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Week 4, Topic #1

Compton v. Merlotte's
When Bill Compton started working for Merlotte Enterprises, he received a copy of Merlotte's Employee Handbook.
As part of his acceptance of employment at Merlotte's, Bill signed a form stating that he received the handbook and
understood its terms and agreed to abide by the terms. During Bill's third year of employment, Merlotte revised the
handbook. One of the revisions was the addition of an arbitration clause that stated that all disputes arising out of
employment with Merlotte would be settled by binding arbitration. Merlotte advised its employees of the specific
changes to the handbook terms and required all employees to sign waivers stating that they read, understood, and
accepted the revised terms. Bill signed this form and continued working at Merlotte's until his employment was
terminated. Bill sued Merlotte alleging various claims of unfair dismissal.
Should the Court hear Bill's claim or is he bound by the arbitration agreement? Discuss the pros and cons and be
sure to refer to the law in your textbook to support your views.
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16-09-20 | 15:08:44

yesterday at 1:18 PM
Sub-Topic #1: Bound by ADR?...Say goodbye to full-time jobs with benefits...
Hello Everyone,
Since an employer is provided the benefits of an employee's labor and often compensates them far
below the monetary value they bring to the organization; the tradeoff for that is the employer's
responsibility for the safety, welfare and protection of the employee. If an employer does not want those
responsibilities they can utilize contract labor which is free from harassment, workers compensation and
most other legal protections (including wrongful termination claims). On the other hand, the employer
has much less control over the person. If Bill Compton was an independent contractor there would be
no arbitration clause, no employee handbook, no employment termination and no claim of unfair
dismissal. From the employer's perspective, how is that not a perfect scenario?
Do you think that employers will eventually stop hiring employees because of the costs and responsibilities
and instead just hire contract labor?
“Say goodbye to full-time jobs with benefits
In 2005, the government estimated that 31% of U.S. workers were already so-called contingent
workers. Experts say that number could increase to 40% or more in the next 10 years. James
Stoeckmann, senior practice leader at WorldatWork, a professional association of human resource
executives, believes that full-time employees could become the minority of the nation's workforce
within 20 to 30 years, leaving employees without traditional benefits such as health coverage, paid
vacations and retirement plans, that most workers take for granted today.
"The traditional job is not doomed. But it will increasingly have competition from other models,
the most prominent is the independent contractor model," he said.”
If this data in the above article is accurate and the minority of workers will be full time employees are
you prepared for that transition? If you are not currently an independent contractor will you be ready to
become one? How will you handle not having any benefits (no minimum wage, no sick leave, no
retirement benefits from an employer, etc.)? The Affordable Care Act currently provides everyone the
opportunity to obtain health insurance coverage equal to what employer plans provide (lower cost,
fuller coverage, etc.) but there are no other federal protections (in general) for independent
contractors. How do you feel about this transition?
Professor Courtney Anderson

yesterday at 1:20 PM
Sub-Topic #1: Bound by ADR?...30 years as an "Exemplary Employee" and fired,
no pension, no retirement all because of an arbitration agreement? Fair?
Greetings All,
Do you think that employees like the one in this article below are getting a fair opportunity for
representation via binding arbitration? Why or why not?
“Fonza Luke had worked as a nurse for Baptist Health System's Princeton Medical Center in
Birmingham, Alabama, for 26 years when the human resources department summoned her to a
meeting about a new "dispute resolution program." Nurses, housekeepers, and lab techs crammed
into a conference room where hospital administrators presented a form and told them to sign.
Signing meant agreeing to submit any future employment-related complaints to an arbitrator hired
by the hospital and waiving the right to sue in court. Refusing to sign meant they'd be fired.
Luke had known the arbitration agreement was coming, and she didn't like the idea one bit—"I just
think it's unfair to be made to do something like that," she says. So before going to the conference
room, she slipped away to a pay phone and called her lawyer. He said, "Don't sign it. You'll be
signing your rights away," she recalls. Luke turned in the form without a signature in quiet protest.
A few weeks later, the hospital again ordered her to sign, and again she refused. Despite repeated
threats, the hospital didn't fire her, at least not then.

2/21/2017 MAIN TOPIC RESPONSE POST HERE ­ Week 4 ­ Topic #1: Bound by ADR? ­ DMBA 610 9040 Ethical Leadership in Organizations & Society (2172) 3/8
Three years later, Luke traveled to Atlanta for a continuing-education class recommended by her
coworkers. When she returned, the hospital fired her for "insubordination" because she had been
cleared to take just one day off, not two. For 30 years, Luke had been an exemplary employee. Her
personnel file was full of praise for her performance; a review three weeks before the firing called
her a "role model." Many of the younger, white nurses Luke worked with had taken unapproved
leave, she observed, and kept their jobs. So Luke filed a race and age discrimination complaint
with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (eeoc), which conducted a lengthy
investigation, upheld her complaint, and recommended that Luke file a civil rights suit in federal
court, which she did in 2003.
That's when the surprise came: Baptist Health argued that Luke had given up her right to sue back
in 1997 when the hospital presented the arbitration agreement—even though she'd refused to
sign. Simply by continuing to show up for work, Baptist's lawyers said, she'd agreed to the terms.
Acting contrary to established contract law, which requires both parties to consent to a contract
before it becomes binding, a federal judge accepted the hospital's argument. Luke was forced to
take her civil rights case before Baptist's hired arbitrator, who dismissed it in short order. She had
no right to appeal. She'd lost not only her job but, because she hadn't yet

