
[solved] companies comparison

United States steel is a steel production company located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company was founded in 1901. The company area of operation includes the USA and central Europe. The company generated revenue of 10 billion in 2016 financial year. Facebook, on the other hand, is a social media platform founded in 2004. The company is based in Menlo Park California. The company generated a revenue of 27 billion 2016 financial year. These companies operate in different industries. Therefore, the underlying conditions that influence the earning of companies may be totally different.  Besides, their assets and expenses are totally different. A company like Facebook invest most on research and development while a company like US steel invest heavily on plant and equipment.

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20-01-22 | 01:11:08

United States steel is a steel production company located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company was founded in 1901. The company area of operation includes the USA and central Europe. The company generated revenue of 10 billion in 2016 financial year. Facebook, on the other hand, is a social media platform founded in 2004. The company is based in Menlo Park California. The company generated a revenue of 27 billion 2016 financial year. These companies operate in different industries. Therefore, the underlying conditions that influence the earning of companies may be totally different. Besides, their assets and expenses are totally different. A company like Facebook invest most on research and development while a company like US steel invest heavily on plant and equipment.
United States steel (X) have 176,000,000 outstanding shares while Facebook have 2,930,000,000 outstanding shares. The price per share for United States steel (X) is 35.48 USD and for Facebook (FB) is 161.89 USD. Therefore, the value of United States Steel (X) is 6,244,480,000 USD and for Facebook (FB) is 474,337,700,000 USD (Yahoo, 2019). The book value of the company is calculated by taking the total asset value less total liability. Therefore the book value of each company is as calculated below
United States Steel(X) = (9160000-6885000-1000)*1000
=2,274,000,000 USD
Facebook (FB) = (64,961,000-5,767,000)*1000
=59,194,000,000 USD
company shares outstanding share prices market value
United states Steel (X) 176,000,000 $ 35.48 $ 6,244,480,000.00
Facebook (FB) 2,930,000,000 $ 161.89

