Intro to business strategy game-how to win BSG 2023 | Plusacademics
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Business strategy game is one of the most challenging business simulations available today. Despite BSG online being complicated. There are so many ...

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Business strategy game is one of the most challenging business simulations available today. Despite BSG online being complicated. There are so many strategies online that claim to win BSG, but most of them do not meet expectations.  This Bsg game cheats 2024 give you details on what to do to be successful in Bsg year 11 decisions to final year you will be undertaking it. This BSG guide not only gives your Business Strategy Game Year 11 decisions but also Business Strategy Game Year 12 decisions 2024 and all other years and rounds.  So kindly read it in its entirety to be knowledgeable on what to do next to emerge victorious.

The first step toward your success in BSG is reading the GUIDE.

The guide will

·         Give you a general overview of the game such as the reports you need to check, where you need to enter decisions, and the effect of each decision area on your result.

·         it will also explain to you the numbers and how they change when you make a decision

·         the guide explains important factors that influence the success of the game

·         finally, it gives hints on things you need to avoid.

Literally, anything you need to know about the game is explained in the guide. It is the master BSG cheat sheet that is useful to everyone doing BSG.

Now set up your mission, goals, and objectives.

BSG is set up as a profit-making business. In short, We are selling footwear products. so we need to max up our profit as much as possible to meet and exceed investors’ expectations. The goal, therefore, is to do everything in your power to INCREASE returns. Whatever number you input., always check on the net profit. Make sure (if possible) any number you input leads to a positive change in the net returns.

Now you know how BSG works and you have a mission, I believe it is time to select a strategy.

BSG online 2023 can be quite competitive sometimes. Without a strategy, you are doomed to fail because you will not have a clear roadmap on how to compete and meet your set goals and objectives. Often, you might need to change a strategy. One case where a strategy change is imminent is when you and your competitors are doing almost the same thing.

for best bsg year 11 decisions answers You will definitely need to differentiate.

There are 5 basic competitive strategies. They include

·         low-cost provider

·         broad differentiation

·         focused low cost

·         focused differentiation strategies AND

·         Best cost provider

You need to select one and stick with it.  In the beginning, I would prefer to start developing into a broad differentiator.

The beauty of this strategy is its ability to change in the future. You can decompose it into a best-cost provider or even a focused differentiator.  Check our Business strategy game reddit to get a detailed discussion about strategies and their impacts. We can also answer your specific questions.

How to use mission and strategy to max up profit?

Image rating is essential for your profit maximization. Without consideration of image rating bsg game cheats 2023 is almost useless. Utilization of proper strategy to increase image rating is essential for success in Business strategy game.

To increase your image rating, first

·         Strive to increase your S/Q rating since a higher S/Q rating is likely to contribute to a high image rating

·         Also, ensure your market share for both branded and private label footwear increases year after year or maintains above 20% in each region.

·         Concurrently, also Ensure you Spend on corporate citizenship

·         Charging competitive prices also increase image rating. This is so since lower prices are associated with high demand and a larger market share.

·         To be on the right side ensure you maintain an image rating of above 70.

How to cut down costs and max up profit in compensation and training

I know you will love to be a good company that cares for employees. If real-world worked like that, multinationals would not have moved production to China or India. Companies need to cut down costs as much as possible. This is also evident in BSG online simulation. Here, focus on what is important and in moderation to maximize your profit. First, increase the base wage and supervisory compensation change by 1%. That is enough. Don’t try to be good or you will lose profit unnecessarily. If productivity exceeds the cost, then you will make a profit. That is why you need to spend as much as possible on best practice training as long as the material cost impact keeps on decreasing. The benefit of this feature might not be realized immediately but in long run, you will get the best value for your money. To make your production-line run smoothly, a 40 to 1 ratio of production worker to supervisor is effective.  

 Now we are in branded productions, much is at stake.

Branded production impact the S/Q rating greatly and it is a section that greatly measures our ability to compare and manage costs. We want to raise the S/Q rating in the quickest and most cost-effective way. So, always compare increasing the percentage of superior material and enhancing styling/ features to see which increases the S/Q rating at a lower cost. Just like best practice training in compensation and training, 6 sigma is essential in cutting costs in long run, so max it to 5.0 from year 11. The number of models offered depends on your strategy, if you are a differentiator, you will not need to increase the number of models quickly. I strongly believe you should use a competitive intelligence report (map) to pinpoint where you want to be at the end of the game. If you want to hit the top right corner, then it is necessary to start increasing the number of models from year 11 gradually. While allocating pairs to be manufactured, ensure you leave some pairs for private label. Although they are usually lowly-priced, they can a source of profit for the company. Don’t ignore anticipated next year material prices, always anticipate that material costs will increase due to an increase in demand.

we need now to get our products to customers. Our first option is internet marketing.

