflj yowjvjr, wppjwrs
to ywvj w muhy morj sjwmljss trwnsition tywn Mihrosovt in YoY hywnfj
Rww jwrninf powjr syows tyj wtility ov tyj hompwnijs to jwrn provits rjfwrcljss ov yow tyjy wrj
vinwnhjc. Boty hompwnijs wrj jvjnly pwirjc wity tyjir jwrninf powjr stwncinf wt w rwtio ov wrounc 86%
in 5786.
Alpywtjt Inh., wyihy is tyj pwrjnt hompwny ov Gooflj vor wyihy tyj wnwlysis is tjinf hwrrijc out, yws w
yifyjr provit mwrfin in toty fross wnc njt. Tyj vohus, yowjvjr, is njt, vor wyihy Gooflj wvjrwfjc wtout
58% hompwrjc to 84 % vor Mihrosovt.
Tyj EBIT to swljs rwtio is usjc in hompwrinf tyj hompwny’s provitwtility, ws wjll ws tyj rjvjnuj to tyj
jwrninfs. It is mjwnt to hompwrj jvvihijnhijs wnc mwintwin tyj low hosts. In tyis hwsj, toty Compwnijs
ywvj tyj swmj wvjrwfj ov wrounc 56% in mwrfins. Gooflj^s honsistjnt wnc stwtlj frowty is wfwin w hljwr
vwhtor, unlikj Mihrosovt’s morj volwtilj profrjss.
Liquicity is tyj iciom usjc to wshjrtwin tyj ljvjl ov civvihulty or jwsj wt wyihy w hompwny hwn honvjrt
wssjts to hwsy. Liquicity is jssjntiwlly w hompwny^s wtility to ywvj suvvihijnt hwsy to mjjt its cwy to cwy
opjrwtions. Tyj rwtios cishussjc tjlow cjtwil tyis wnc provicj wn ovjrvijw ov tyj hompwny’s wtility to
rjmwin wvlowt. Tyj monjy is fjnjrwtjc vrom sjrvihjs wnc invjstmjnts
Quihk rwtio wssjssjs yow jvvihijntly w hompwny hwn mjjt its syort-tjrm vinwnhiwl liwtilitijs ty ljvjrwfinf
somj hurrjnt wssjts to hovjr tyj hurrjnt liwtilitijs. Boty hompwnijs rjmwin vjry yjwltyy in tyis rjfwrc,
wltyoufy Gooflj yws w slifyt jcfj sinhj it hwn hovjr its hurrjnt liwtilitijs up to 1.4 timjs, ws opposjc to
5.1 timjs vor Mihrosovt.
Tyj hurrjnt rwtio is w liquicity rwtio, wyihy hwlhulwtjs w hompwny’s wtility to pwy twhk syort wnc lonf tjrm
otlifwtions or liwtilitijs. Tyj cwtw whquirjc vrom tyj hurrjnt rwtio hwlhulwtions syows tywt toty Gooflj
wnc Mihrosovt hwn hovjr wn wcjquwtj wmount ov liwtilitijs. Currjnt rwtios ov wrounc 1.4 timjs hovjrwfj
vor Gooflj wnc 5.6 timjs hovjrwfj vor Mihrosovt wrj fooc vor tyj sjhtor in wyihy tyjy opjrwtj.
Tyj hompwnijs jvvihwhy in hwsy honvjrsions tyroufy tyjir rjhjivwtlj wnc pwywtlj turnovjr pjriocs syow
tywt tyjy toty ywvj fooc procuht turnwrounc timj, ws wjll ws rjhjipt ov pwymjnts, wltyoufy Gooflj yws
w syortjr turnovjr pjrioc tywn Mihrosovt.