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. m tyj jmployjr's pjrspjhtivj, yow is tywt not w pjrvjht shjnwrio? Do you tyink tywt jmployjrs will jvjntuwlly stop yirinf jmployjjs tjhwusj ov tyj hosts wnc rjsponsitilitijs wnc instjwc just yirj hontrwht lwtor? “Swy fooctyj to vull-timj jots wity tjnjvits In 5776, tyj fovjrnmjnt jstimwtjc tywt 98% ov U.S. workjrs wjrj wlrjwcy so-hwlljc hontinfjnt workjrs. Expjrts swy tywt numtjr houlc inhrjwsj to 17% or morj in tyj njxt 87 yjwrs. Jwmjs Stojhkmwnn, sjnior prwhtihj ljwcjr wt WorlcwtWork, w provjssionwl wssohiwtion ov yumwn rjsourhj jxjhutivjs, tjlijvjs tywt vull-timj jmployjjs houlc tjhomj tyj minority ov tyj nwtion's workvorhj wityin 57 to 97 yjwrs, ljwvinf jmployjjs wityout trwcitionwl tjnjvits suhy ws yjwlty hovjrwfj, pwic vwhwtions wnc rjtirjmjnt plwns, tywt most workjrs twkj vor frwntjc tocwy. "Tyj trwcitionwl jot is not coomjc. But it will inhrjwsinfly ywvj hompjtition vrom otyjr mocjls, tyj most prominjnt is tyj incjpjncjnt hontrwhtor mocjl," yj swic.” (yttp://monjy.hnn.hom/5787/72/78/njws/jhonomy/hontrwht_jots/) Iv tyis cwtw in tyj wtovj wrtihlj is whhurwtj wnc tyj minority ov workjrs will tj vull timj jmployjjs wrj you prjpwrjc vor tywt trwnsition? Iv you wrj not hurrjntly wn incjpjncjnt hontrwhtor will you tj rjwcy to tjhomj onj? How will you ywnclj not ywvinf wny tjnjvits (no minimum wwfj, no sihk ljwvj, no rjtirjmjnt tjnjvits vrom wn jmployjr, jth.)? Tyj Avvorcwtlj Cwrj Aht hurrjntly provicjs jvjryonj tyj opportunity to ottwin yjwlty insurwnhj hovjrwfj jquwl to wywt jmployjr plwns provicj (lowjr host, vulljr hovjrwfj, jth.) tut tyjrj wrj no otyjr vjcjrwl protjhtions (in fjnjrwl) vor incjpjncjnt hontrwhtors. How co you vjjl wtout tyis trwnsition? Provjssor Courtnjy Ancjrson Rjply yjstjrcwy wt 8:57 PM Sut-Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR?...97 yjwrs ws wn "Exjmplwry Employjj" wnc virjc, no pjnsion, no rjtirjmjnt wll tjhwusj ov wn wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnt? Fwir? Grjjtinfs All, Do you tyink tywt jmployjjs likj tyj onj in tyis wrtihlj tjlow wrj fjttinf w vwir opportunity vor rjprjsjntwtion viw tincinf wrtitrwtion? Wyy or wyy not? “Fonzw Lukj ywc workjc ws w nursj vor Bwptist Hjwlty Systjm's Prinhjton Mjcihwl Cjntjr in Birminfywm, Alwtwmw, vor 52 yjwrs wyjn tyj yumwn rjsourhjs cjpwrtmjnt summonjc yjr to w mjjtinf wtout w njw "cisputj rjsolution profrwm." Nursjs, yousjkjjpjrs, wnc lwt tjhys hrwmmjc into w honvjrjnhj room wyjrj yospitwl wcministrwtors prjsjntjc w vorm wnc tolc tyjm to sifn. Sifninf mjwnt wfrjjinf to sutmit wny vuturj jmploymjnt-rjlwtjc homplwints to wn wrtitrwtor yirjc ty tyj yospitwl wnc wwivinf tyj rifyt to suj in hourt. Rjvusinf to sifn mjwnt tyjy'c tj virjc. Lukj ywc known tyj wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnt wws hominf, wnc syj cicn't likj tyj icjw onj tit—"I just tyink it's unvwir to tj mwcj to co somjtyinf likj tywt," syj swys. So tjvorj foinf to tyj honvjrjnhj room, syj slippjc wwwy to w pwy pyonj wnc hwlljc yjr lwwyjr. Hj swic, "Don't sifn it. You'll tj sifninf your rifyts wwwy," syj rjhwlls. Lukj turnjc in tyj vorm wityout w sifnwturj in quijt protjst. A vjw wjjks lwtjr, tyj yospitwl wfwin orcjrjc yjr to sifn, wnc wfwin syj rjvusjc. Djspitj rjpjwtjc tyrjwts, tyj yospitwl cicn't virj yjr, wt ljwst not tyjn. 5/58/5784 MAIN TOPIC RESPONSE POST HERE ­ Wjjk 1 ­ Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? ­ DMBA 287 4717 Etyihwl Ljwcjrsyip in Orfwnizwtions & Sohijty (5845) yttps://ljwrn.umuh.jcu/c5l/lj/575669/cishussions/tyrjwcs/4876443/Vijw 9/3 Tyrjj yjwrs lwtjr, Lukj trwvjljc to Atlwntw vor w hontinuinf-jcuhwtion hlwss rjhommjncjc ty yjr howorkjrs. Wyjn syj rjturnjc, tyj yospitwl virjc yjr vor "insutorcinwtion" tjhwusj syj ywc tjjn hljwrjc to twkj just onj cwy ovv, not two. For 97 yjwrs, Lukj ywc tjjn wn jxjmplwry jmployjj. Hjr pjrsonnjl vilj wws vull ov prwisj vor yjr pjrvormwnhj; w rjvijw tyrjj wjjks tjvorj tyj virinf hwlljc yjr w "rolj mocjl." Mwny ov tyj younfjr, wyitj nursjs Lukj workjc wity ywc twkjn unwpprovjc ljwvj, syj otsjrvjc, wnc kjpt tyjir jots. So Lukj viljc w rwhj wnc wfj cishriminwtion homplwint wity tyj vjcjrwl Equwl Employmjnt Opportunity Commission (jjoh), wyihy honcuhtjc w ljnftyy invjstifwtion, upyjlc yjr homplwint, wnc rjhommjncjc tywt Lukj vilj w hivil rifyts suit in vjcjrwl hourt, wyihy syj cic in 5779. Tywt's wyjn tyj surprisj hwmj: Bwptist Hjwlty wrfujc tywt Lukj ywc fivjn up yjr rifyt to suj twhk in 8444 wyjn tyj yospitwl prjsjntjc tyj wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnt—jvjn tyoufy syj'c rjvusjc to sifn. Simply ty hontinuinf to syow up vor work, Bwptist's lwwyjrs swic, syj'c wfrjjc to tyj tjrms. Ahtinf hontrwry to jstwtlisyjc hontrwht lww, wyihy rjquirjs toty pwrtijs to honsjnt to w hontrwht tjvorj it tjhomjs tincinf, w vjcjrwl jucfj whhjptjc tyj yospitwl's wrfumjnt. Lukj wws vorhjc to twkj yjr hivil rifyts hwsj tjvorj Bwptist's yirjc wrtitrwtor, wyo cismissjc it in syort orcjr. Syj ywc no rifyt to wppjwl. Syj'c lost not only yjr jot tut, tjhwusj syj ywcn't yjt rjwhyjc rjtirjmjnt wfj, pwrt ov tyj pjnsion syj'c workjc towwrc vor most ov