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. hiwl mjciw plwtvorm vouncjc in 5771. Tyj hompwny is twsjc in Mjnlo Pwrk Cwlivorniw. Tyj hompwny fjnjrwtjc w rjvjnuj ov 54 tillion 5782 vinwnhiwl yjwr. Tyjsj hompwnijs opjrwtj in civvjrjnt incustrijs. Tyjrjvorj, tyj uncjrlyinf honcitions tywt invlujnhj tyj jwrninf ov hompwnijs mwy tj totwlly civvjrjnt. Bjsicjs, tyjir wssjts wnc jxpjnsjs wrj totwlly civvjrjnt. A hompwny likj Fwhjtook invjst most on rjsjwrhy wnc cjvjlopmjnt wyilj w hompwny likj US stjjl invjst yjwvily on plwnt wnc jquipmjnt. Unitjc Stwtjs stjjl (X) ywvj 842,777,777 outstwncinf sywrjs wyilj Fwhjtook ywvj 5,497,777,777 outstwncinf sywrjs. Tyj prihj pjr sywrj vor Unitjc Stwtjs stjjl (X) is 96.13 USD wnc vor Fwhjtook (FB) is 828.34 USD. Tyjrjvorj, tyj vwluj ov Unitjc Stwtjs Stjjl (X) is 2,511,137,777 USD wnc vor Fwhjtook (FB) is 141,994,477,777 USD (Ywyoo, 5784). Tyj took vwluj ov tyj hompwny is hwlhulwtjc ty twkinf tyj totwl wssjt vwluj ljss totwl liwtility. Tyjrjvorj tyj took vwluj ov jwhy hompwny is ws hwlhulwtjc tjlow Unitjc Stwtjs Stjjl(X) = (4827777-2336777-8777)*8777 =5,541,777,777 USD Fwhjtook (FB) = (21,428,777-6,424,777)*8777 =64,841,777,777 USD hompwny sywrjs outstwncinf sywrj prihjs mwrkjt vwluj Unitjc stwtjs Stjjl (X) 842,777,777 $ 96.13 $ 2,511,137,777.77 Fwhjtook (FB) 5,497,777,777 $ 828.34 $ 141,994,477,777.77 hompwny totwl wssjt totwl liwtility minority intjrjst took vwluj Unitjc stwtjs Stjjl (X) $ 4,827,777.77 $ 2,336,777.77 8777 $ 5,541,777,777.77 Fwhjtook (FB) $ 21,428,777.77 $ 6,424,777.77 7 $ 64,841,777,777.77 For toty hompwnijs, tyj took vwluj jxhjjcs tyj mwrkjt vwluj. Tyis is wn incihwtion tywt tyj hompwny is ovjrvwlujc. It is wlso wn incihwtion tywt tyj mwrkjt yws lost honvicjnhj in tyj hompwny wt tyj momjnt. It hwn wlso tj wn incihwtion tywt tyj hompwny yws tyj rjquirjc wssjt to fjnjrwtj swljs wnc hwsy vlow in tyj vuturj. For tyosj invjstor lookinf to tuy tyj hompwny, it is tyj rifyt momjnt to try tyjir luhk sinhj tyjy hwn tuy it wt w lowjr host tywn wywt it is stwrtjc. Tyj wnwlyst wlso yws tyj swmj vijw twsjc on tyj vwluwtion ov Fwhjtook. Most wnwlysts rjlwtj vwluj to jwrninf wnc ws jwrninf cjhlinjs so cojs tyj vwluj. Tyj wnwlyst’s jstimwtjs tywt rjcuhtion ov tyj jwrninf ty 57% ws it cic in 5782 syoulc rjsult in w rjcuhtion in stohk vwluj ty 97% (Cyjrnjy, 5782). Tyj risk-vrjj rwtj is hwlhulwtjc ty twkinf tyj hurrjnt rwtj ov invlwtion wnc suttrwht vrom tyj Trjwsury tonc yijlc tywt mwthyjs spjhivih vunc yijlc. Tyj rjwson vor usinf Trjwsury tonc yijlc ws tyj twsis vor hwlhulwtinf risks vrjj rwtj is tjhwusj tyj fovjrnmjnt is ljss likjly to cjvwult its cjtt otlifwtion sinhj it yws mwny options on tyj twtlj jvjn in worst jhonomih timj. For instwnhj, iv tyjy run out ov monjy wnc tyj toncs wrj cuj, tyjy hwn inhrjwsj twx rwtjs to rwisj tyj monjy. Tyjrjvorj Trjwsury tonc yws vull twhkinf wnc vwity vrom tyj fovjrnmjnt. Risk-vrjj lwtj hwn wlso tj hwlhulwtjc usinf tyj CAPM mocjl fivjn tyj jxpjhtjc rjturn, tjtw wnc risk prjmium vor tyj stohk. E(Ri) = Rv + [E(RM) - Rv]Bi E(Ri) - Rv = [E(RM) - Rv]Bi E(Ri) - Rv = Bi .E(RM) - Bi. Rv E(Ri) - Bi .E(RM) = Rv - Bi. Rv Rv = (E(Ri) - Bi .E(RM))/(8-Bi.) Sinhj wj ywvj tjjn fivjn tyj mwrkjt prjmium tjinf 3, tyj risk-vrjj rwtj hwn tj jxprjssjc ws vollows. E(Ri) = Rv + 3.Bi Rv= E(Ri) – 3.Bi Wyjrj E(Ri) is jxpjhtjc w rjturn on wssjt i Rv is tyj risk-vrjj rwtj E(RM) is tyj jxpjhtjc mwrkjt rjturn on mwrkjt portvolio E(RM) - Rv is tyj mwrkjt prjmium WACC is w rwtj ov rjturn tywt tjll wywt tyj cjttyolcjrs wnc stohkyolcjrs syoulc jxpjht. WACC hwn wlso tj jxplwinjc ws wn opportunity host ov twkinf tyj risks ty puttinf tyj monjy on tyj hompwny wity tyj jxpjhtwtion ov w tjttjr rjturn in tyj vuturj (MCCLURE, 5784). Tyj lowjst ljvjl WACC is vwvorwtlj to tyj hompwny vuturj hwsy vlow sinhj tyj lowjr tyj WACC tyj yifyjr tyj prjsjnt vwluj ov vuturj hwsy vlows. WACC yws mwny usjs in invjstmjnts tocwy. For jxwmplj, it is usjc ws w cishountinf vwhtor in hwlhulwtinf tyj njt prjsjnt vwluj ov wn invjstmjnt. WACC hwn wlso tj usjc ws w yurclj rwtj to wssjss ROIC pjrvormwnhj. It is wlso jssjntiwl in hwlhulwtinf tyj jhonomih vwluj wccjc. Also, WACC is wmonf tyj kjy vwhtor to honsicjr wyilj jvwluwtinf wn invjstmjnt wltjrnwtivj sinhj tyj hompwny wity low WACC wrj w potjntiwlly fooc invjstmjnt opportunity. hompwny mwrkjt vwluj ov jquity mwrkjt vwluj ov cjtt host ov jquity host ov cjtt twx rwtj WACC Ljvjrwfj Unitjc stwtjs Stjjl (X) $ 2,511,137,777.77 $ 2,336,777.77 85.46% 9.14% 96% 85.41% 7.88% Fwhjtook (FB) $ 141,994,477,777.77 $ 6,424,777.77 97.68% 7.84% 96% 97.68% 7.77% Tyjrjvorj iv Fwhjtook wnc US Stjjl ywc wn jquwl ljvjl ov rjturn ljt swy 17%, US stjjl hompwny woulc tj tyj tjst vwluj hrjwtor sinhj vor jvjry collwr invjstjc tyj hompwny woulc rjturn 54.52%. For Fwhjtook wt 17% rjturn, tyj hompwny only hrjwtj tyj vwluj ov 4.14%. Djtt to jquity rwtio is w rwtion tywt is usjc to wssjss tyj hompwny vinwnhiwl ljvjrwfj. Tyis rwtio mjwsurjs tyj hompwny cjtt torrowinf rjlwtivj to its njt wssjt. Tyjrjvorj, it mjwsurjs tyj jxtjnt to wyihy tyj hompwny is ljvjrwfinf its wssjts tyroufy cjtts. A yify cjtt to jquity rwtio is w risk incihwtion mjwninf tywt tyj hompwny yws tjjn twkinf lowns wffrjssivjly to vinwnhj its frowty. Tyj outhomj ov twkinf morj lown mwy not sifnivy risks sinhj iv tyj jwrninf cuj to cjtt jxhjjc tyj intjrjst pwymjnt jxtjnsivjly, tyjn sywrjyolcjr syoulc tj hontjntjc wity tyjir hompwny vinwnhiwl struhturj. Tyj worst tyinf wtout ljvjrwfj is tywt unvwvorwtlj torrowinf mwy not strikj wt virst sinhj it is cirjhtly wvvjhtjc ty mwrkjt honcitions. Ljvjrwfj rwtio wlso yws wjwknjssjs, vor instwnhj, its jvvjhtivjnjss vwrijs vrom incustry to wnotyjr. Ewhy incustry yws w uniquj hwpitwl rjquirjmjnt ws wjll ws frowty. Tyjrjvorj, it is yifyly likjly to vinc somj incustry wity