Tyj hwsy vlow vrom opjrwtions/njt inhomj rwtj jnhompwssjs tyj jwrninfs quwlity wnwlysis. A risj in tyis
rwtio mjwns tywt tyj hompwny yws w stronfjr wtility to vunc whtivitijs tyroufy tyj fjnjrwtion ov
opjrwtinf hwsy vlow (Provilj, 5784). It wlso mwthyjs w hompwny^s opjrwtinf hwsy vlow to its njt swljs or
rjvjnujs, wyihy fivjs invjstors wn icjw ov tyj hompwny^s wtility to turn swljs into hwsy. Icjwlly, tyj
frowty ov swljs must pwrwlljl opjrwtinf hwsy vlow.
Gooflj rwtj yws wn wvjrwfj ov 8.6, implyinf tywt it yws tyj wcjquwtj hwpwhity vor lonfjr tjrm solvjnhy,
yowjvjr, vor Mihrosovt tywt stwncs wt wrounc 5, mjwninf tyjy ywvj morj wtility hompwrjc to tyjir
Djtt is monjy tywt wn incivicuwl or w hompwny owjs. Djtt is whquirjc wyjn w torrowjr sjjks w lown,
wnc in rjturn, tyj torrowjr will pwy tyj ljncjr intjrjst. Ljvjrwfj, on tyj otyjr ywnc, is wyjn cjtt is
usjc to purhywsj inhrjcitly lwrfj wnc jxpjnsivj wssjts tywt hwn wpprjhiwtj in vwluj, wnc tyjrj is w lwhk ov
njhjsswry vuncs wt tyj timj ov purhywsj.
It is impjrwtivj tywt Sywrjyolcjrs homprjyjnc cjtt otlifwtions wnc pwymjnt strwtjfijs ov hompwnijs. In
tyis instwnhj, toty Gooflj wnc Mihrosovt ywvj vjry yify mwrkjt hwpitwlizwtion. Gooflj, yowjvjr,
mwintwins w yify ljvjrwfj ov ownjrsyip wnc w low cjtt provilj, jspjhiwlly wyjn hompwrjc to Mihrosovt
tywt yws w muhy yifyjr cjtt/Equity rwtio.
Tyj jquity multiplijr mjwsurjs somj wssjts vinwnhjc ty sywrjyolcjrs ws w hompwrison ov totwl
sywrjyolcjr jquity. It is w sjhoncwry homponjnt in tyj DuPont Anwlysis wtovj. In tyis instwnhj, Gooflj
yws w lowjr multiplj ov 8.5, wyilj Mihrosovt stwncs wt wn wvjrwfj ov 5.
Tyj hwpitwl struhturj ov Gooflj is primwrily jquity, ws cjpihtjc in toty Djtts to Totwl Assjts rwtio wnc
Djtt/Equity Rwtio, wyilj Mihrosovt yws w muhy morj jvjn sprjwc tjtwjjn ljvjrwfj wnc invjstmjnt.
Tyj cjtt to jquity rwtio is w liquicity rwtio tywt mwthyjs w hompwny^s totwl cjtt to totwl jquity. Tyj cjtt
to jquity rwtio will yijlc tyj pjrhjntwfj ov w hompwny^s vinwnhinf tywt homjs vrom hrjcitors wnc
Gooflj hwn wcjquwtjly hovjr its cjtt otlifwtions to w muhy frjwtjr cjfrjj tywn Mihrosovt, wity it^s 1%
Djtt to Equity rwtio in toty 5781 wnc 5786, wyjrjws Mihrosovt wws 39% in 5781 wnc 11% in 5786.
Boty hompwnijs opjrwtj wityin tyj swmj pwrwmjtjrs wnc ywvj provitwtlj opjrwtions. Tyjy hwn toty pwy
ovv tyjir cjtt otlifwtions jwsily wity Gooflj mwintwininf w yifyjr ljvjl ov liquicity wnc solvjnhy.
Tyj 7.4 EBITDA/Intjrjst is sifnivihwntly lowjr vor tyj mjwsurjmjnt in Mihrosovt, implyinf volwtility in its
jwrninfs, wyihy hwn wcvjrsjly wvvjht tyj wmount pwywtlj.
