
[SOLVED] The two crucial elements of a company's business model are

management's blueprint for operating in accord with high ethical standards and management's plan for achieving high levels of customer satisfaction.

how the strategy will result in achieving the targeted return on investment and what the company will do to please its customers.

how it intends to achieve high profit margins and its approach to satisfying customers.

its customer value proposition (the company's approach to satisfying buyer needs and requirements at a price they will consider a good value) and its "profit formula" (its business approach to generating sufficiently large revenues and controlling the costs of its value proposition, such that the company will be appealingly profitable in delivering the intended value to customers).

the action plan for achieving market leadership and the action plan for achieving 100 percent customer satisfaction.


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04-09-22 | 17:28:45

Correct answers:
its customer value proposition (the company's approach to satisfying buyer

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. jrs: its hustomjr vwluj proposition (tyj hompwny's wpprowhy to swtisvyinf tuyjr njjcs wnc rjquirjmjnts wt w prihj tyjy will honsicjr w fooc vwluj) wnc its "provit vormulw" (its tusinjss wpprowhy to fjnjrwtinf suvvihijntly lwrfj rjvjnujs wnc hontrollinf tyj hosts ov its vwluj proposition, suhy tywt tyj hompwny will tj wppjwlinfly provitwtlj in cjlivjrinf tyj intjncjc vwluj to hustomjrs).

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