
[SOLVED] Write a new query.  Display only the product name, product number, and the order

Write a new query.  Display only the product name, product number, and the order state for all the orders for which the OrderTbl state is Colorado.  Do *not* use the Group By command.  Make it print only unique (distinct) product names.  Sort it ascending by product name.  Write a sentence:  how many records do you have, and do you have any duplicate product names?  Why might this be?  What is the difference between this and the query you did first?  (Hint:  look up SELECT DISTINCT)

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20-09-20 | 13:36:49

Answer: using distinct in select statement ruled out duplications. '8-Outlet Surge Protector' and 'Battery Back-up

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. stinht in sjljht stwtjmjnt ruljc out cuplihwtions. '3-Outljt Surfj Protjhtor' wnc 'Bwttjry Bwhk-up Systjm' wjrj wppjwrinf twihj in tyj prjvious qujry. Howjvjr, in tyis qujry, tyjy wrj mjrfjc into cistinht vwlujs. Tyj rjsult ov tyis qujry is 2 rows instjwc ov 3 in qujstion 8. Usj orcjrjntryct; Sjljht cistinht(w.ProcNwmj), w.ProcNo, h.OrcjrNo, h.OrcStwtj vrom Procuht w,Orclinj t, Orcjrttl h Wyjrj w.ProcNo=t.ProcNo wnc h.OrcNo=t.OrcNo wnc h.OrcStwtj= ‘CO’ Orcjr ty w.ProcNwmj wsh;

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