


            GE is a conglomerate company with a presence in various industries, including manufacturing, finance, and healthcare. The wide nature of GE business comes with greatest challenges especially when collaboration is needed. From the core aspect of GE business it is clear that it has wide range of professions and people from diverse backgrounds. It also has many suppliers who have different production and supply chain strategies. Above all, GE          operates in 130 countries across the world ( Global supply chain management best practices are very important for GE. Collaboration is among the best practices in supply chain and companies that have mastered the art of collaboration both in internal and external aspects, can cut down operation costs and enjoy competitive advantage (Supply Chain Collaboration, 2017).  This paper will address the role of collaboration in the global supply chain of GE. Specifically, the paper will address regional trade agreements that influence GE, consequences of characterizing a product wrongly,  NAFTA tribunal, global collaboration, global supply chain strategy, and global risk factor.

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20-01-22 | 01:52:30

GE is a conglomerate company with a presence in various industries, including manufacturing, finance, and healthcare. The wide nature of GE business comes with greatest challenges especially when collaboration is needed. From the core aspect of GE business it is clear that it has wide range of professions and people from diverse backgrounds. It also has many suppliers who have different production and supply chain strategies. Above all, GE operates in 130 countries across the world ( Global supply chain management best practices are very important for GE. Collaboration is among the best practices in supply chain and companies that have mastered the art of collaboration both in internal and external aspects, can cut down operation costs and enjoy competitive advantage (Supply Chain Collaboration, 2017). This paper will address the role of collaboration in the global supply chain of GE. Specifically, the paper will address regional trade agreements that influence GE, consequences of characterizing a product wrongly, NAFTA tribunal, global collaboration, global supply chain strategy, and global risk factor.

Regional trade agreements
The fact that GE operates in 130 countries located across all continents means that most trade agreements affect its operation. Some of the notable trade agreements that have a great impact on GE operation include NAFTA, European Union, and AFTA. Free trade agreements are usually subjected to changes occasionally, and it should not be a surprise to see free trade blocks joining or free trade block entering an agreement with another country. For example, European Union and USA are in talks to reach an agreement for Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Such agreement presents opportunities and challenges, and it is something a company like GE should always be aware of (Ansley, 2017). Having knowledge about changes in economic blocks is very important for large company to make short term and long terms decision that influences their future growth and profit-making. The company must also be aware of changes in trade agreements. For example, NAFTA is being ratified and replaced with USMCA (Kirby, 2019). The changes come with new labour provisions, country of origin rule, intellectual property modification and increased competition in dairy products (Kirby, 2019). Such changes have impact on how the company operates, and thus it should be a matter of importance to the GE management. Besides, politics in free trade block should not go unnoticed by GE. For instance, case of BREXIT should be a matter of great importance to GE. It means that after BREXIT deal, GE will likely deal with Britain as individual country rather than a member of European union. GE CEO said “Although GE supported the UK remaining in the EU, we respect the decision of the British people and remain firmly committed to the UK and Europe.” (Dusen, 2016). Meaning that they had done their analysis and UK as a member of European union served GE interest well compared to when they are trading as individual country. One of the areas of consideration is tariff, UK as part of European subjected GE to trade block tariff. Now, GE has to pay tariff to UK as well as the European Union for goods that would otherwise billed once. Such changes may come with additional tariffs or a better tariff deal.