Search engine advertisement is never effective, it doesn’t result to profit maximization. So cut it off. Increase the retail price and offer free shipping. It will always lead to an additional demand. Also, if all other companies are offering free shipping, do so too. Ensure retail price exceed wholesale price by at least 40%. Use comparative assumptions to predict the moves of your competitors. As you can see if we select all to offer free shipping, there is a change in our net profit.

So, what’s up with wholesale marketing?

Brand advertisement is very important so max up spending until you start having a negative change in net profit. Ensure your products are delivered faster. 2 weeks is ok. Offer retailer support for each region. Increase the budget for each region until the profit starts to drop.  Spending $5 for a mail-in rebate is just OK. Utilize comparative assumptions to make sure you predict how the market will change. Usually, the S/Q rating will always increase so ensure you include that in the assumptions.  It is also likely that model availability will increase so capture than on the assumptions.  In the first few rounds, the wholesale prices are likely to increase so always increase but be on the watch to see how the competitors are going to change in the future. For Business strategy game year 12 decisions, bsg year 13 answers, and business strategy game year 14 decisions until the final year, make sure you marjket aggressively to remain competitive.

We are done with all areas that affect the demand, I think it is time to complete branded distribution.

·         Ensure facilities in a given region satisfy demand and surplus in that region before exporting to other regions. It doesn’t make sense to send footwear from other regions to another region that has a facility. you will incur unnecessary tariffs and transportation costs.

·         For export compare exchange rate, transport cost, and tariff before choosing which facilities to serve which export regions.

So what matters in the production facility?

Always purchase new equipment. Avoid refurbished equipment

Equipment can be purchased and used in the same year, so purchase equipment whenever your demand increases but make sure you have enough space to do so since in bsg game cheats it take at least one year for production space to be functional. 

If you project that demand will increase in the future and current space is not enough to meet the demand growth, Always purchase additional space. It takes 1 year to get the needed space ready. It is important to plan ahead.

the best strategy for bsg game answers is to purchase new space for new regions based on the cost of production in that region. Due to the free trade agreement of North and Latin America, purchasing space in Latin America is valuable in the long run especially since production cost in north America is rising fast.

For production improvement, always start with option B,  then A before proceeding to others.

 What do we need to win and sell all our private label footwear?

Produce a reasonable number of pairs (max 35% market share)

Charge the lowest price possible (make sure your price is the most competitive)

If the most competitive price leads to a loss, don’t offer private labels in that region.

So How do we get the best value for celebrity endorsement?

First, calculate the average appeal index for each celebrity

Give first priority to the celebrity with a highest average value

At year 11 bid average to lowest value i.e. 4000 to 1000. The highest bid should go to celebrities with the highest average appeal index.

We also have Business strategy game excel spreadsheet that automatically calculates the impact of each celebrity. It will also help you select the one that is the most appropriate for your company.

Does corporate social responsibility matter?

Yes. It is very important to give back to society since they will always see you as part of them. PR works and it is very important in businesses today.

To be on the right side ensure

·         You spend up to 500 on energy efficiency initiative

·         Give charitable contribution of about 1%

·         Utilize ethical training as well as offer additional safety equipment.

These are the most effective business strategy game answers 2023 and 2024 when it comes to corporate responsibility. If you fail to spend any amount in this section, then it will be quite difficult to maintain a high image rating.

Finally, how do we finance our business?

Avoid stocks, unless you want to dilute your equity (I think that does not sound wise). If you are wondering how to increase ROE in bsg, then this is the most appropriate Business strategy Game strategies.

 Use long-term debt and short-term debt ( give your CEO control over the business)

Occasionally buy back stock (if you have excess cash laying around)

Always check the projected cash balance at the end of the current year. Make sure it is in the safe zone to avoid bank overdrafts.

We also offer Business strategy game reflective report pdf. In case you need any Business strategy game reports and helps, kindly contact us and we will assist you to get best score in this business simulations. Also, if you have any other question regarding BSG, kindly ask.




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