
[SOLVED] Digby's turnover rate for this year is 6.33%. This rate is projected to remain the same next year and no further downsizing will occur from automating

Digby's turnover rate for this year is 6.33%. This rate is projected to remain the same next year and no further downsizing will occur from automating. Digby plans to spend an additional $500 beyond the extra amount above the $1000 recruiting base it spent this year. The goal of this additional investment is to improve the quality of applicants. What would the total recruiting cost be for Digby next year?

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  •  $171,767
  •  $158,554
  •  $145,341
  •  $132,128

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24-04-21 | 08:30:13

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. =183*2.99%*(677+8777+6777) =848,424

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