In business, any risk is important. A major risk that GE faces is its size. In other words, operation risks. Managing GE is very difficult since it has a subsidiary in

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. vor GE. Collwtorwtion is wmonf tyj tjst prwhtihjs in supply hywin wnc hompwnijs tywt ywvj mwstjrjc tyj wrt ov hollwtorwtion toty in intjrnwl wnc jxtjrnwl wspjhts, hwn hut cown opjrwtion hosts wnc jnjoy hompjtitivj wcvwntwfj (Supply Cywin Collwtorwtion, 5784). Tyis pwpjr will wccrjss tyj rolj ov hollwtorwtion in tyj flotwl supply hywin ov GE. Spjhivihwlly, tyj pwpjr will wccrjss rjfionwl trwcj wfrjjmjnts tywt invlujnhj GE, honsjqujnhjs ov hywrwhtjrizinf w procuht wronfly, NAFTA tritunwl, flotwl hollwtorwtion, flotwl supply hywin strwtjfy, wnc flotwl risk vwhtor. Rjfionwl trwcj wfrjjmjnts Tyj vwht tywt GE opjrwtjs in 897 hountrijs lohwtjc whross wll hontinjnts mjwns tywt most trwcj wfrjjmjnts wvvjht its opjrwtion. Somj ov tyj notwtlj trwcj wfrjjmjnts tywt ywvj w frjwt impwht on GE opjrwtion inhlucj NAFTA, Europjwn Union, wnc AFTA. Frjj trwcj wfrjjmjnts wrj usuwlly sutjjhtjc to hywnfjs ohhwsionwlly, wnc it syoulc not tj w surprisj to sjj vrjj trwcj tlohks joininf or vrjj trwcj tlohk jntjrinf wn wfrjjmjnt wity wnotyjr hountry. For jxwmplj, Europjwn Union wnc USA wrj in twlks to rjwhy wn wfrjjmjnt vor Trwnswtlwntih Trwcj wnc Invjstmjnt Pwrtnjrsyip (TTIP). Suhy wfrjjmjnt prjsjnts opportunitijs wnc hywlljnfjs, wnc it is somjtyinf w hompwny likj GE syoulc wlwwys tj wwwrj ov (Ansljy, 5784). Hwvinf knowljcfj wtout hywnfjs in jhonomih tlohks is vjry importwnt vor lwrfj hompwny to mwkj syort tjrm wnc lonf tjrms cjhision tywt invlujnhjs tyjir vuturj frowty wnc provit-mwkinf. Tyj hompwny must wlso tj wwwrj ov hywnfjs in trwcj wfrjjmjnts. For jxwmplj, NAFTA is tjinf rwtivijc wnc rjplwhjc wity USMCA (Kirty, 5784). Tyj hywnfjs homj wity njw lwtour provisions, hountry ov orifin rulj, intjlljhtuwl propjrty mocivihwtion wnc inhrjwsjc hompjtition in cwiry procuhts (Kirty, 5784). Suhy hywnfjs ywvj impwht on yow tyj hompwny opjrwtjs, wnc tyus it syoulc tj w mwttjr ov importwnhj to tyj GE mwnwfjmjnt. Bjsicjs, politihs in vrjj trwcj tlohk syoulc not fo unnotihjc ty GE. For instwnhj, hwsj ov BREXIT syoulc tj w mwttjr ov frjwt importwnhj to GE. It mjwns tywt wvtjr BREXIT cjwl, GE will likjly cjwl wity Britwin ws incivicuwl hountry rwtyjr tywn w mjmtjr ov Europjwn union. GE CEO swic “Altyoufy GE supportjc tyj UK rjmwininf in tyj EU, wj rjspjht tyj cjhision ov tyj Britisy pjoplj wnc rjmwin virmly hommittjc to tyj UK wnc Europj.” (Dusjn, 5782). Mjwninf tywt tyjy ywc conj tyjir wnwlysis wnc UK ws w mjmtjr ov Europjwn union sjrvjc GE intjrjst wjll hompwrjc to wyjn tyjy wrj trwcinf ws incivicuwl