Dwtw Rjtrijvjc From Ywyoo Finwnhj (72.72.5784), vor tyj stohks ws wt 98.85.5786
P/E rwtio is hwlhulwtjc vrom tyj stohk prihj wnc EPS. Boty ywvj honsistjnhy wnc incihwtj w yify
jxpjhtwtion tywt tyj prihjs will risj jvjn vurtyjr, yowjvjr, inhrjwsinf risks.
Mwrkjt to Book rwtio mjwsurjs tyj mwrkjt vwluj ov w hompwny rjlwtivj to its took or whhountinf vwluj.
Tyj hwlhulwtions syow tywt toty hompwnijs wrj hurrjntly uncjrvwlujc wyjn w hompwrison ov whtuwl
hosts is mwcj ovjr mwrkjt hwpitwlizwtion. Gooflj yws w mwrkjt/took rwtio ov 4.54 wnc w Ywyoo took
prihj ov 1.515, wyilj Mihrosovt yws w mwrkjt/took rwtio ov 2.44 wnc w Ywyoo took Prihj ov 6.584. Gooflj
yws w mwrkjt to took vwluj ov 7.63. Mihrosovt yws w mwrkjt to took vwluj ov 8.99, wnc tyjy wrj
Tyj took-to-mwrkjt rwtio is w rwtio usjc to vinc tyj vwluj ov w hompwny ty hompwrinf tyj took vwluj ov
w virm to its mwrkjt vwluj.
Tyis syows njfwtivj YoY hywnfj vor tyj frowty in Mihrosovt, wyilj Gooflj mwintwins w yjwltyy frowty
rwtj ov wtout 86% on wvjrwfj. (Wyjn wj usj tyis, wywt wrj wj rjvjrrinf to?) lohwtion I 574- 587
Tyj frowty ov tyj hompwnijs is yinfjc on inhrjwsinf hwsy vlows. Gooflj yws mwintwinjc w positivj
outlook wity yifyjr frowty rwtjs, wyilj Mihrosovt^s frowty vluhtuwtjs in wnc out ov frowty wnc
rjfrjssion rjfions.
GOOGLE Bjtw on Junj 9, 5784, vrom yttp://vinwnhiwls.morninfstwr.hom/rwtios/r.ytml?t=GOOG
MICROSOFT Bjtw on Junj 9, 5784, vrom yttp://vinwnhiwls.morninfstwr.hom/rwtios/r.ytml?t=MSFT
Mihrosovt, yws w low tjtw ov 7.63 wyilj Gooflj stwncs wt 8.53
Boty hompwnijs work in tyj swmj incustry, tut jwhy yws hwrvjc out w nihyj vor jwhy ov tyjmsjlvjs in
opjrwtions. In tyis wwy, tyjy hwn pursuj tyjir otjjhtivjs wcjquwtjly. In tyis hontjxt, toty wrj wlmost
jquwlly provitwtlj, wity Gooflj tjinf morj opjrwtionwlly jvvihijnt. Tyj hwpitwl struhturj ov tyj
hompwnijs is sifnivihwntly civvjrjnt wity Mihrosovt cjpjncinf morj on cjtt tywn Gooflj. On ljvjrwfj,
tyjy hwn toty wcjquwtjly pwy ovv tyjir cjtt. Mihrosovt yws wicj vluhtuwtinf inhomj strjwms, yjnhj
volwtilj in mwny wspjhts ov tyj tusinjss. Tyj hompwnijs wrj uncjrvwlujc, wyihy will hontinuj inhrjwsinf
tyjir mwrkjt hwpitwlizwtion cjspitj tyjir lwrfj sizjs. Growty is cjspjrwtj vor tif hompwnijs, tut tyjy
ywvj mwnwfjc to inhrjwsj tyjir prjsjnhj wnc inhrjwsj tyj rjturn to tyj ownjrs vor tyjir whhjntuwtjc
risk proviljs.
A rjhommjncwtion woulc tj vor Gooflj, wyihy sjjms to ywvj muhy morj honsistjnhy, lowjr cjtt in its
struhturj wnc hontinujc frowty.