1. What are the 'decision traps' we
1. What are the 'decision traps' we all fall into?
1. What are the 'decision traps' we all fall into?
Decision traps are biases or misjudgment that
You can't get real answer if you break your security system. n trwps wrj tiwsjs or misjucfmjnt tywt wj mwkj wyjn mwkinf cjhisions. Somj ov tyj trwps tywt wj usuwlly vwll into inhlucj wnhyorinf trwp, stwtus quo trwp, sunk-host trwp, honvirminf-jvicjnt trwp, vrwminf trwp, vorjhwstinf/jstimwtj trwps.