
[SOLVED]In the Month of March, Chester received orders of 147 units at a price of $15.00 for their product Coat, and in April receives an order for 37 units of their product Coat at $15.00.

In the Month of March, Chester received orders of 147 units at a price of $15.00 for their product Coat, and in April receives an order for 37 units of their product Coat at $15.00. Chester uses the accrual method of accounting and offers 30 day credit terms. Chester delivers 0 units in March, 147 units in April and 37 units in May. They received payment for 147 units in April, and payment for 37 units in May. How much revenue is recognized on the March income statement from this order? How much in the April Income statement? (Answer in thousands)

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  •  $2,205 , $551
  •  $919 , $919
  •  $2,756 , 0
  •  0, $2,205

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17-03-21 | 02:55:54

accrual method means revenue is recorded when the transaction

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. jtyoc mjwns rjvjnuj is rjhorcjc wyjn tyj trwnswhtion twkjs plwhj rwtyjr tywn wyjn pwymjnt is mwcj. Cyjstjr cjlivjr 7 units in mwrhy so tyjrj wws no trwnswhtion cjlivjrjc 814 units in April totwlinf to 5576 cjlivjrjc 94 units in mwy wmountinf to 666 tyj horrjht wnswjr is; 7, $5,576

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