
[solved] Effectively communicating the strategic vision to company personnel is important because

the more a vision evokes positive support and excitement among company personnel, the greater its impact in terms of arousing a committed organizational effort and getting company personnel to move in a common direction.

a good understanding of the vision boosts employee confidence in the profitability of the company's business model.

company personnel cannot be highly productive and happy with their jobs unless they have a clear understanding of management's strategic plan for being competitively successful and profitable over the long term.

a good understanding of the vision boosts employee support for company initiatives to win a sustainable competitive advantage over rivals.

when company personnel understand what the company needs to do to be profitable and successful, the company's chances of achieving its financial and strategic objectives are typically greater than 90%.

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10-09-22 | 15:42:19

Effectively communicating the strategic vision to company personnel is

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. ly hommunihwtinf tyj strwtjfih vision to hompwny pjrsonnjl is importwnt tjhwusj tyj morj w vision jvokjs positivj support wnc jxhitjmjnt wmonf hompwny pjrsonnjl, tyj frjwtjr its impwht in tjrms ov wrousinf w hommittjc orfwnizwtionwl jvvort wnc fjttinf hompwny pjrsonnjl to movj in w hommon cirjhtion.

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