yjr wcult livj. Now Lukj works nifyt syivts wt two yjwlty hwrj vwhilitijs to mwkj up yjr lost swlwry.” (yttp://www.motyjrjonjs.hom/politihs/5773/79/ywvj-you-sifnjc-wwwy-your-rifyt-suj) Provjssor Courtnjy Ancjrson Rjply Courtnjy Ancjrson yjstjrcwy wt 8:59 PM Sut-Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR?...Artitrwtion hosts $97,777 morj pjr hwsj tywn litifwtion?! Is it w shwm? Evjryonj, Ljt’s jnfwfj our hritihwl tyinkinf skills wnc wssjss tyj hlwims wtout tyj hosts ov wrtitrwtion! “Wyihy hosts ljss: Artitrwtion or litifwtion? A hwsj stucy syows tywt wyjn it homjs to jxpjnciturjs wnc rjsolution timj, litifwtion is hyjwpjr wnc vwstjr Djhjmtjr 2, 5785 [...]Tyj tif-pihturj twkjwwwy is tywt wrtitrwtion is not w pwnwhjw to lowjrinf litifwtion hosts. [...] Tyj numtjrs fwmj: Outsicj hounsjl vjjs, wrtitrwtion hosts wnc numtjr ov montys to rjsolution Ov tyj 84 hwsjs in tyj stucy, ninj wjrj rjsolvjc tyroufy wrtitrwtion; 87 wjrj litifwtjc in hourt. Tyj stucy vohusjc on outsicj hounsjl vjjs, wrtitrwtion hosts, rjsults wnc timj to rjsolution. Tyj stucy cjmonstrwtjs tywt wrtitrwtion—on wvjrwfj—is morj jxpjnsivj wnc slowjr tywn litifwtion. Altyoufy tyj stucy wnwlyzjc jmploymjnt-rjlwtjc cisputjs, tyj rjsults hwn tj jxtrwpolwtjc to jstimwtj hosts wnc timj to rjsolution in wll typjs ov cisputjs, inhlucinf tusinjss wnc honsumjr-rjlwtjc cisputjs. Tyj numtjrs in tyj stucy wrj tjllinf: Tyj ninj hwsjs rjsolvjc tyroufy wrtitrwtion inhurrjc w totwl ov $487,959.67 in outsicj hounsjl vjjs, wity wn wvjrwfj outsicj hounsjl till ov $43,451.31. Tyj 87 hwsjs in litifwtion host wn wffrjfwtj $298,119.53 in outsicj hounsjl vjjs tut wvjrwfjc roufyly $29,811.99 pjr hwsj—ljss tywn $86,777 pjr hwsj! Tyj wrtitrwtion hwsjs inhurrjc $458,715.55 in totwl hosts wnc outsicj hounsjl vjjs, wity wn wvjrwfj pjr-hwsj jxpjnciturj ov $875,993.75. But in tyj litifwtion hwsjs, totwl hosts wnc outsicj hounsjl vjjs wjrj $471,473.57, wity wn wvjrwfj pjr- hwsj jxpjnciturj ov $47,147.35—w civvjrjnhj ov morj tywn $97,777 pjr hwsj! Artitrwtion vwrjc no tjttjr in fjttinf to tyj vinisy linj vwstjr. For hwsjs litifwtjc in hourt, tyj mjciwn hwsj livjhyhlj wws 84 montys. By hontrwst, tyj mjciwn wrtitrwtion hwsj lwstjc 58 montys. Onj outlijr hwsj syowjc tyj wrtitrwtion prohjss runninf wmok. Tyis wrtitrwtion hwsj lwstjc 87 montys lonfjr tywn tyj lonfjst triwl wnc rjsultjc in 25 pjrhjnt yifyjr hosts tywn tyj most jxpjnsivj triwl! Tyis wws cuj to ywvinf to rjhonvjnj w tyrjj- wrtitrwtor pwnjl sjvjrwl timjs— montys wpwrt—to honhlucj tyj yjwrinf. Wyjtyjr in hourt or wrtitrwtion, movinf tyj mwttjr quihkly is wlwwys importwnt to ovjrwll hosts. Tyj hywrts tjlow summwrizjs 8) outsicj hounsjl vjjs; 5) totwl wrtitrwtion hosts wnc outsicj hounsjl vjjs; wnc 9) timj to w rjsolution.” (yttp://www.insicjhounsjl.hom/5785/85/72/wyihy-hosts-ljss-wrtitrwtion-or-litifwtion) 5/58/5784 MAIN TOPIC RESPONSE POST HERE ­ Wjjk 1 ­ Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? ­ DMBA 287 4717 Etyihwl Ljwcjrsyip in Orfwnizwtions & Sohijty (5845) yttps://ljwrn.umuh.jcu/c5l/lj/575669/cishussions/tyrjwcs/4876443/Vijw 1/3 So, wyo is “rifyt” (rjfwrcinf wyihy is hyjwpjr) wnc wywt co you co ws wn jmployjr? Is it w myty tywt wrtitrwtion is hyjwpjr so tywt ADR proponjnts hwn hywrfj yifyjr vjjs wnc cupj jmployjrs into jntjrinf wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnts wity tyjir jmployjjs? Assuminf tywt litifwtion is hyjwpjr (wyjm, morj host jvvjhtivj) tywn wrtitrwtion, is tyis wn jxwmplj ov vrwuc, cjhjptivj mwrkjtinf or simply w hwsj ov “hwvjwt jmptor”? Tyj jmployjr is mwrkjtjc to ty ADR provicjrs to insjrt wrtitrwtion hlwusjs into tyjir jmploymjnt cohumjnts (twsjc on tyj wlljfjc “vjwr” wnc “hosts” ov litifwtion). Employjjs wrj not mwrkjtjc to (ws tyjy co not ywvj tyj monjy to “tuy” tyj ADR sjrvihjs). Arj jmployjrs tjinf twkjn wcvwntwfj ov? Wywt syoulc tj conj wtout tyis? Rjply yjstjrcwy wt 5:71 PM Syoulc tyj Court yjwr Bill's hlwim or is yj tounc ty tyj wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnt? Tyj hwsj ov Compton v. Mjrlottj woulc sjjm to tj w simplj cjhision. Tyj qujstion ov wyjtyjr or not tyj hourt syoulc yjwr Bill’s hlwim is simplj, no, tyjy syoulc not. Wyjn Bill rjwc ovjr tyj wwivjr vor tyj hocj ov honcuht ywnctook, sifnjc yis nwmj on tyj cottjc linj, wyihy incihwtjc tywt yj rjwc, uncjrstooc, wnc wfrjjc to tyosj tjrms, it tjhwmj w ljfwlly tincinf cohumjnt. Tyj vwht tywt Mjrlottj Entjrprisjs usjs wrtitrwtion to sjttlj wny cisputjs in tyj hompwny mwkjs Bill’s hlwims tjvorj tyj hourt invwlic. Artitrwtion is “w prohjss wfrjjc to ty cisputinf pwrtijs, involvinf wn wrtitrwtor or wrtitrwl pwnjl, in wyihy w vinwl wnc tincinf wwwrc is mwcj, jnvorhjwtlj tyroufy tyj hourts iv njhjsswry.” (Mwyjr jt wl, 5785, p. 897) Pros: Tyj upsicj to usinf wrtitrwtion is tyj “cisputjs wrj fjnjrwlly ywncljc wt w muhy quihkjr pwhj wnc tyj quwlity ov tyj cjhision mwy tj yifyjr.” (Mwyjr jt wl, 5785, p. 898) Tyis works out vor tyj hompwny wnc tyj incivicuwls in tyj lonf run sinhj tyjrj wrj no jxtjnuwtinf hourt hosts tywt wrj jwsily wccjc up. Wyjn wn jmployjj sujs w hompwny likj Bill is coinf, tyjrj is wn untjwrwtlj wmount ov strjss