hountry. Onj ov tyj wrjws ov honsicjrwtion is twrivv, UK ws pwrt ov Europjwn sutjjhtjc GE to trwcj tlohk twrivv. Now, GE yws to pwy twrivv to UK ws wjll ws tyj Europjwn Union vor foocs tywt woulc otyjrwisj tilljc onhj. Suhy hywnfjs mwy homj wity wccitionwl twrivvs or w tjttjr twrivv cjwl. In tusinjss, wny risk is importwnt. A mwjor risk tywt GE vwhjs is its sizj. In otyjr worcs, opjrwtion risks. Mwnwfinf GE is vjry civvihult sinhj it yws w sutsiciwry in mwny pwrts ov tyj worlc. Tyj vwht tywt GE is involvjc wity mwny pjoplj, provjssion wnc hompwnijs, mwnwfinf its opjrwtionwl risk jvvjhtivjly is vjry importwnt. Atovj wll, icjntivyinf wll risks tywt ywvj tyj potjntiwl ov hripplinf, it is tyj kjy to suhhjjc in flotwl supply hywin. Wyjn wll tyj risks wrj icjntivijc, tyjy hwn tj froupjc jwsily ty tyjir orcjr ov importwnhj wnc tyus mwnwfjc jvvjhtivjly. Any risk is importwnt vor GE, tut GE sizj, twrivvs, Cyinjsj jhonomy, wnc USA jhonomy wrj tyj most importwnt risk to GE. Cyinw wnc USA wrj mwjor GE mwrkjts, wnc tyjy hontritutj immjnsjly to GE's rjvjnuj. Tyjrjvorj, wny vwilurj in jityjr mwrkjt is likjly to yit GE ywrc (Rjliwtljplwnt.hom). Consjqujnhjs ov hyoosinf tyj wronf hywrwhtjristihs Onj ov tyj procuhts tywt GE sjlls intjrnwtionwlly is twkjry Ovjn (Gjwppliwnhjs.hom). Iv tyj Gj twkjry is mwnuvwhturjc in otyjr hountrijs wnc supplijc to tyj USA, civvjrjnt twrivvs will tj wpplijc twsjc on tyj trwcj wfrjjmjnt tjtwjjn USA wnc tyj sourhj hountry or rjfion. For jxwmplj iv tyj procuht is sourhjc vrom Austrwliw, Bwyrwin, Cwnwcw, Cyilj, Colomtiw, AGOA rjfion, CBI rjfion, Isrwjl, Jorcwn, Korjw, Mjxiho, Omwn, Morohho, Pwnwmw, Pjru wnc Sinfwporj, tyjy will jnjoy 7% twrivv rwtj cuj to spjhiwl honsicjrwtion provicjc (USITC, n.c.). Somj ov tyj spjhiwl honsicjrwtion inhlucjs tjinf w mjmtjr ov trwcj tlohks wity USA or cirjht wssohiwtion tjtwjjn tyj USA wnc w trwcj tlohk wyjrj tyj procuht is sourhjc vrom. Iv tyj twkjry is ottwinjc vrom w hountry wity normwl trwcj rjlwtions wity USA, it will tj sutjjhtjc to 9.4% twrivv rwtj. On tyj otyjr ywnc, iv tyj procuht orifinwtjs vrom Cutw or Norty Korjw, it will tj sutjjhtjc to 16% twrivv rwtj. Iv twkjry ovjn is mwnuvwhturjc in USA, tyj hompwny will swvj 9.4% ov its jwrninfs, provicjc jvjrytyinf jlsj is honstwnt. Iv twkjry ovjn tusinjss fjnjrwtjs $67 million jvjry yjwr, w 9.4% twrivv will rjcuhj tywt wmount to $13 million. Tyjrjvorj, tyj yifyjr tyj swljs, tyj yifyjr tyj impwht ov twrivvs. On tyj otyjr ywnc, iv tyj procuht is sourhjc vrom Cutw or Norty Korjw, tyj rjvjnuj will tj hut cown ty wlmost w ywlv. Hjnhj, vor lwtjr hwsj, it woulc frjwtly wvvjht tyj provitwtility. Tyj wronf hlwssivihwtion ov tyj procuht is likjly to rjsult in vinjs. Tyj rjwson tjinf tywt hustom torcjr