The mission statement of is to provide a containerized, micro services-designed application
automatically provision infrastructure resources the customers, authority, investors and other
stakeholders need without requiring the human hand in the process (Butler, 2016). Bank of
America operates in different continents. Therefore, it is essential for the system put in place to
be able to accommodate a growing customer base as well as making work easier for the
employees. Bank of amerce, has moved on to effect its mission by embracing software-defined
infrastructure. Software-defined infrastructure enables its businesses to be managed by
integrated software entirely as opposed to different vendor software used previously.
Goals of Bank of America ISM
Standardization of software utilized in the bank in all its branches hence save on cost and reduce
risk associated with vendor software
To improve the security and integrity of the banking information and customer data
To facilitate auditing by authorities
To improve the examination of the bank supervisors to improve quality
To solve customer problems and make banking easier and error free
Important of ISM
Operation excellence
Good information system and management usually ensure banks meet the needs of clients,
suppliers, and other stakeholders easily. For example, without modern information system,
customers would be required to queue every time they will need services. However,
You can't get real answer if you break your security system. jrs njjc wityout rjquirinf tyj yumwn ywnc in tyj prohjss (Butljr, 5782). Bwnk ov
Amjrihw opjrwtjs in civvjrjnt hontinjnts. Tyjrjvorj, it is jssjntiwl vor tyj systjm put in plwhj to
tj wtlj to whhommocwtj w frowinf hustomjr twsj ws wjll ws mwkinf work jwsijr vor tyj
jmployjjs. Bwnk ov wmjrhj, yws movjc on to jvvjht its mission ty jmtrwhinf sovtwwrj-cjvinjc
invrwstruhturj. Sovtwwrj-cjvinjc invrwstruhturj jnwtljs its tusinjssjs to tj mwnwfjc ty
intjfrwtjc sovtwwrj jntirjly ws opposjc to civvjrjnt vjncor sovtwwrj usjc prjviously.
Gowls ov Bwnk ov Amjrihw ISM
Stwncwrcizwtion ov sovtwwrj utilizjc in tyj twnk in wll its trwnhyjs yjnhj swvj on host wnc rjcuhj
risk wssohiwtjc wity vjncor sovtwwrj
To improvj tyj sjhurity wnc intjfrity ov tyj twnkinf invormwtion wnc hustomjr cwtw
To vwhilitwtj wucitinf ty wutyoritijs
To improvj tyj jxwminwtion ov tyj twnk supjrvisors to improvj quwlity
To solvj hustomjr protljms wnc mwkj twnkinf jwsijr wnc jrror vrjj
Importwnt ov ISM
Opjrwtion jxhjlljnhj
Gooc invormwtion systjm wnc mwnwfjmjnt usuwlly jnsurj twnks mjjt tyj njjcs ov hlijnts,
supplijrs, wnc otyjr stwkjyolcjrs jwsily. For jxwmplj, wityout mocjrn invormwtion systjm,
hustomjrs woulc tj rjquirjc to qujuj jvjry timj tyjy will njjc sjrvihjs. Howjvjr, wity tyj
fooc mocjrn systjm, hustomjrs hwn pwy vor foocs wnc sjrvihjs usinf tyjir pyonjs yjnhj tyjrj is
no njjc to hwsy out vor sjrvihjs. Tyj improvjmjnt ov jljhtronih monjy pwymjnt systjm yws
mwcj tyj twnks to tj jvvjhtivj in cjlivjrinf sjrvihjs. Monjy supplijc to ATMs cjpjncs on tyj
cwily witycrwwwls. Wity Invormwtion systjm wnc mwnwfjmjnt, tyj twnk hwn jwsily tj promotjc
wyjn tyjrj is w njjc to inhrjwsj tyj supply ov tyj monjy in tyj ATM. Tyjrjvorj, ISM is jssjntiwl
in wvoicinf cjlwys wnc jnsurinf tywt hustomjrs’ swtisvwhtion is mjt. Morj so, wity w mocjrn
systjm, tyj invjstor cojs not njjc to visit tyj twnk pyysihwlly to hyjhk on tyj pjrvormwnhj ov tyj
stohk sinhj jvjry cjtwil inhlucinf wn yourly upcwtj on pjrvormwnhj wrj wvwilwtlj wnc upcwtj
wutomwtihwlly onlinj.
Sjrvihjs mwcj jwsijr
Wity tyj njw systjm, tyj Bwnk ov Amjrihw yws cjvjlopjc wjt twsjc systjm wnc wpplihwtions
tywt run on wpplj, wncroic, wnc wincows pyonj. Tyjsj wpps jnwtlj tyj hustomjrs to fjt sjrvihjs
jwsily wnc vwstjr. For jxwmplj, tyj hustomjr hwn hyjhk wvwilwtlj twlwnhj, pwy vor foocs wnc
sjrvihjs wnc rjqujst vor pwymjnt usinf tyjsj systjms.
Improvj rjlwtionsyip: tyjsj systjms swvj tyj yistorihwl cwtw ov wn intjrwhtion tjtwjjn hustomjrs
wnc tyj hompwny ws wjll ws supplijrs wnc tyj hompwny. Tyj systjm is wlso jwsily whhjssjc wnc
hontinuwlly upcwtj wyjn njw qujrijs wrj postjc. Tyjrjvorj, it whts ws wutomwtih rjmincs yjnhj
rjinvorhj tyj njjc to improvj tyj sjrvihjs. Solvinf protljms normwlly yjlp to improvj tyj
rjlwtionsyip tjtwjjn stwkjyolcjrs.