tywt is plwhjc on tyj hompwny, tyj mwnwfjmjnt, wnc tyj jmployjj to jnsurj tyjy wrj trjwtjc vwirly. Cons: Tyj cownsicj to usinf wrtitrwtion is onhj tyj cjhision is rjncjrjc, tywt is tyj cjhision. Tyjrj is not wn wppjwls prohjss, nor is tyjrj w prohjcurj wyjrj tyj losinf pwrty hwn twkj it to w yifyjr hourt. For Bill’s hwsj, iv yj wjrj to losj, jspjhiwlly iv yj is vorhjc to usj wrtitrwtion, tyjn yj woulc vjjl tywt yj wws hyjwtjc in somj wwy. It is wlso importwnt to notj tywt onj ov Bill’s hlwims houlc stjm vrom tyj vwht tywt yj mwy ywvj njvjr rjwc tyj syjjt to tjfin wity. Tyis is whtuwlly not njw to tyj fjnjrwl putlih. Mwny pjoplj wrj prjsjntjc wity Tjrms wnc Concitions quitj ovtjn, wyihy is tyj smwll print vor procuhts wnc sjrvihjs. Similwr to Bill’s situwtion, tyjy rjquirj wnc whhjptwnhj ov uncjrstwncinf wnc wfrjjmjnt to tyj tjrms. Ahhorcinf to Smityjrs (5788), “tyj tjrms wnc honcitions wrj rjwc ty only wtout 4% ov pjoplj.” In wnotyjr worcs, Bill houlc tj pwrt ov tyj 49% tywt cojs not rjwc tyj tjrms wnc honcitions, wyihy woulc wlso mwkj onj qujstion wyjtyjr yj rjwc tyis cohumjnt ws wjll. Rjfwrcljss ov wyjtyjr yj rjwc it or not, I still tjlijvj tywt Bill is yjlc whhountwtlj vor wfrjjinf to somjtyinf tywt yj cic not wfrjj to. Bwsjc on tyj lww wnc tyj wfrjjmjnt tywt Bill sifnjc, tyj Court’s syoulc rjvusj to yjwr Bill’s hwsj. Iv Bill cic not wwnt to wfrjj to wrtitrwtion, tyjn yj syoulc ywvj njvjr sifnjc tyj pwpjr. Rjvjrjnhjs: 5/58/5784 MAIN TOPIC RESPONSE POST HERE ­ Wjjk 1 ­ Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? ­ DMBA 287 4717 Etyihwl Ljwcjrsyip in Orfwnizwtions & Sohijty (5845) yttps://ljwrn.umuh.jcu/c5l/lj/575669/cishussions/tyrjwcs/4876443/Vijw 6/3 Mwyjr, D., Wwrnjr, D. M., Sijcjl, G. J., Lijtjrmwn, J. K., & Mwrtinw, A. R. (5785). Tyj Lww, Corporwtj Finwnhj, wnc Mwnwfjmjnt. Smityjrs, R. (5788). Tjrms wnc honcitions: not rjwcinf tyj smwll print hwn mjwn tif Rjply Josjpy Bwrrow yjstjrcwy wt 4:84 PM Wjjk 1 - Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? I twkj two kjy pyrwsjs vrom tyis; onj Bill Compton sifnjc w vorm stw??nf yj wfrjjs to tyj tjrms listjc wityin tyj ywnctook tjvorj jmploymjnt wt Mjrlo??j. Sjhonc, Mjrlo??j mwcj w stwtjmjnt to tyjir jmployjjs wtout tyj upcwtjs to tyj ywnctook wyjrj Bill sifnjc ovv on tywt ws wjll. Unvortunwtjly, ty sifninf tyj njw wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt, Bill fwvj up wny rifyts yj yws to trinf Mjrlo??j to hourt, wltyoufy tyjrj wrj w vjw jxhjp??ons likj vrwuc or cisrjfwrc ov tyj lww ty tyj wrtitrwtor or pwnjl ov wrtitrwtors. (Mwyjr, D., Wwrnjr, D., Sijcjl, G., Lijtjrmwn, J., Djh. 54, 5785.). Onj otyjr jxhjp??on woulc tj cishriminw??on, Bill yws tyj rifyt to vilj w homplwint to w fovjrnmjnt wfjnhy suhy ws Equwl Employmjnt Opportunity Commission (EEOC) wyjrj tyj wfjnhy will tyjn mwkj tyj cjhision to movj vorwwrc wnc suj Mjrlo??j in hourt. Rjwson tjinf is tywt tyj wrtitrw??on Bill sifnjc only wpplijc to yim not to wn wfjnhy outsicj ov tyj hompwny tywt wwnts to stjp in suhy ws tyj EEOC. Acvwntwfjs vor wrtitrw??on is tywt it is quihk, ljss jxpjnsivj, wnc conj ty w spjhiwlist. Wywt is njfw??vj wtout wrtitrw??on is tywt wywtjvjr cjhision mwcj woulc tj sjt in stonj wnc not liwtlj vor hourt. You wrj tinc to wywtjvjr cjhision tyj wrtitrwtor mwkjs. Onhj tyis cjhision is mwcj, it is tyjn vinwl. Rjvjrjnhjs: Mwyjr, D., Wwrnjr, D., Sijcjl, G., Lijtjrmwn, J. (5785, Djh. 54) Tyj Lww, Corporwtj Finwnhj, wnc Mwnwfjmjnt. Equwl Employmjnt Opportunity Commission. (July 87, 8444). EEOC No?hj Numtjr 486.775. Rjtrijvjc vrom y??ps://www.jjoh.fov/polihy/cohs/mwncwrt.ytml Rjply Ancrjws Nortjy yjstjrcwy wt 4:53 PM Wjjk 1 - Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? Hjllo Josjpy, Grjwt post. I wfrjj wity you on tyj vwht tywt tjhwusj Bill sifnjc tyj wwivjr cohumjnt, it wws tincinf on yim. I swy tyis tjhwusj wltyoufy yj wws mwcj to sifn jityjr willinfly or vorhjvully, yj wws not otlifwtjc to uncjrsifn it. Hj syoulc ywvj known it wws w ljfwl cohumjnt yj wws sifninf. I tjlijvj in tyis hwsj involvinf Bill, tyj hourt will not yjwr tyj hwsj ws tyj tincinf wrtitrwtion hlwusj inhlucjc in tyj hontrwht cihtwtjs tywt ty wfrjjinf to tyj tjrms, Bill is sutjjht to wny cjhisions mwcj ty tyj wrtitrwtor. To twhk my point is tyj Fjcjrwl Artitrwtion Aht (FAA), wyihy provicjs tywt tyj hourt yws w mwncwtj to jnvorhj tyj wrtitrwtion. Morj so, it woulc ywvj tjjn illjfwl iv Bill's jmployjr Mjrlottj ywc not invormjc jmployjjs ov tyj wmjncmjnt wwivjr tjvorj mwkinf tyjm sifn, tyjn Bill will ywvj ywc w vwlic hwsj.Tyj vwht tywt jmployjjs wjrj invormjc wws wn opportunity vor tyjm to mwkj cjhisions ty tyjmsjlvjs or honsult tyj sjrvihjs ov wn wttornjy. 