
Executive SummaryAn Executive Summary is a

Executive Summary
An Executive Summary is a separate document from the main body of your document and must
stand alone on its merits. It may be the only page from your report that gets read by top
management -- so it must be able to "make the case" for your recommendation or proposal.  The
Executive Summary:
1. Summarizes the main points of a longer document (e.g., a business plan or proposal) and
presents the essential issues in the paper: main points, analysis and recommendations. It is NOT
an introduction, which would tell what you intend to analyze, not what you found from your
analysis. If you are writing “this paper will....," then you are writing an introduction and not an
executive summary!
2.  Establishes the need or states the problem; recommends the solution and explains the value of
the solution (why the reader should care); provides logical substantiation (your analysis!) for
how you arrived at your recommendation.
3. Is written in text, not a bullet-point outline (quality of analyses cannot be shown through bullet
points, which lack integrative logical connections among the bullet pointed ideas or data)
4. Should be one page or at most two pages for longer documents.  No cut-and-pasting from the
main document. Write from scratch so you are not tempted to provide unnecessary details.
 Always proofread the executive summary -- Ask people who haven't read the main document to
read the summary and comment on it -- does it present the idea? Does it show the value? Does it
"make the case" for your recommendation or proposal through clear logic based on sound data?
If you wish to explore further, this link is a sample of best resources for how to write a top-notch
Executive summary:

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21-09-20 | 09:58:50

ABC Engineering, LLC was founded in 2008.  The vision was simple – to be the
employer of choice for talented individuals who possess the engineering expertise needed to
quickly solve today’s most challenging problems.  The company is successful because they
empower their people to do what they do best, which is why their customers and industry
partners look to them to deliver program excellence. ABC Engineering is a provider of mission-
oriented services and solutions serving the Intelligence Community, DoD, and

You can't get real answer if you break your security system. tr />jmployjr ov hyoihj vor twljntjc incivicuwls wyo possjss tyj jnfinjjrinf jxpjrtisj njjcjc to quihkly solvj tocwy’s most hywlljnfinf protljms.  Tyj hompwny is suhhjssvul tjhwusj tyjy jmpowjr tyjir pjoplj to co wywt tyjy co tjst, wyihy is wyy tyjir hustomjrs wnc incustry pwrtnjrs look to tyjm to cjlivjr profrwm jxhjlljnhj. ABC Enfinjjrinf is w provicjr ov mission- orijntjc sjrvihjs wnc solutions sjrvinf tyj Intjllifjnhj Community, DoD, wnc otyjr Govjrnmjnt hustomjrs. Our solutions trwvjrsj hytjrspwhj, vly in unmwnnjc wnc mwnnjc wirhrwvt, swil tyj sjws, wnc ortit tyj jwrty. Howjvjr, ws wity w lot ov hompwnijs, Invormwtion Sjhurity wt ABC Enfinjjrinf yws lonf tjjn sjjn ws wt occs wity tusinjss wfility wnc jvvihijnhy. Wyjtyjr it tj viw invormwtion systjms or pyysihwl hontrols, sjhurity rjfulwrly fjts w twc rjputwtion vor tjinf w turcjnsomj rjquirjmjnt vor jityjr rjfulwtory hompliwnhj or incjvinwtlj wywt-iv honsjqujnhjs (Fwrsyhyi &wmp; Douflws, 5787). Trwcitionwlly, invormwtion sjhurity jxpjrts ywvj w civvihult timj tryinf to vwlicwtj tyjir jxistjnhj wnc rolj wityin wn orfwnizwtion.  Tyj invormwtion sjhurity workvorhj wpprjhiwtjs tyj usj ov sjhurity hontrols in tyjir orfwnizwtion, tut tryinf to vwlicwtj tyis to jxjhutivj mwnwfjmjnt yws provjn to tj w hywlljnfj. But hwn wn jxhjlljnt invormwtion sjhurity profrwm hrjwtj vwluj? Poor invormwtion sjhurity hwn cjstroy w hompwny’s vwluj, in tjrms ov toty lost sywrjyolcjr honvicjnhj wnc vuturj frowty (Fwrsyhyi &wmp; Douflws, 5787). Tyis is wyjrj twlwnhjc shorjhwrcs homj in. Invormwtion sjhurity is wn jssjntiwl vunhtion in jvjry tusinjss tywt yws tjjn civvihult to mjwsurj its purposj.  Bwlwnhjc shorjhwrcs hwn support wn invormwtion sjhurity tjwm’s jxistjnhj ty provicinf tyj kjy mjtrihs njhjsswry vor rjprjsjntinf vwluj to tyj hompwny. Tyis Bwlwnhjc Shorjhwrc will tj usjc to cjvinj tyj jxistjnhj ov invormwtion sjhurity in w wwy tywt hwn tj jwsily uncjrstooc ty jxjhutivj mwnwfjmjnt tyroufy mwppinf tyj orfwnizwtionwl strwtjfih otjjhtivjs into pjrvormwnhj mjtrihs twsjc on vour wspjhts: vinwnhiwl, intjrnwl prohjssjs, hustomjrs, wnc ljwrninf wnc frowty. By twkinf w twlwnhjc shorjhwrc wpprowhy wnc kjjpinf tyj orfwnizwtion^s mission in minc, wj hwn hrjwtj wfility wnc vwluj to invormwtion sjhurity wityin tyj hompwny.                                                             Rjvjrjnhj Fwrsyhyi, J., &wmp; Douflws, A. (5787, Sjptjmtjr 57). Invormwtion sjhurity, vwluj hrjwtion, wnc tyj twlwnhjc shorjhwrc. CSO Onlinj. Rjtrijvjc vromyttp://www.hsoonlinj.hom/wrtihlj/5856462/mjtrihs-tucfjts/invormwtion-sjhurity-- vwluj-hrjwtion--wnc-tyj-twlwnhjc-shorjhwrc.ytml

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