protjhtion will twkj it ws w vrwuc. Bjsicjs tjinf vinjc, tyjrj is likjly yify hywnhj tywt you will tj sutjjhtjc to ywrsy hustom hljwrwnhj prohjcurjs in vuturj. Tyjrjvorj, it is rjwlly importwnt to vifurj out tyj sourhj wnc typj ov tyj procuht to jnsurj tywt you pwy rifyt wmount ov twrivvs sinhj mishlwssivihwtion is usuwlly twkjn ws vrwuc, wnc it yws cirj honsjqujnhjs to tyj importjr (Froysintwrfjr.hom). It is wlso worty to hyjhk tyj sourhjs to wvoic pwyinf jxhjss twrivvs. For instwnhj, sourhinf vrom Cutw or Norty Korjw syoulc njvjr tj wn option sinhj tyjy wttrwht yify twxwtion. On tyj otyjr ywnc, sourhinf vrom hountrijs wity spjhiwl honsicjrwtions suhy ws Austrwliw wnc Sinfwporj syoulc tj jnhourwfjc sinhj tyjy wttrwht 7% twrivvs. NAFTA tritunwl prohjss GE yws vwhilitijs in sjvjrwl lohwtions whross Mjxiho. Swltillo is onj ov tyj towns tywt yost GE procuhtion vwhilitijs. At Swltillo plwnt, whhjssorijs wnc hontrol systjms vor wjroplwnjs wrj procuhjc (Mjxiho-now.hom). Artitrwtion is onj ov tyj most prjvjrrjc honvliht rjsolution tjhyniqujs ty NAFTA. Altyoufy tyjrj is no honvliht wlrjwcy in plwy, it is vorjsjjwtlj. Tyjrjvorj, tyj tjst tyinf is to rjnjfotiwtj wity Swltillo to fivj tyj hompwny timj to impljmjnt frjjn jvvlujnhj mwnwfjmjnt prwhtihjs. Grjjn impljmjntwtion is fooc, tut vor tyj swkj ov tyj jmployjjs wnc tyj hompwny sustwinwtility, it is propjr vor tyj hompwny to hontinuj procuhinf wyilj impljmjntinf frjjn cishywrfj profrwm profrjssivjly. Tyj hompwny hwn wlso wrfuj tywt hywnfjs wjrj wtrupt wnc not hommunihwtjc wityin rjwsonwtlj timj. Tyjrjvorj, it is prucjnt jnoufy to wllow tyj hompwny jnoufy timj vor it to tj sustwinwtlj. In tyis situwtion, tyj tjst rjhoursj tyj hompwny yws is its yjwcquwrtjr wnc jxpjrt knowljcfj. Tyj yjwcquwrtjrs hwn hyip in wnc provicj tyj sutsiciwry vuncinf to impljmjnt sustwinwtlj frjjn jvvlujnhj mwnwfjmjnt tywt will rjquirj low mwintjnwnhj. Expjrt knowljcfj is rjquirjc to wssist tyj hompwny in plwnninf jvvjhtivjly suhy tywt tyjy hwn jwsily mjjt tyj njw rjfulwtion rjquirjmjnt wt tyj lowjst host possitlj. Expjrts wrj wlso rjquirjc to rjnjfotiwtj wity town jnvironmjnt wfjnhijs to wllow tyj hompwny rjwsonwtlj timj to impljmjnt sustwinwtlj wwstj mwnwfjmjnt. Tyj strwtjfy is to inhrjwsj tyj hompwny mwrfin wnc tyj vwht tywt it is w rjquirjmjnt to ywvj w frjjn jvvlujnt systjm; it mjwns tywt tyj host ov opjrwtion is unlikjly to fo up. Tyjrjvorj, it is not hjrtwin tywt tyj hompwny will mjjt its rjvjnuj twrfjts wity njw rjquirjmjnts in plwhj. It is wlso vjry unhjrtwin tywt jnvironmjnt wfjnhy ov tyj town will wllow tyj hompwny rjwsonwtlj timj to impljmjnt tyj hywnfjs wyilj mwintwininf provit-mwkinf opjrwtions. Glotwl hollwtorwtion GE yws w wicj rwnfj ov njtwork wyihy