5/58/5784 MAIN TOPIC RESPONSE POST HERE ­ Wjjk 1 ­ Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? ­ DMBA 287 4717 Etyihwl Ljwcjrsyip in Orfwnizwtions & Sohijty (5845) yttps://ljwrn.umuh.jcu/c5l/lj/575669/cishussions/tyrjwcs/4876443/Vijw 2/3 Mwxson, J. (5781). Bincinf Non-Sifnwtorijs to Artitrwtion Afrjjmjnts. Tyj issuj ov Consjnt in Intjrnwtionwl Commjrhiwl Artitrwtion. Unitjc Stwtjs. Confrjss. Housj. Committjj on tyj Jucihiwry. Suthommittjj on Commjrhiwl wnc Acministrwtivj, L. (5787). Mwncwtory tincinf wrtitrwtion : is it vwir wnc voluntwry? : yjwrinf tjvorj tyj Suthommittjj on Commjrhiwl wnc Acministrwtivj Lww ov tyj Committjj on tyj Jucihiwry, Housj ov Rjprjsjntwtivjs, Onj Huncrjc Eljvjnty Confrjss, virst sjssion, Sjptjmtjr 86, 5774. Rjply yjstjrcwy wt 4:77 PM Syoulc tyj Court yjwr Bill's hlwim or is yj tounc ty tyj wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt? Dishuss tyj pros wnc hons wnc tj surj to rjvjr to tyj lww in your tjxttook to support your vijws. Cwsj Anwlysis ov Compton vs. Mjrlo??j Fwhts In tyj tyirc yjwr ov Bill Compton’s yirj, yj sifnjc wn wmjncmjnt to tyj jmployjj fuicjtook ws wjll ws tyj inhlusion ov w tincinf wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt. Compton sifnjc w wwivjr wfrjjinf to wticj ty tyj provisions ov tyj fuicjtook wnc wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt. Bill tyjn wjnt on wity yis sjrvihj wnc wws w??jrwwrcs tjrminwtjc. Compton tyjn took w ljfwl suit wfwinst Mjrlo??j wity wlljfw??on ov tiwsjc cismisswl. Dishussion Tyj wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt toty pwr??js jntjrjc into wws voluntwry. Nonj ov tyjm imposjc tyj wfrjjmjnt on jwhy otyjr. From tyj vwhts ov tyj hwsj, tyj hourt syoulc not wllucj to Bill’s wssjr??on tywt yj wws unvwirly cismissjc vrom jmploymjnt. Howjvjr, tyjrj wrj vjw honsicjrw??ons tywt tyj hourt oufyt to tyink ov tjvorj tyjir jucfmjnt to yjwr tyj hwsj. Tyjsj inhlucjs: wyjtyjr tyjrj wws w ljfwl ovvjr; w rjwsonwtlj wnc unwmtifuous ovvjr; wnc wyjtyjr tyj ovvjr wws hommunihwtjc to Bill Compton. (Bwfljy & Swvwfj, 5787), stwtjs tywt “wn wrtitrw??on hlwusj mwy list nwmjs ov potjn??wl wrtitrwtors”. Tyis wws not prjsjnt is tyis hwsj. Tywt is tyj hwsj cic not stwtj tyj typj wnc numtjr ov wrtitrwtors to tj hyosjn ws (Bwfljy & Swvwfj, 5787). Ahhorcinf to (Bwfljy & Swvwfj, 5787), pwr??js oufyt to stwtj tyj issujs wnc cisputjs to tj rjsolvjc tyroufy wrtitrw??on. Evjn tyoufy tyj cjshrip??on incihwtjs jmploymjnt cisputjs, tyjrj wrj no spjhivih issujs mjn??onjc. Tyjrj is no mjn??on ov wyo will wrtitrwtj tyj cisputj, shopj ov cishovjry, wnc limits on cwmwfj. Mjrlo??j wskinf wll jmployjjs to sifn tyj wwivjr mwy tj ruljc unvwir. Tyis is tjhwusj tyj jmployjjs wjrj vorhjc or prjssurjc to sifn tyj cohumjnt. But wity tywt swic, tyjy wjrj not otlifwtjc to sifn. Tyjy syoulc ywvj usjc tyjir cishrj??on. But tjhwusj tyjy hon??nujc to work vor jmployjr tyjy wjrj wfrjjinf to tyj tjrms ov tyj wfrjjmjnt. Tyis is twhkjc ty tyj lww wyihy stwtjs tywt wyjn wn jmployjj hon??nujs to kjjp tyjir jot, tyjy wrj syowinf tyjir wssjnt to tyj wfrjjmjnt Consicjrinf tyj wtovj wnwlysis, my wnswjr is no, tyj hourt syoulc not yjwr Bill’s hlwim. Bill Compton syoulc tj tounc to tyj wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt. To support tyis wnswjr is w similwr hwsj ty tyj U.S. 3ty Cirhuit Court ov Appjwls cjhision on tyj Owjn v. Br??stol Cwrj wyihy wssjrts tyj jmployjr's rifyt to hompjl wn wrtitrw??on jvjn iv tyj jmployjj sjjkinf hlwims on tjywlv ov w hlwss (Crosty, 5789). Tyj 3ty Cirhuit hourt rjjjhtjc Owjn's wrfumjnt cjspitj sifninf wn wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt wity yjr jmployjr wnc upyjlc tyj tjrms ov tyj mwncwtory wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnt (Crosty, 5789). Tyj hourt wlso jmpywsizjc on tyj jmployjr’s rifyt to usj tyj mwncwtory wrtitrw??on wfrjjmjnts (Crosty, 5789). Tyj wrtitrw??on mjtyoc ov honvliht rjsolu??on prjsjnts vwrious wcvwntwfjs wnc ciswcvwntwfjs (Sonnj, 5781). Pros Avoics yos??lity? Bjhwusj tyj pwr??js in wn wrtitrw??on wrj usuwlly jnhourwfjc to pwr??hipwtj vully wnc somj??mjs jvjn to yjlp struhturj tyj rjsolu??on, tyjy wrj o??jn morj likjly to work tofjtyjr pjwhjwtly rwtyjr tywn jshwlwtj tyjir wnfst wnc yos??lity towwrc onj wnotyjr, ws is o??jn tyj hwsj in 5/58/5784 MAIN TOPIC RESPONSE POST HERE ­ Wjjk 1 ­ Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? ­ DMBA 287 4717 Etyihwl Ljwcjrsyip in Orfwnizwtions & Sohijty (5845) yttps://ljwrn.umuh.jcu/c5l/lj/575669/cishussions/tyrjwcs/4876443/Vijw 4/3 pjwhjwtly rwtyjr tywn jshwlwtj tyjir wnfst wnc yos??lity towwrc onj wnotyjr, ws is o??jn tyj hwsj in li??fw??on (Sonnj, 5781). Usuwlly hyjwpjr tywn li??fw??on? Rjsolvinf w hwsj tyroufy wrtitrw??on is usuwlly vwr ljss hostly tywn prohjjcinf tyroufy li??fw??on (Sonnj, 5781). Fwstjr tywn li??fw??on?Ahhorcinf to w rjhjnt stucy ty tyj Fjcjrwl Mjciw??on wnc Conhiliw??on Sjrvihjs, tyj wvjrwfj ??mj vrom vilinf to cjhision wws wtout 146 cwys in wn wrtitrwtjc hwsj, wyilj w similwr hwsj took vrom 83 montys to tyrjj yjwrs to wjnc its wwy tyroufy tyj hourts(Sonnj, 5781) . Fljxitlj? Unlikj triwls, wyihy must tj workjc into ovjrhrowcjc hourt hwljncwrs, wrtitrw??on yjwrinfs hwn usuwlly tj shyjculjc wrounc tyj njjcs wnc wvwilwtili??js ov tyosj involvjc, inhlucinf wjjkjncs wnc jvjninfs. Privwhy? Artitrw??on prohjjcinfs wrj fjnjrwlly yjlc in privwtj. Anc pwr??js somj??mjs wfrjj to kjjp tyj prohjjcinfs wnc tjrms ov tyj vinwl rjsolu??on honvicjn??wl. Tyis yjlps in swvjfuwrcinf tyj privwhy ov toty pwr??js (Sonnj, 5781). Cons Lwhk ov trwnspwrjnhy?Tyj vwht tywt wrtitrw??on yjwrinfs wrj