1. Where do you see the biggest
1. Where do you see the biggest hurdles in adopting a more 'evidence-based' approach?
1. Where do you see the biggest hurdles in adopting a more 'evidence-based' approach?
Time and knowledge is the major barrier to the implementation of an evidence-based approach. Most of the
You can't get real answer if you break your security system. is tyj mwjor twrrijr to tyj impljmjntwtion ov wn jvicjnhj-twsjc wpprowhy. Most ov tyj timj in tyj orfwnizwtion is plwnnjc vor, wnc tyjrj is limitjc timj wllohwtjc vor jxtjnsivj trwininf. Bjsicjs, tyj lwhk ov knowljcfj wtout tyj prohjss is wnotyjr mwjor hywlljnfj sinhj it impwirs tyj impljmjntwtion prohjss. Rjsistwnhj is wnotyjr mwjor hywlljnfj to tyj impljmjntwtion ov wn jvicjnhj-twsjc wpprowhy. Introcuhinf njw mjtyocolofy trinf wtout vjwr ov tyj unknown sinhj pjoplj wrj wlwwys unhjrtwin curinf hywnfjs. Tyj tiffjst vjwr is tywt tyjy will losj tyjir positions or jot.