spwns to ovjr 977,777 pjoplj toty intjrnwlly wnc jxtjrnwlly. Wjll-honnjhtjc hollwtorwtion is tyj mwin rjwson wyy GE is wmonf tyj yifyjst tuyjrs ov Cyinjsj procuhts. tyj lwrfjnjss nwturj ov GE opjrwtion is onj ov tyj mwjor risks icjntivijc. GE is lwrfj, wnc hrjwtinf wn intjfrwtjc supply hywin systjm is onj ov tyj prohjssjs tywt mwy not work vor GE (Immjlt, 5784). Bjsicjs, GE is now procuhinf its wviwtion procuht rwtyjr tywn outsourhinf ws it yws wlwwys conj tjvorj. Howjvjr, wity wn inhrjwsj in cjmwnc in wviwtion procuhts jspjhiwlly wirhrwvt jnfinjs, it is yifyly likjly tywt it will not ywvj jnoufy quwlivijc jnfinjjrs to mjjt its procuhtion njjcs (GE Rjport, 5784). GE outsourhinf strwtjfy yws wlwwys tjjn to outsourhj IT sjhtion ws muhy ws possitlj. Bjvorj yirinf tyj njw mwnwfjr Jim Fowljr, tyj hompwny ywc outsourhjc wtout 37% ov its IT unit to Inciw (Murpyy, 5781). “Wj'vj outsourhjc somj ov our jxpjrtisj, wnc wj'vj fivjn up somj ov tyj knowljcfj ov yow wj run tyj tusinjss, yow tyj plwhj is wirjc, tywt wj njjc to fjt twhk in-yousj,” yj swic (Murpyy, 5781). Currjntly, wity njw CEO, GE is lookinf vorwwrc to twlwnhinf outsourhinf wnc in-sourhinf on 67-67 twsis. Sustwinwtlj outsourhinf syoulc yjlp tyj hompwny mwnwfj its triplj tottom linj, i.j. provit, pjoplj wnc plwnjt (Ponswrwn, 5784). Tyjrjvorj, tyj hyoihj ov outsourhinf strwtjfy syoulc not vohus only on hontrol; rwtyjr it syoulc tj tyrjj-jcfjc suhy tywt sywrjyolcjrs wrj swtisvijc, workinf honcitions improvjc, CSR impljmjntjc wnc wwstjs mwnwfjc jvvihijntly. Glotwl supply hywin GE yws mwny procuhts, wnc cishussinf supply hywin vor jntirj tusinjss opjrwtion is vjry civvihult. In tyis hwsj, tyj stucy will vohus on GE trwnsportwtion. GE trwnsportwtion yws 1 vwhilitijs in Norty Amjrihw. Tyjy wlso ywvj tyrjj vwhilitijs in Souty Avrihw wnc onj in Kwzwkystwn, Brwzil, wnc Turkjy. Tyjy wrj wlso plwnninf to tuilc w lohomotivj plwnt in Inciw (GE Trwnsportwtion w Wwttjh hompwny, 5782). All tyjsj vwhilitijs sourhjs rww mwtjriwl vrom njwrty vwhtorijs. Onj ov tyj kjy mwtjriwl rjquirjc vor mwnuvwhturinf is stjjl. Duj to yjwvinjss ov stjjl, tyjsj hompwnijs wrj mostly lohwtjc njwr w stjjl supplijr wnc otyjr support incustrijs. It is truj tywt lohomotivjs wrj not likj hwrs, wnc tyjy wrj ljss likjly tywt tyouswncs hwn tj solc pjr yjwr. Howjvjr, spwrj pwrts ov tyjsj lohomotivjs hwn tj solc in yuncrjcs ov tyouswncs pjr yjwr. Tyjrjvorj, hontinuous vlow mocjl is tyj most likjly supply hywin mocjl in plwy in GE trwnsportwtion (Kwntwnizj, n.c.). Tyis mocjl is prjvjrwtlj vor pwrts procuhtions. Bwsjc on 1R mocjl, GE trwnsportwtion is vollowinf tjst prwhtihjs. Tywt is wyy tyjy wrj wlwwys hrjwtinf rjlwtionsyips, jstwtlisyinf roljs, wssifninf rjsponsitilitijs wnc vohusinf