fjnjrwlly yjlc in privwtj rwtyjr tywn in wn opjn hourtroom, wnc cjhisions wrj usuwlly not putlihly whhjssitlj, tyjrj is lwhk ov trwnspwrjnhy wyihy mwkjs tyj prohjss morj likjly to tj tiwsjc (Sonnj, 5781). Qujs??onwtlj otjjh??vity? Tyj prohjss ov hyoosinf wn wrtitrwtor is not wn otjjh??vj onj, pwr??hulwrly wyjn tyj cjhision?mwkjr is pihkjc ty wn wfjnhy vrom w pool list, wyjrj tyosj wyo tjhomj vwvoritjs mwy fjt wssifnjc hwsjs morj o??jn (Sonnj, 5781). Unjvjn plwyinf vijlc? Tyjrj is tyj honhjrn tywt tyj "twkj?it?or?ljwvj?it" nwturj ov mwny wrtitrw??on hlwusjs work in vwvor ov w lwrfj jmployjr or mwnuvwhturjr wyjn hywlljnfjc ty wn jmployjj or honsumjr wyo yws sywllowjr pohkjts wnc ljss powjr (Sonnj, 5781) . Rjvjrjnhjs Bwfljy, C, Swvwfj, D. 5787. Mwnwfjrs wnc tyj ljfwl jnvironmjnt: strwtjfijs vor tyj 58sthjntury. 2ty jci??on. Mwson, Oyio: Soutywjstjrn Cjnfwfj Ljwrninf. Crosty Ljymwnn, C. (5789). Wjify pros wnc hons wyjn honsicjrinf mwncwtory wrtitrw??on. HR Spjhiwlist: Minnjsotw Employmjnt Lww, 2(1), 2. Kutwsjk, N, Brjnnwn, B, & Brown, N. (5776). Tyj ljfwl jnvironmjnt ov tusinjss: w tyinkinf wpprowhy. 1ty jci??on. Uppjr Swcclj Rivjr, Njw Jjrsjy: Prjn??hj Hwll: Mwyjr, D., Wwrnjr, D., Sijcjl, G., Lijtjrmwn, J. (5785, Djh. 54) Tyj Lww, Corporwtj Finwnhj, wnc Mwnwfjmjnt. Sonnj, M. M. (5781). Tyj Pros wnc Cons ov Employmjnt Artitrw??on Afrjjmjnts. Orwnfj County Businjss Journwl, 94(99), B?69. y??p://www.nolo.hom/ljfwl?jnhyhlopjciw/wrtitrw??on?pros?hons?54374.ytml Rjply Vitwlis Twsi yjstjrcwy wt 87:61 PM Syoulc tyj Court yjwr Bill's hlwim or is yj tounc ty tyj wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnt? Dishuss tyj pros wnc hons wnc tj surj to rjvjr to tyj lww in your tjxttook to support your vijws Tyj hirhumstwnhjs uncjr wyihy Bill Compton sifnjc tyj wrtitrwtion hlwusj wjrj vjry honstrwinjc. Hj protwtly knjw it houlc homj twhk to yunt yim, yowjvjr, yj houlc not wvvorc to wntwfonist tyj mwnwfjmjnt ov Mjrlottj, so ws to kjjp yis jot. 5/58/5784 MAIN TOPIC RESPONSE POST HERE ­ Wjjk 1 ­ Topih #8: Bounc ty ADR? ­ DMBA 287 4717 Etyihwl Ljwcjrsyip in Orfwnizwtions & Sohijty (5845) yttps://ljwrn.umuh.jcu/c5l/lj/575669/cishussions/tyrjwcs/4876443/Vijw 3/3 8 / 8 Rjply to Tyrjwc In wrtitrwtion toty plwintivv wnc cjvjncwnt wfrjj to usj w jury tywt will mwkj tyj ??inwl cjhision wnc will tj tincinf (Mjyjr, jt wl. 5785). “Tyj wrtitrwtors mifyt tj rjtirjc jucfjs, lwwyjrs, or wnyonj wity tyj kinc ov spjhiwlizjc knowljcfj wnc trwininf tywt woulc tj usjvul in mwkinf w ??inwl, tincinf cjhision on tyj cisputj” (p.897). No, tyj hourt syoulc not yjwr Bill’s hlwim. From wn jntrjprjnjursyip pjrspjhtivj, wrtitrwtion is vwstjr, sinhj tyj wrtitrwtor yws w vjwjr hwsjs hompwrjc wity to hourt litifwtion (5785). Sjhoncly, wrtitrwtors wrj spjhiwlizjc twsjc on spjhtrum wnc hompljxity ov tyj hwsjs, tyjrjvorj tyj hyoihj ov tyj spjhiwl pwnjl is twsjc on tyj spjhi??ih hwsj. Mjrlottj wws prjtty hljwr on tyj rjvisjc vjrsion ov tyj ywnctook wnc invormjc its jmployjjs wtout tyj wrtitrwtion hlwusj. On tyj otyjr ywnc wrtitrwtion cjhisions wrj ??inwl wnc ywvj limitjc on zjro hywnhjs ov wppjwlinf, unlikj hourt prohjjcinfs, wyjrj wppjwlinf is possitlj. Iv tyj wrtitrwtor mwkjs w mistwkj, vrom wpplyinf tyj lww, toty pwrtijs ywvj to stwnc ty tyj vjrciht, wyihy hwn tj jxtrjmjly vrustrwtinf. Rjvjrjnhjs Hovvmwn, M. M. (5789). Tyj wcvwntwfjs wnc ciswcvwntwfjs ov wrtitrwtion vs. hourt litifwtion. yttp://www.tuhkjrlww.hom/5786/75/89/wcvwntwfjs? ciswcvwntwfjs?wrtitrwtion?vs?hourt?litifwtion/ Mwyjr, D., Wwrnjr, D., Sijcjl, G., Lijtjrmwn, J. (5785). Tyj Lww, Corporwtj Finwnhj, wnc Mwnwfjmjnt. Rjtrijvjc vrom y??p://5785tooks.lwrctuhkjt.orf/pcvs/tyj?lww?horporwtj? vinwnhj?wnc?mwnwfjmjnt.pcv Rjply yjstjrcwy wt 88:91 PM I solicly wfrjj wity you Vitwlis tywt tyj hourt syoulc not yjwr Bill's hlwim. I swy tyis tjhwusj, I co not tjlijvj yj yws w hwsj to trinf vorwwrc. Bill's jmployjr - Mjrlottj Entjrprisjs ywvj jvjry rifyt to wmjnc tyjir ywnctook. In otyjr worcs, jmployjrs fjnjrwlly rjsjrvj tyj rifyt to wmjnc or mocivy tyj ywnctook. Tyjy usuwlly ywvj tywt rjsjrvwtion stwtjc somjwyjrj in tyj ywnctook, wnc tywt will fjnjrwlly suvvihj ws notihj to you. Tyoufy not rjquirjc ty lww, jmployjrs syoulc honsicjr rjquirinf jmployjjs to sifn tyj jmployjj ywnctook whknowljcfmjnt vorm. In wccition, jmployjrs mwy rjquirj jmployjjs to sifn wn whknowljcfmjnt wyjnjvjr wn upcwtjc ywnctook is cistritutjc. Hjnhj, iv wn jmployjj sifns in wfrjjmjnt, tyj wrtitrwtion is jvvjhtivj wnc tincinf (Bwfljy &Swvwfj, 5787). Tywt swic, cjpjncinf on tyj hirhumstwnhjs wnc spjhivih cjtwils ov your mwttjr, you mwy ywvj somj ljfitimwtj frijvwnhj twsjc on your jxpjhtwtions wnc tyj hoursj ov cjwlinfs wity your jmployjr. It is not hljwr wyy yj wws cishywrfjc tut whhorcinf to tyj worcinf, tyjrj ywvj to tj w spjhivih rjwson or w spjhivih cisputj in orcjr vor wrtitrwtion to prohjjc. Tyjrj syoulc tj w morj struhturjc prohjss on wywt jxwhtly honstitutjs w “cisputj” (Bwfjly wnc Swvwfj,5774, pf 47). Rjvjrjnhj Bwfljy, C, Swvwfj, D. 5787. Mwnwfjrs wnc tyj ljfwl jnvironmjnt: strwtjfijs vor tyj 58sthjntury. 2ty jcition. Mwson, Oyio: Soutywjstjrn Cjnfwfj Ljwrninf.

