
[solved] Which one of the following actions is guaranteed to result in lower labor costs per pair produced at one of your company's production facilities?

Increasing total employee compensation by 4% and realizing a 6% increase in production worker productivity

Increasing total expenditures for best practices training by 10% annually

Increasing the base wage paid to production workers by at least 3% annually

Reducing the S/Q rating of branded pairs produced for 4.6 stars to 4.1 stars

Increasing spending for TQM/Six Sigma quality control from $3 per pair to $5 per pair

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27-09-22 | 18:21:41

correct answer:

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. rjht wnswjr: Inhrjwsinf totwl jmployjj hompjnswtion ty 1% wnc rjwlizinf w 2% inhrjwsj in procuhtion workjr procuhtivity procuhtivity jxhjjcs tyj host

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