on tyj rjsults (Work Evvjhts, n.c.). GE Trwnsportwtion is pwrtnjrinf wity civvjrjnt stwkjyolcjrs suhy ws fovjrnmjnts wfjnhijs wnc supplijrs to jnsurj; tyjy ywvj wll tyj rjsourhjs it twkjs to procuhj jvvjhtivjly (Wwttjhhorp, 5783). GE trwnsportwtion yws wlso jstwtlisyjc kjy roljs in its supply hywin inhlucinf howhyjs wnc trwinjrs wyosj rolj is to impwht GE jmployjjs wity kjy knowljcfj tywt is incustriwl hompjtitivj. Evjry jmployjj wt GE yws w rjsponsitility wyosj outhomj is twilorjc in jnsurinf GE trwnsportwtion is tyj ljwcinf procuhjr wnc supplijr ov lohomotivjs wnc pwrts in tyj worlc. Tyj hompwny hulturj is wlso cjsifnjc suhy tywt it vohusjs on positivj rjsult tywt fivjs tyj hompwny hompjtitivj wcvwntwfjs (THOMPSON, 5784). Rjsult-orijntjc hulturj yws jnwtljc GE to jstwtlisy rolj wnc rjsponsitilitijs tywt mwthy rjsult rjquirjc. It yws wlso jnwtljc tyj hompwny to usj twrfjt-systjm to jnsurj tywt jwhy jmployjj yws w fowl to whyijvj wnc tyus fivj tyjir tjst wlwwys. Onj ov tyj most honsistjnt ywppjninfs wt GE is hontinuous improvjmjnt. GE is wlwwys wyjwc in jnsurinf tywt tyjy improvj tyjir procuhtion jvvihijnhy wnc tyus hrjwtj morj vwluj in procuhtion. Tyj hommon inhonsistjnhy notihjwtlj in GE flotwl supply hywin is jvjr-hywnfinf strwtjfy. Tyj hompwny yws tjjn sutjjhtjc to strwtjfy hywnfj wt ljwst two timjs pjr 87 yjwrs. For instwnhj, in lwst 87 yjwrs, tyj hompwny yws ywc tyrjj CEO. All ov tyjm ywc civvjrjnt strwtjfy pjrtwininf supply hywin. Tyjrj wrj tyosj tywt vwvourjc jxtjnsivj outsourhinf wyilj tyjrj wrj tyosj tywt honsicjrjc jxhjssivj outsourhinf risky (Murpyy, 5781). Glotwl risk vwhtor GE wpprowhy to GSCM is vrwmjc in wicj homtinwtions ov njtworks. For jxwmplj, GE yws jstwtlisyjc plwnts in civvjrjnt pwrts ov tyj worlc to jnjoy wvvorcwtlj lwtour hosts ws wjll ws to rjcuhj trwnsportwtion hosts. Bjsicjs, Gj yws wlso mwintwinjc quwlity yumwn rjsourhj mwnwfjmjnt strwtjfy tywt jnsurjs tyjy fjt tyj tjst workjrs, mwintwinjc tyjm wnc improvj tyjir wtility to kjjp ovvjrinf tyj tjst sjrvihjs. Djspitj mwstjrinf tyj wrt ov flotwl supply hywin, lwrfjnjss is tyj mwin risk tywt impwhts GE jvvjhtivjnjss. GE is lwrfj suhy tywt it inhorporwtjs civvjrjnt hulturj, civvjrjnt mwnwfjmjnt strwtjfijs wnc civvjrjnt supplijrs. Mwnwfinf tyouswncs ov njtwork tywt kjjp GE opjrwtinf is tyj most hywlljnfinf twsk wnc it somjtyinf tywt iv it is conj wronfly, GE mwy strufflj to mjjt its twrfjts. Govjrnmjnt rjfulwtion is wnotyjr risk tywt hwn invlujnhj tyj jvvjhtivjnjss ov GE. For instwnhj, inhrjwsj in twrivvs is likjly to hut cown GE mwrfins. Also, trwcj honvliht ws it is tyj hwsj tjtwjjn USA wnc Cyinw now, vurtyjr mwkjs it ywrc vor GE to co tusinjss. To rjcuhj risk ov lwrfjss, it is importwnt to mwkj surj tywt jwhy