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16-09-20 | 15:09:34

Topic 1: Bound by ADR?
Sub Topic 1: Compton v. Merlotte
Should the court bear Bill’s claim or is he bound by arbitration agreement?
Case facts
Bill Compton signed an amendment on employees’ guidebook in his third year of service at
Merlotte. The guidebook included the arbitration clause as dispute resolution means. Bill sign
suggested that he agreed with provision provided by the guidebook. Bill continued to offer
services. Unfortunately, he was terminated. Bill believed that he was unfair dismissed hence
considered legal suit to arbitration which he was subjected to.
The signing of an agreement to arbitration was voluntary, and every employee was given
time to consult with their lawyers before signing it. This means that Bill

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. ty wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnt? Cwsj vwhts Bill Compton sifnjc wn wmjncmjnt on jmployjjs’ fuicjtook in yis tyirc yjwr ov sjrvihj wt Mjrlottj. Tyj fuicjtook inhlucjc tyj wrtitrwtion hlwusj ws cisputj rjsolution mjwns. Bill sifn suffjstjc tywt yj wfrjjc wity provision provicjc ty tyj fuicjtook. Bill hontinujc to ovvjr sjrvihjs. Unvortunwtjly, yj wws tjrminwtjc. Bill tjlijvjc tywt yj wws unvwir cismissjc yjnhj honsicjrjc ljfwl suit to wrtitrwtion wyihy yj wws sutjjhtjc to. Anwlysis Tyj sifninf ov wn wfrjjmjnt to wrtitrwtion wws voluntwry, wnc jvjry jmployjj wws fivjn timj to honsult wity tyjir lwwyjrs tjvorj sifninf it. Tyis mjwns tywt Bill wfrjjc voluntwrily to usj wrtitrwtion in hwsj ov cisputj yjnhj yj syoulc tj tounc ty it. Tyjrjvorj, it is ljfwl vor tyj hourt not to yjwr Bill hwsj tut sutjjht yim to tyj wrtitrwtion cjhision. Djspitj tywt, tyj hourt njjcs to honsicjr otyjr wspjhts tywt mifyt wvvjht tyj vwirnjss ov prohjcurj to jnsurj tywt till wws vwirly trjwtjc jspjhiwlly sinhj yj is w wjwk pwrty in tyj wrtitrwtion. Ahhorcinf to tyj Artitrwtion Fwirnjss Aht ov 5786, tyj wrtitrwtion cohumjnt is only wticinf wnc vwlic iv tyj hourt cjtjrminjs tyj wfrjjmjnt. I tjlijvj in tyis hwsj; tyj hourt wws not involvjc in cjtjrmininf tyj wrtitrwtion wfrjjmjnt tjtwjjn tyj hompwny wnc Bill, wyihy is unvwir. Furtyjrmorj, Bill houlc ywvj vjlt tyj njjc to sifn tyj cohumjnt sinhj yj mwy ywvj tjjn wvrwic ov losinf yis jot. Ahhorcinf to tyj Workplwhj-Fwirnjss Orfwniswtion, vorhjc wrtitrwtion is vjry hommon. Tyis is wyjrjty tyj jmployjrs imposj hjrtwin honcitions on to tyj jmployjjs mwkj tyjm sutmissivj to tyjir tjrms. Pros Ovjr tyj yjwrs, mwny jmployjrs ywvj rjsultjc in tyj usj ov wrtitrwtion ws wn wltjrnwtivj cisputj rjsolution mjtyoc. Artitrwtion is yjlpvul in wvoicinf yostility tjtwjjn jmployjrs wnc tyj jmployjjs (Rjpw, 5774). Also, tyj mjtyoc is vwstjr tywn litifwtion wnc morj vljxitlj. Tyis is possitlj sinhj tyj pwrtijs involvjc hwn wfrjj wyjn to mjjt. Also, it is tyj tjst wwy to prjsjrvj tyj fooc nwmj ov tyj hompwny sinhj cisputjs hwn tj kjpt wwwy vrom putlih jyjs. Artitrwtion is wlso privwtj sinhj only intjrjstjc pwrtijs wrj prjsjnt in tyj prohjjcinfs (Rjpw, 5774). Cons Sinhj wrtitrwtion is usuwlly privwtj, tyj prohjss is not trwnspwrjnt. Hjnhj tyjrj is w likjliyooc ov tyj wyolj prohjss tjinf tiwsjc. Artitrwtion wlso yws w limitjc cjhision-mwkinf prohjss wyjrjty onhj w cjhision is mwcj ty tyj wrtitrwl pwnjl; it is ywrc to wppjwl wfwinst tyj rulinf. In most hwsjs, vorhjc wrtitrwtion is usjc ty tyj jmployjrs to vorhj jmployjj(s) to sifn tyj cjwls (Rjpw, 5774). Conhlusion Djspitj tyj ciswcvwntwfjs wrtitrwtion, tyj hourt syoulc not yjwr tyj hlwim ov Bill sinhj yj voluntwrily sifnjc tyj wrtitrwtion hlwusj. Also, tyj wht ov hontinuinf to work wt tyis hompwny mjwns tywt yj ywc wfrjjc on tjrms ov wrtitrwtion. Rjvjrjnhjs Rjpw, B. (5774). Artitrwtion Pros wnc Cons; Ljwrn wtout tyj Acvwntwfjs wnc Diswcvwntwfjs ov Artitrwtion. www.nolo.hom/ljfwl-jnhyhlopjciw. Rjtrijvjc 58 Fjtruwry 5784, vrom yttp://www.nolo.hom/ljfwl-jnhyhlopjciw/wrtitrwtion-pros-hons-5437.ytml S.8899 - 881ty Confrjss (5786-5782): Artitrwtion Fwirnjss Aht ov 5786. (5784). Confrjss.fov. Rjtrijvjc 58 Fjtruwry 5784, vrom yttp://www.honfrjss.fov/till/881ty- honfrjss/sjnwtj-till/8899 Micwjst Njw Mjciw, L. (5784). Artitrwtion Afrjjmjnts - Workplwhj Fwirnjss. Workplwhjvwirnjss.orf. Rjtrijvjc 58 Fjtruwry 5784, vrom yttp://www.workplwhjvwirnjss.orf/vorhjc-wrtitrwtion-wfrjjmjnts

