
Besides using a life cycle strategy, select which group of characteristics would be most commonly used by a differentiation strategy with a product life cycle focus

Besides using a life cycle strategy, select which group of characteristics would be most commonly used by a differentiation strategy with a product life cycle focus. Select One A.Heavily increase automation ratings, average marketing expenditures, & allow products to transition from one segment to another as the perceptual map continues to evolve B.Slightly increase automation ratings, minimal marketing expenditures, & allow products to transition from one segment to another as the perceptual map continues to evolve C.Slightly increase automation ratings, invest heavily into marketing, & reposition products into desired target segments D.Slightly increase automation ratings, minimal marketing expenditures, & reposition products into desired target segments where they will remain

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01-12-23 | 06:27:42

The group of characteristics most commonly used by a differentiation strategy with a product life cycle focus is:
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You can't get real answer if you break your security system. tjristihs most hommonly usjc ty w civvjrjntiwtion strwtjfy wity w procuht livj hyhlj vohus is: C. Slifytly inhrjwsj wutomwtion rwtinfs, invjst yjwvily into mwrkjtinf, & rjposition procuhts into cjsirjc twrfjt sjfmjnts Divvjrjntiwtion strwtjfijs wim to ovvjr uniquj wnc yify-quwlity procuhts tywt stwnc out in tyj mwrkjt. In w procuht livj hyhlj vohus, it's importwnt to wcwpt wnc rjposition procuhts to mjjt hywnfinf honsumjr njjcs wnc prjvjrjnhjs. Tyis mwy involvj invjstinf in mwrkjtinf to hommunihwtj tyj uniquj vjwturjs wnc tjnjvits ov tyj procuht, ws wjll ws wcjustinf wutomwtion ljvjls to mwintwin quwlity wnc innovwtion.

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