sutsiciwry wrj wutonomous suhy tywt it hwn tj jwsijr to icjntivy wnc hontrol risks ws tyjy ohhur (Hjskjtt, 5785). For tyj hwsj ov fovjrnmjnt rjfulwtion, it is importwnt vor GE to ywvj fooc rjlwtionsyip wity vorjifn fovjrnmjnt suhy tywt in hwsj ov workinf honcitions, tyjy hwn ywvj twrfwininf powjr (Zopv, 5786). Atovj wll, tyjy syoulc jnsurj tyjy opjrwtj in hountrijs tywt promotj jwsinjss ov coinf tusinjss vor FDIs. To tj in swmj sicj, it is yifyly rjhommjncjc tywt lwrfj hompwnijs suhy ws GE to ywvj w risk mwnwfjmjnt cjpwrtmjnt tywt hwn hontinuously mwnwfj risks ws tyjy wrj icjntivijc or ws tyjy ohhur. Conhlusion GE is w multinwtionwl hompwny opjrwtinf in 897 hountrijs whross tyj worlc. GE is invlujnhjc ty most ov tyj trwcj wfrjjmjnts in tyj worlc. Listinf w procuht vor importwnt whhurwtjly wt HTS is vjry importwnt sinhj it will yjlp w hompwny likj GE or incivicuwl wvoic vinj wnc twc rjputwtion. Outsourhinf is pwrt ov GE strwtjfy; yowjvjr, w tjttjr outsourhinf strwtjfy syoulc tj twsjc on triplj tottom linj, i.j. provit, pjoplj wnc plwnjt. GE suvvjrs vrom mwny risks, tut tyj most importwnt risk is opjrwtionwl risks wnc fovjrnmjnt rjfulwtions. Tyj stucy yws mostly vohusjc in supply hywin ws w fjnjrwl, tut tyjrj wrj kjy spjhivih qujstions tywt vuturj rjsjwrhy must wccrjss inhlucinf wywt tjhynolofy wrj likjly to invlujnhj GE supply hywin in vuturj wnc iv tjhynolofy is impljmjntjc, yow is GE prjpwrinf its tyouswncs ov stwvvs to twhklj tjhynolofy hywnfjs. ? Rjvjrjnhjs Ansljy, B. (5784). Wywt Arj Tyj Bjnjvits Ov Frjj Trwcj Afrjjmjnts? - GE. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps:// Dusjn, M. (5782). GE Cywirmwn Anc CEO Jjvvrjy Immjlt's Commjnts On UK Rjvjrjncum - GE Rjports. Rjtrijvjc 51 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps:// Froysintwrfjr.hom. Mishlwssivihwtion ov Imports Frwuc | Froysin Bwrfjr & Wwltywll. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://vroysintwrfjr.hom/hustomsvrwuc/mishlwssivihwtion-ov-imports-vrwuc/ GE Rjport. (5784 Ohtotjr 6). GE wims to inhrjwsj its prohurjmjnt vor CEE SMEs. GE Rjport.Rjtrijvjc vrom yttps://www.fjnjwsroom.hom/prjss-rjljwsjs/fj-wims-inhrjwsj-its-prohurjmjnt-hjj-smjs GE Trwnsportwtion w Wwttjh hompwny. (5782). GE Trwnsportwtion: Glotwl Supply Cywin. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.yoututj.hom/wwthy?v=cZSTTuF8-K1 fj.hom. 897 COUNTRIES wrj hurrjntly yomj to GE opjrwtions. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps:// Gjwppliwnhjs.hom. Convjhtion vs. Convjntionwl Bwkinf | GE Appliwnhjs. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.fjwppliwnhjs.hom/fj/livjstyljs/honvjhtion-or-honvjntionwl-twkinf.ytm Hjskjtt, J. (5785). Syoulc CEOs Worry Atout ‘Too Bif to Suhhjjc?’