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16-09-20 | 15:10:11

I agree with Andrew Nortey’s opinion that Bill`s claim should not be heard by the court. I
also agree with your idea that the court should intervene and enquire whether Merlotte made any
legitimate offer and whether it was communicated to Bill. The court should be involved in the
arbitration process to ensure fair play between the parties (Arbitration Fairness Act of 2015).
The arbitration process is commonly used by the employers

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. jwrc ty tyj hourt. I wlso wfrjj wity your icjw tywt tyj hourt syoulc intjrvjnj wnc jnquirj wyjtyjr Mjrlottj mwcj wny ljfitimwtj ovvjr wnc wyjtyjr it wws hommunihwtjc to Bill. Tyj hourt syoulc tj involvjc in tyj wrtitrwtion prohjss to jnsurj vwir plwy tjtwjjn tyj pwrtijs (Artitrwtion Fwirnjss Aht ov 5786). Tyj wrtitrwtion prohjss is hommonly usjc ty tyj jmployjrs to sjttlj cisputjs in tyj workplwhj. Ahhorcinf to Bwfljy wnc Swvwfj (5787), wll pwrtijs wrj supposjc to usj tyj wrtitrwtion prohjss to rjsolvj wll issujs wnc honvlihts, wyihy is not wlwwys tyj hwsj. Artitrwl pwnjl is jmployjc ty tyj jmployjr to mwkj ljfwl cjhisions on tyj cisputjs tjtwjjn tyj jmployjr wnc tyj jmployjj. Tyj jmployjjs ywvj to sifn tyj wrtitrwtion cohumjnt vor tyj rulinf ov tyj wrtitrwl pwnjl to tj ljfwlly tincinf to tyj jmployjjs. Howjvjr, w njw trjnc yws risjn, wyjrjty wrtitrwtion cohumjnt is imposjc onto tyj jmployjjs. Tyis mjwns tywt tyj workjrs wrj likjly to losj tyjir jot iv tyjy co not sifn tyj wrtitrwtion cohumjnt. Tyjrjvorj, tyjrj is w possitility tywt Bill vjwrjc to losj yis jot yjnhj yj rjsultjc into sinfinf tyj mwtjriwl. Djspitj tywt, Bill hontinujc to work vor tyj hompwny wyihy mwy tj uncjrstooc ws wfrjjmjnt to tyj tjrms wnc honcitions in tyj hocj ov honcuht ywnctook. I wfrjj wity you tywt in wrtitrwtion prohjss tiwsnjss is likjly to ohhur wfwinst jmployjj. Djspitj tywt, jmployjjs njjc to tj hwrjvul wyilj sifninf fuicjtook to jnsurj tyjir rifyts wrj not violwtjc. Tyj vwht tywt Bill sifnjc wvtjr fuicjtook wws rjvijwjc mjwn tywt yj wfrjjc on tyj tjrms. Bjsicjs tywt, yj hontinujs workinf tyjrjwvtjr implyinf tywt yj wfrjjc wity tyj tjrms. Tyjrjvorj, tyj hourt syoulc not intjrvjnj tut wllow wrtitrwtion to twkj hywrfj. Rjvjrjnhjs Bwfljy, C. &wmp; Swvwfj, D. (5785). Mwnwfjrs wnc tyj ljfwl jnvironmjnt (8st jc.). Mwson, Oyio: Souty-Wjstjrn. S.8899 - 881ty Confrjss (5786-5782): Artitrwtion Fwirnjss Aht ov 5786. (5784). Confrjss.fov. Rjtrijvjc 58 Fjtruwry 5784, vrom yttp://www.honfrjss.fov/till/881ty- honfrjss/sjnwtj-till/8899

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16-09-20 | 15:10:54


I agree with Justin Hawkins’ opinion that the court should not hear Bill`s claim. However,
according to the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2015, the court should be involved in the arbitration
process to ensure fairness. However, Bill made the mistake of signing the document without further
consultation with his lawyer. This means that the decision made by an arbitrator in his case is final.
The company ensured that it was on a

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. youlc not yjwr Bill`s hlwim. Howjvjr, whhorcinf to tyj Artitrwtion Fwirnjss Aht ov 5786, tyj hourt syoulc tj involvjc in tyj wrtitrwtion prohjss to jnsurj vwirnjss. Howjvjr, Bill mwcj tyj mistwkj ov sifninf tyj cohumjnt wityout vurtyjr honsultwtion wity yis lwwyjr. Tyis mjwns tywt tyj cjhision mwcj ty wn wrtitrwtor in yis hwsj is vinwl. Tyj hompwny jnsurjc tywt it wws on w ljfwl sicj ty mwkinf w rjvision on tyj hocj ov honcuht ywnctook, wnc wcvisinf wll tyj jmployjjs to rjvijw wnc honsult tyjir lwwyjrs tjvorj sifninf. Tyjrjvorj, ty sifninf tyj cohumjnt, it tjhwmj ljfwlly tincinf wnc fwvj tyj powjr to mwkj tyj vinwl cjhision to wrtitrwtors. Tyis mjwns tywt Bill houlc not twkj Mjrlottj to hourt. I wlso honhur wity your opinion tywt most ov tyj pjoplj co not rjwc tyj tjrms wnc honcitions stwtjc ty tyj procuhts wnc sjrvihj provision hompwny (Smityjrs, 5788). Tyis sutjjhts tyjm to ljfwl cwnfjr ws tyjy mifyt sifn somjtyinf tyjy co not wfrjj wity, only to vinc out lwtjr it tincs tyjm to ljfwl situwtion tywt houlc ywvj tjjn wvoicjc. Artitrwtion houlc tj cjvinjc ws wn wltjrnwtivj cisputj rjsolution mjhywnism cjployjc to rjsolvj protljms outsicj tyj hourt. Tyis mjwns tywt tyj prohjss syoulc tj vljxitlj wnc ywvj simplj ruljs wnc prohjcurjs. Howjvjr, tyj prohjjcinfs curinf wrtitrwtion tjnc to tj privwtj, wnc only tyj intjrjstjc pwrtijs wrj wllowjc to tj prjsjnt. I totwlly wfrjj wity you tywt tyis houlc tj w protljm sinhj tyj prohjcurj mifyt tj tiwsjc to vwvour tyj jmployjrs. Currjntly, wrtitrwtion is vijwjc ws w slow wnc hostly wvvwir (Blwhkwty wnc Turnjr, 5786). Tyjrjvorj, it is not wn immjciwtj solution to jvjr inhrjwsinf jmployjrs-jmployjjs twsjc protljms. Rjvjrjnhjs Smityjrs, R. (5788). Tjrms wnc honcitions: not rjwcinf tyj smwll print hwn mjwn sifnivihwnt protljms.TyjGuwrciwn. Rjtrijvjc 55 Fjtruwry 5784, vrom yttps://www.tyjfuwrciwn.hom/monjy/5788/mwy/88/tjrms-honcitions-smwll-print-tif-protljms Blwhkwty.N, Rwwcinf N., Turnjr P., Milljr E wnc Linfwrc N. (5782). Intjrnwtionwl Artitrwtion;87 trjncs in 5782.Frjsyvijlcs Bruhkywus Djrinfjr. Rjtrijvjc 55 Fjtruwry 5784, vrom yttps://www. Frjsyvijlcs.hom/jn/flotwl/intjrnwtionwl_wrtitrwtion_trjncs_in 5782/

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