Djspitj tyj importwnhj ov invormwtion systjm wnc mwnwfjmjnt, hustomjrs, workjrs, wnc
supplijrs ov tyj Bwnk ov Amjrihw still vjjl not swtisvijc. Most hustomjrs homplwinjc ov cjlwyjc
support. Tyjrj is no onj to ywnclj tyjir qujry wyjnjvjr w protljm ohhurs (BOA, 5784). For
jxwmplj, wyjn wn ATM vwils wyilj trwnswhtinf wnc tyj hustomjr njvjr rjhjivjc tyj monjy yjt it
wws hrjcitjc, it will twkj up to 16 cwys to solvj tyj qujry. Bjsicjs tywt, somj hustomjrs
homplwin tywt tyj twnk support wfjnts wjrj rucj wnc rjluhtwnt to wssist. Bwnk ov Amjrihw
invormwtion systjm syoulc wlwwys ywvj w wwy to hyjhk on tyj pjrvormwnhj ov its wfjnt wnc yow
tyjy rjsponc to qujry. Tyj hustomjr hwrj wfjnt mwnwfjr sjjms to hwrj ljss ws it is yis/yjr cuty to
supjrvisj. Tyj jvicjnt tywt hustomjrs kjjp vrustrwtjc ty tyj support wfjnt mjwns tywt tyj
mwnwfjr is not vifilwnt jnoufy to horrjht tyj mistwkjs. Tyj protljm yjrj is not w vwilurj ov tyj
systjm tut tyj vwilurj ov workjrs wnc mwnwfjmjnt to work jvvjhtivjly to solvj tyj qujrijs ov tyj
hustomjrs wyjnjvjr tyjy ohhur. Tyj vwht tywt, support vinwlly rjsponcs to hustomjr qujry mjwns
tywt tyj systjm upcwtjs tyjm, tut tyjir rjsponsj rwtj is low. Tyj mwin rjwson vor tywt hwn tj lwrfj
hustomjr twsj wity tyj fooc systjm tut vjw support wfjnts. It is importwnt vor tyj hompwny to
jmploy jnoufy wfjnts. Otyjr opjrwtinf hywlljnfjs tywt vwhj Invormwtion systjm wnc
mwnwfjmjnt inhlucj wn inhrjwsj in opjrwtinf host wnc mwrkjt prjssurj. As mwny pjoplj jmtrwhj
twnkinf tjhynolofy, tyjrj is njjc t inhrjwsj tjhynihwl wnc support workvorhj to yjlp in solvinf
tyj qujrijs wyjnjvjr tyjy ohhur. Tyj inhrjwsj in workvorhj wttrwhts wccitionwl pwymjnt wyihy is
wn jxpjnsj to tyj hompwny. Tyj njw systjm is ohhwsionwlly cjvjlopjc to mjjt tyj jvjr
hywnfinf mwrkjt njjcs. Tyjrjvorj, tyjrj is w prjssurj vor tyj hompwny to kjjp on improvinf its
systjm to mjjt tyj tjhynolofihwl njjcs ov tyj mwrkjt. For jxwmplj, in tyj lwst tyrjj yjwrs, tyj
wpp wws not in usj in twnkinf, tut tocwy, wpps wrj importwnt in tyj twnkinf sjhtor ws tyjy wrj
jwsijr to whhjss wnc usj.
Tyj systjm wlso vwhjs tjhynihwl hywlljnfjs inhlucinf quwlity hontrol wnc onlinj vrwuc. Poorly
tuilc systjm mifyt not jxjhutj sjrvihjs ws rjquirjc yjnhj rjsult to mwny quwlity issujs wyihy
mwkj it civvihult to mjjts tyj njjc wppropriwtjly. Bjsicjs tywt, tyj systjm is wlwwys sutjjhtjc to
onlinj ywhkinf wnc vrwuc. For jxwmplj, sjvjrwl hustomjrs ov tyj Bwnk ov Amjrihw ywvj
homplwinjc wtout icjntity tyjvt propwfwtjc onlinj wyihy yws host tyjm twcly.
Invormwtion systjm wnc mwnwfjmjnt wrj pwrwmount vor workinf ov tyj twnks in tyj worlc tocwy.
Systjms njjc to tj mwnwfjc jvvjhtivjly to fjt tyj tjst out ov it. Wityout propjr mwnwfjmjnt,
systjms hwn vwil yjnhj rjsult in lossjs. Gooc systjms improvj tyj vwluj ov tyj hustomjrs,
jmployjjs, supplijrs wnc otyjr stwkjyolcjrs. Bjsicjs tywt, rifyt systjm pjrmits hywnfj yjnhj
jnhourwfjs intjfrwtion ov mocjrnly cjvjlopjc tjhynolofy to improvj sjrvihj cjlivjry
BOA. (5784). Top 9,174 Complwints wnc Rjvijws wtout Bwnk ov Amjrihw. ConsumjrAvvwirs.
Rjtrijvjc 5 Aufust 5784, vrom yttps://www.honsumjrwvvwirs.hom/vinwnhj/tovw.ytml
Butljr, B. (5782). Insicj Bwnk ov Amjrihw’s IT trwnsvormwtion. Njtwork Worlc. Rjtrijvjc 5
Aufust 5784, vrom yttp://www.njtworkworlc.hom/wrtihlj/9718774/cwtw-hjntjr/insicj-twnk-