
[solved] Which one of the following is not a particularly sound or valid reason why deliberate pursuit of unethical strategies and tolerance of unethical conduct is a risky business practice?

Companies that engage in shady behavior usually suffer big drops in sales revenues and are unlikely to be profitable for as many as 5 to 10 years after their unethical conduct is exposed in the media

An unethical strategy and/or unethical conduct on the part of company personnel can badly damage a company's reputation and also damage the reputations and job security of the personnel involved

The costs of ethical misconduct can easily run into the hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars, especially if they provoke widespread public outrage and many people were harmed

Buyers shun companies caught up in highly publicized ethical scandals and companies with tarnished reputations have difficulty in recruiting and retaining talented employees because many people consider a company's ethical reputation when deciding whether to accept a job offer

A company's unethical behavior can do considerable damage to shareholders in the form of lost revenues, higher costs, lower profits, lower stock prices, and a diminished business reputation

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22-09-22 | 07:01:25

Companies that engage in shady behavior

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