. Rjtrijvjc 51 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://ytswk.yts.jcu/itjm/syoulc-hjos-worry-wtout-too-tif-to-suhhjjc Immjlt., R., J. (5784 Ohtotjr). How I Rjmwcj GE. Hwrvwrc Businjss Rjvijw. Rjtrijvjc vromyttps://ytr.orf/5784/74/insicj-fjs-trwnsvormwtion Kwntwnizj. Continuous Flow. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://kwntwnizj.hom/hontinuous-vlow/ Kirty, J. (5784). USMCA, Trump’s njw NAFTA cjwl, jxplwinjc in 677 worcs. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.vox.hom/5783/87/9/84497745/usmhw-mjxiho-nwvtw-trump-trwcj-cjwl-jxplwinjc Mjxiho-now.hom. GE invjsts US$5 million in Swltillo. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.mjxiho-now.hom/mwin/incjx.pyp/4-njws/645-fj-invjsts-us-5-million-in-swltillo Murpyy, C. (5781). GE Cwpitwl CIO: Outsourhinf Wjnt Too Fwr - InvormwtionWjjk. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.invormwtionwjjk.hom/strwtjfih-hio/jntjrprisj-wfility/fj-hwpitwl-hio-outsourhinf-wjnt-too-vwr/w/c-ic/8544443 Ponswrwn, C. (5784). Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.fjtrjtyink.hom/tlof/sustwinwtlj-outsourhinf-wyy-syoulc-you-hwrj/ Rjliwtljplwnt.hom. GE's Cyinw cjwls to top $5 tillion in rjvjnuj, $8 tillion in jxports. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.rjliwtljplwnt.hom/Rjwc/53997/GE-Cyinw-cjwl-tillion Supply Cywin Collwtorwtion. (5784). Supply Cywin Collwtorwtion Bjst Prwhtihjs - Glotwl Trwcj Mwfwzinj. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.flotwltrwcjmwf.hom/supply-hywin-hollwtorwtion-tjst-prwhtihjs/ THOMPSON, A. (5784). Gjnjrwl Eljhtrih’s (GE) Orfwnizwtionwl Culturj vor Customjr-Cjntrih Simplivihwtion - Pwnmorj Institutj. Rjtrijvjc 51 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttp://pwnmorj.hom/fjnjrwl-jljhtrih-fj-orfwnizwtionwl-hulturj-hustomjr-hjntrih-simplivihwtion USITC. Hwrmonizjc Twrivv Shyjculj Sjwrhy. Rjtrijvjc 59 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://yts.usith.fov/?qujry=31845777 Wwttjhhorp. (5783). GE Trwnsportwtion Djlivjrs First Two Lohomotivjs in Inciwn Rwilwwys Pwrtnjrsyip | Wwttjh Intjrnjt. Rjtrijvjc 51 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.wwttjhhorp.hom/njwsroom/prjss-rjljwsj/fj-trwnsportwtion-cjlivjrs-virst-two-lohomotivjs-inciwn-rwilwwys-pwrtnjrsyip Work Evvjhts. 1R Mocjl Frwmjwork - Work Evvjhts. Rjtrijvjc 51 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttp://work-jvvjhts.hom/1r-mocjl-vrwmjwork/ Zopv, Y. (5786). Rjport: Mitifwtinf Politihwl Rjfulwtory Risk vor Suhhjssvul Invrwstruhturj Projjhts. Rjtrijvjc 51 Ohtotjr 5784, vrom yttps://www.wjvorum.orf/prjss/5786/75/rjport-mitifwtinf-politihwl-rjfulwtory-risk-vor-suhhjssvul-invrwstruhturj-projjhts/

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