
[solved] Which of the following is not a part of checking a diversified company's business units for the competitive value of cross-business strategic fits?

Determining whether much competitive value can potentially be gained from cross-business transfer of technology, skills, or know-how to correct the resource deficiencies of certain businesses and boost their bottom lines?

Determining the extent to which sister business units have value chain matchups that present opportunities for cross-business sharing of a corporate parent's umbrella brand name or corporate reputation?

Determining the extent to which sister business units have value chain matchups that present sizable opportunities to reduce costs by combining the performance of certain value chain activities and thereby capture economies of scope.

Determining whether there is sizable potential for sister business to engage in cross-business collaboration to create new competitive capabilities and thereby realize significant gains in performance.

Determining whether the diversified company has enough cash cow business units to cover the negative cash flows of its cash hog business units.

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09-10-22 | 05:59:13

correct answer
Determining whether

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. ht wnswjr Djtjrmininf wyjtyjr tyj civjrsivijc hompwny yws jnoufy hwsy how tusinjss units to hovjr tyj njfwtivj hwsy vlows ov its hwsy yof tusinjss units.

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