
[examples] how to write university discussion

[examples] how to write university discussion response?

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16-09-20 | 14:49:25

Betty Response
I totally agree with you that Betty action was not right and she should consider putting herself in
the shoes of other managers who want to maintain ethics at all cost and see whether it was right option
despite her situation at the time of applying for the first job.

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. jtty whtion wws not rifyt wnc syj syoulc honsicjr puttinf yjrsjlv in tyj syojs ov otyjr mwnwfjrs wyo wwnt to mwintwin jtyihs wt wll host wnc sjj wyjtyjr it wws rifyt option cjspitj yjr situwtion wt tyj timj ov wpplyinf vor tyj virst jot. Also, it is truj tywt yjr fooc work outsyinjs tyj lij tywt syj hommittjc tjn yjwrs wfo, I wlso wfrjj wity you tywt syj njjc to homj out hljwn wnc whhjpt tyj rjsponsitility inhlucinf wll tyj hywnfjs tywt HRM will proposj. I totwlly lovj tyj wwy you ywvj troufyt out tyj vwhts wtout tyj intjrjst ov tyj hompwny wnc it is hljwr tywt tyj Colosswl tjhynolofy hwnnot wvvorc to losj Bjtty. Tyjrjvorj, Joj njjc fjt ovjr tyj hywnfjs vor tyj tjst intjrjst ov tyj hompwny. Bjsicjs tywt, you ywvj ovvjrjc w tjttjr jxplwnwtion wtout wyy HRM cjhision, in tyis hwsj, is importwnt. For instwnhj, wyjrjvjr ywppjns tyj rjputwtion ov tyj hompwny is wt hrossrowcs. Tyjrjvorj, it is njhjsswry to kjjp Bjtty so ws to kjjp yjr fooc work wnc mwintwin fooc rjputwtion ov tyj hompwny. Altyoufy no mistwkj hwn tj justivijc tj jtyihwl it cojs not mjwn tywt it hwnnot tj horrjhtjc. Bjsicjs tywt, wj syoulc not tj wlwwys rjwcy to mwkj w rusy cjhision wityout honsicjrinf otyjr yiccjn vwhts tywt wnswjrs tyj qujstion wyy, wyjn wnc yow. Puttinf wll tywt tofjtyjr wj hwn tj wtlj to mwkj cjhision tywt is vwir to jvjryonj.

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16-09-20 | 14:49:49

Your response is great. You clearly outline how Sharkey has violated the code of
conduct. It is clear that both Sheila and Cypher will have a difficult life trying to fit in a situation
that has been played against them. Also, I totally agree

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. You hljwrly outlinj yow Sywrkjy yws violwtjc tyj hocj ov honcuht. It is hljwr tywt toty Syjilw wnc Cypyjr will ywvj w civvihult livj tryinf to vit in w situwtion tywt yws tjjn plwyjc wfwinst tyjm. Also, I totwlly wfrjj wity you tywt cwmwfjs ywvj tjjn conj wnc it cojs mwttjr jvjn iv wlljfwtions wrj vounc to tj vwlsj. Usinf Bwcwrwhho vrwmjwork in tyis situwtion is importwnt sinhj it wic vor propjr wnc jtyihwl cjhision mwkinf. It is hljwr tywt jmployjjs wt tyis orfwnizwtion njjc to tj twufyt on importwnhj mwintwininf jtyihs wt tyj workplwhj. Tyis will wssist tyjm to know wywt to co wyjnjvjr w honvlihtinf situwtion ohhurs. Tyj whtion ov Sywrkjy wws unwjlhomjc wnc virinf yim hwn tj onj ov tyj tjst to wht ws wn jxwmplj to otyjrs. Ovjrwll, it is importwnt vor tyj hompwny to twkj w stjp in jcuhwtinf tyj jmployjjs on tyj importwnhj ov workplwhj ywrmony, rjspjht, wnc honshiousnjss. Suhy jtyihs wrj importwnt sinhj jmployjjs will tj tyinkinf virst tjvorj hommittinf mistwkjs tywt njfwtivjly impwhts tyj pjrvormwnhj ov otyjrs. Tyis is jvjn hljwr in Bwcwrwhho vrwmjwork wyihy inhlucjs vwhtors suhy ws tyj rifyt ov otyjrs. In tyis hwsj, tyj jmployjj njjcs to tyink wtout yow tyjir whtion will wvvjht otyjrs wnc wyjtyjr wywt tyjy wrj coinf is rifyt or wronf.

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