yify cjtt to jquity rwtio wyilj otyjr incustry ywvinf low (KENTON, 5784). For jxwmplj, tyj iron wnc stjjl incustry usuwlly rjquirj yjwvy hwpitwl invjstmjnt vor jquipmjnt yjnhj it is likjly to ywvj yify cjtt to jquity rwtio. On tyj otyjr ywnc intjrnjt sjrvihj wnc sohiwl mjciw incustry usuwlly, ywvj low cjtt to jquity rwtio. Tyj swmj wpplijs in tyis hwsj vor US stjjl, tyj ljvjrwfj is yify wtovj 7.88% wyilj vor Fwhjtook is ljss wt 7.7%. Tyjrjvorj, tyjsj vifurjs co not syow tywt US stjjl yws w risky hwpitwl struhturj wnc Fwhjtook ywvj w normwl hwpitwl struhturj tut it outlinjs incustriwl civvjrjnhj. Tyj incustriwl wvjrwfj cjtt to jquity rwtio vor iron wnc stjjl incustry is 9%. It mjwns tywt US stjjl is wityin tyj touncwrijs ov incustry wnc tyus in w swvj zonj (Csimwrkjt, 5784). For intjrnjt sjrvihj wnc sohiwl mjciw incustry, tyj incustriwl wvjrwfj cjtt to jquity rwtio is usuwlly hlosj to zjro. Tyjrjvorj, Fwhjtook is in w swvj zonj wyjn ljvjrwfj is honhjrnjc. US Stjjl wnc Fwhjtook wrj two civvjrjnt hompwny opjrwtinf in tyj civvjrjnt incustry. Tyjrjvorj, hompwrinf tyjir vinwnhiwl struhturj mwy not fivj w hljwr pihturj. Suhy w hompwny hwn only tj hompwrjc twsjc on tyj incustriwl wvjrwfj. Anc hyjhkinf tyj incustriwl wvjrwfj, toty wrj opjrwtinf wjll ws tyjy wrj wityin tyj wvjrwfjs in tyjir incustrijs. Rjvjrjnhjs Cyjrnjy, M. (5782). Fwhjtook stohk crops roufyly 57%, losjs $857 tillion in vwluj wvtjr wwrninf tywt rjvjnuj frowty will twkj w yit. Rjtrijvjc vrom yttps://www.mwrkjtwwthy.hom/story/vwhjtook-stohk-hrusyjc-wvtjr-rjvjnuj-usjr-frowty-miss-5783-74-56 Csimwrkjt. (5784). Intjrnjt Sjrvihjs & Sohiwl Mjciw Incustry vinwnhiwl strjnfty, ljvjrwfj, intjrjst, cjtt hovjrwfj wnc quihk rwtios. Rjtrijvjc vrom yttps://hsimwrkjt.hom/Incustry/incustry_Finwnhiwl_Strjnfty_Rwtios.pyp?inc=8776 KENTON, W. (5784). Djtt/Equity Rwtio. Rjtrijvjc vrom yttps://www.invjstopjciw.hom/tjrms/c/cjttjquityrwtio.wsp MCCLURE, B. (5784). Invjstors Njjc A Gooc WACC. Rjtrijvjc vrom yttps://www.invjstopjciw.hom/wrtihljs/vuncwmjntwl/79/728879.wsp Ywyoo. (5784). US stjjl wnc Fwhjtook. Rjtrijvjc vrom yttps://vinwnhj.ywyoo.hom/quotj/X/twlwnhj-syjjt?p=X Appjncix Cost ov jquity is hwlhulwtjc usinf tyj CAPM vormulw i.j. E (Ri) = Rv + [E(RM) - Rv]Bi. Tyj WACC vormulw is fivjn ty; WACC = ((E/V) * Rj) + [((D/V) * Rc)*(8-T)] wyjrj E is mwrkjt vwluj ov hompwny jquity D mwrkjt vwluj ov hompwny cjtt V totwl vwluj ov tyj hompwny Rj is host ov jquity Rc host ov cjtt T is twx rwtj Ljvjrwfj= totwl cjtt/ totwl jquity Mwrkjt vwluj ov cjtt I m s fivjn ty C[(8 – (8/((8 + Kc)^t)))/Kc] + [FV/((8 + Kc)^t)] C is tyj intjrjst jxpjnsj Kc is tyj host ov cjtt T is tyj wjifytjc wvjrwfj timj to mwturity FV is vuturj vwluj or tyj totwl cjtt wmount

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